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Show LEO" DAILY UTAH, .aUEsTb'Aife'FATEMBKU r CORUNnSTE. f i i - gaily Conn( itmt Krrwisa OI KK1.U. - J (m-spa- MISCELLANEOUS ADVTS. - nxvmtu t H. MONHEIM, jTOOHY. DENNIS ' portct- or Til lAlKlt United States City ami Comity per A " b (pplid by Ui BUILDER, - 1 ' i lurui-tu- k GBEEtEIVILD, Pruprletars. t 31i!.fiU s' ! IS r'S1Iialucat-- linnSTKADS, DICKENS. A cimnettl to bo trimming fpmeyparr i railroiul efttviHgw aga, h aakt, Londuri. ami jlc1fo tny-l- f Liverpool liicru wore two Udit it ml a gentleman We happened to occupying tin carriage. to noticed magnificent variety of . t 1 Illustrated Designs d, . ainK'igar. ' Hull other, but I i t.trngra Uutt L HU Hi! ACS, clergyman waa of the party. at onfv On lund for 1 wai occupied with ft jKMiderotH article in tho . imtn, when ihevmiml of toy own itamo WAS! 1ST A N DS, drew my attention to the fact that converforward thren tho w among sation going CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, in llibenrringe with refcrencu other j.ir-ot' KITCIIK-SAFKS and my book. Ono of tha Indies p, ,. jmru-iii- g 'UlHik Iouq then lately pub- nl clergytnan had oormnemul CHI IIS, 1.0 UNCUS, "SCHOOL HOUSES. with tho ladies by a lonver-itUo- n hing ttlmt hook they were rending. On being told the notion' name ftrul tho titles of tho UKFUIGEUATOUS, )oek,'h(t pxprocaod liimrell greatly grieved tm! all other Edifices of the Latest Myles that any lady in Kegland rhutlld be witling DK8KS, of so vile ft character of Irchlt.tture, to take up the writ' Charles likkwn. ltoth the ladies showed BO FAS, great surprise At tho low ealmiato tho clergyI WHAT-NOTv man put upon nn author which they had LOOKIXfi TO B!,UTY IfiJirOIlT. ,iD been accustomed to rend, to say the lent, BRACKETS, with n certain degree of pleasure. They T were evidently much shocked at what the MIRRORS, man said of the immoral tendency of these Ptana jdrawiiH and rpce'fleatlon furnished to SFRINO-BEDS- , hooks, w'lhoh they seemed never belore to fehlT-t- f order. w have upectdj hut hen ho attacked tho MATTRESSES, j monanil author's private told, strous stories of hU linnymilitie in every PILLOWS, j direction, the volume was isluit up and con- signed to th datk jHickets of ft ttavehng COMFORTS, bag, I listened .In wonder and tutonUh-incu- t, & BEDSPREADS, behind my newspaper, to storjea of myself which, If they had been true, Would The Rocky Mountain for life. have consigned ny man to a pii-o- n After hiy iietiou biographer hud occupied himelf for nearly an hour with 4hMlqutnt recital of my delinquencies ami crimes, I firpalrSnff always promptly done. d quietly-joineOf in the gonver-atio, very M , course 1 began by mode-tl- y doubting some statements which 1 had I am liouiul to lunching cheap a the tiutiior of Itleak House, and othei . of a simitar character. ThoJ man stand at me, nnd evidently considered lioii'tc In Ululi. , Undortho Auspices of tho Presby my appearance on tlnrcmiver-Htinna- l stage , tw all ' " .1 ! Da ween 3J and HOTEL, 3.1 111 klala of and " Family Fancy k;, th th U (iromlrs, r inr nn v hunms-likr- t for tn fouiliici wh d ira to ion iu Coriui.e, i J ' . Outflting Goods, Fire-Pro- traitor uU Dallding. of S, I lry , ii dM. j I BQ ,8S1 I5d2 Tt ,.l tu. 1 TB 1 GO2O0 ......... IMcher'a Oolden ft gal. ' Carolina ft ......... 1.. ft..,. If N Constantly on b nd. .310 CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PROCUSE. attention given to the accomnie lation of gtieeta. V, .rrUifcs to and from the depota Arid .t.tnj-Immlanding tree 'I Halomo ti Itt'ernst anal I toek"d lh eh ice wine liquor ml eugiwiia ! . RICE. AND COUNTRY PRODUU1 , .1 Wffll .1 ft"a3i svuur. I.ium ft gat Silm drift, ft gal.. l t VJ In fup w U nt the hi&Hrf romi t nd the 23k .....,,.16)410 Young Hyaon ft lt fi lb .... Oolong t . Ouwpqwdor ft lb, beat .lapau.M -- HpjiU u w J Muuar EtraiNT house ukh ur.F.N rptiiH rcltir i!hUi d thmiiffiiout HuMb In V ir1 , ,22f,i ,.. ....flst lb......,..,,.,. ......... Imperial ft ! I . ... ) ' . ft keg. C.., ,3 . . TKAS. streets. ' t Coriiiiie, Utah. 1, Citia - - Coilniu t .'1 I .3201 ,, ...J ............ rowilered. I tele her a A aill-U ' N i J. ew Sir lean a . ... f rimhmj PROVISIONS, Mou Inn x . ,: ,.2 Irutl snt SAMUEL LANCASTER, Proprietor H public' buildings- -- j INTERNATIONAL ....t! 753 00 . BUG AH. , . . ft...-,...,- Hio choice Ordinary PRODUCE AND j TAIILUS. ft r FIRHT (1T.AHH tfOTF.L. CENTU M.T.Y cum median a a ,1 well arranged The , 4 0G uftAIX. Oats are neatly aul toiuoriably furnmhed. The table are aluaya auppluel wiUi the beat the market afford. Prenh Oyatera always on hand and aerved up In any sty nti lion notice. The Hsr ta atockod with the ft neat Wine. Lii)uar, room a CIIAIIIS, bo-two- on A OKI g no GROCERIES, AND OPEN- - fancy .....V ....... 8 7$ ......... Dealer In . UTAH, 4 REPORT. Utah, Who!t.ate Oahfornts wholesale, buck wheat dour ft 100 lfea..,. ....... It, e flour. . Corn meal n f , 08- - TLOU a. t p OOHINNE, f J. W. GHTHEIE, ; ' Nol MAItKET - f AM COJttrASTLY ItECEIVINO u a lull atoek of plain and UTAH. T 0, mg such as WHOLESALE Wholesale and I3ctai Dlontana Street, i - MISCELLANEOUS, J1 , f - W (I, 1 i Colorado Street, CORIIVIYE, I 1 earner) CH ABIES OF STORY 3 KESTAUKANTS. D Metropolitan Hotel, ' AND ARCHITECT . HOTELS AN FTONITUEE. , j TEnvx or st'iiscnirriox. cVne T nf. .,,, .... 9I( Mo ttha.,,., ..... Tb MISCELLANEOUS ADVTS. 1 25, 1871. l Under it ml niitile n Npeelwlly. Ikt'ff d- - Orders by tna or nlgrph proipptly attend1 .ink ed t , Brvcr th umnd thlnglea and a lut of rough 1 . jd-t- f f Lio n. ju-tdiea- ado xxxsr i i scllni i . i ail' torlan Church, vi y Hates and Nmait .or Illinois, tho Splrltu- hts, it is said, are overrunning tho State, ruining Un rninds of the young people and tUing Id folks cra.y. The .visitation of t,ito lugs said to have been fur less 1 ' dan-Strou- (fatms&ri to B A gentleman who demurred nt tho charges a Niagara Falls hackman was taken be-r- e a And fined five d.dfors for being 'undent. Tho hack men and hostlers are in 'he majority in the yilUge. Ju-ti- enter the list of Tnlum, & Clay, of Kentucky, rj. Greeley shouted nd Cassius is going jvr hint?1 I oufj tk JST clnnati, and on the Cleveland. ! Com pone , J nororiT will i 31,' T f COH tf ir r"hI p Cinv in 7. Slr. , l; T A SIB. L- - J. on), UTAH. tie II. , IlrliaDIe $5 000,003 J CITY ; s F. Built r D Th only II fir-tc- ry t j let eq rl-t- f 1 j Sllhh and Uvtrh. ge. DltAMN ON . rKiisnui. ax Corner 3t! CHEAP AT THIS OFFICE. will fin tltt Excellent for SJffn. OO., Iront Street, ITV COAST. CHEAPER AND MORE - Hddi and Carriage Ilnrac, lit g- -r Wl id of vehicle cdhall Tho b t turnand giea out in town, Dola tn all kind of bora- and cattl-wtock tken ranch tn lndoe.f fi Id, by the dy, week or mopth, on mod reasonable terms. Larg , . Attot nejrk.Counsrltnr at Law Boot ana Street, founvE, lf4R awnn-ftt- 1 w , 7 bOfet, 7 64 COAL. J Of THEM, Litter Greek y tao, wool ......... f wr4 Pi ache. Halt price, Orders aoUciud from abroad. u m31-t- f ft ...J1.. I860 FRUIT. XmXJCD v j LU . y n... Uround Cherrlc ft Peact p, bcaied. Pears, 4.EfHl, ..iXSlOc lb.... lte ...2Cc U)(tt,a,Mt(4t.Mt4 FREIGHT0RS AND OTHERS GLASS f . ft box, 810 and 1012.. ......... ' j..., tfijffi II AMS. i loo V 2tlo ay. . 1 " j ,i i a0 ri0 1; 4 j 4 v boh aide. frtui 3 75 to 66 23 J 01 tl 5 tu 00 to 16 60 LATL. j Incan ft fo..v..c Fairbanks per case......... f WhUkey .,209210 J 20o SfKtUl arnlj Harness Shop, f beep down (he prices. J. Itn-- 1 n!65 00 4, ,, J2 ,4 0O I10 6Wg8 3 30 MILL f Bran and Short, , 1hI, f ED. t tn.... 40 00 Matches. ( 69 00 W ' f YEAST POWDERS. Preston k Merrill ft do KAILS. ,j . ,.,...t2jg ) ? 1 & 10 R 10 25 ww N t - AVMtaaa.M t powder, i . t .a.. a t ,.00.00 j California Powder Work (mm Ing) per g t. 837S(St OilenUI Mining. tbett per keg....... Western porting, per half keg Sporting to care of 23ib. can, ....16 k-- i 4 0fi ftu 6 on j. D. KETCHAM. i (Kuel E. P. JOHNOON, ATTCJt BY-A- T COJUXXC, ITT AH -- t .12 gal j , U 1 12.lt. LUMBER. Flooring foot, Sarb, prime gisacd ft pair, aizc to 10Lt fr.u.t.. J, frfilYI , Y, YSiSfVlt 7fiHfif p? niouidoit ft j Trime Canvaabvd ft their Interest to patronize the Aaadt '.V,1 lb.... ........ .......... Orcen ft Cried y Will find it to Opposition aNlNC f APPLES. lj Telegraph, w JIHN 11UL C; I Ei- - HO IHK irH-- I 1 she b- -t nMlrty of to at the lowest every tnurtiltg la qua titie to c.aar purriuer. I tj wherry , 1 J 7Si (i SCLLIftj IT BEIMtOi K PRICES. au2l-i- f DKNNIS ,J. TOOIIY, P ids, liutUndg genuine.,. d'nicetic ihevtry - ij tg, uv LIQUORS. tv. A. IIODUJIAX. HARNESS, Montana .... ........... DO on g, .I..!.! 6tut v6 ; ......... 7 M ta 0 6U ft case nbUrnea y can rnciT. yiontRtm Street, Vorlime. UTAH, Di ciuxui.v ..4... Proprietor. AYE, ON HAND AT ALL TIMES, ! Tnau Hir wbert ie 7 76 7 76 tattaa., cv mil i i .,....f4 factory J'7 8tu .lo no J..,., y. a r -- PACIFIC spt-eialf- ...J I fall and exffialn quality an I prles la fore bmtng oru tueiouuti) prompt yfilitd elxewture. ttydi-rWarero nna a d puanrr attuhay. CORINNE,--r- . - ' Peat he 1 cone liue Afiple t Slnile a tafia Prune.....,,.. i AP SADDLERY.i The Clienpest olid Ic-- t at. receive wilt anti Corrl for rrrlgh tdu. tine. 1'tu j' HAS IEAXCIKCO. T IE u Catawlm Mine, Miaauurt Vla.bo. , hicdaiu Hchuapp t TrUxtoftr, HY II I HAM HOUSE. Pacific Stables, ropHctor. and Retail W pla j TWO LARGE ROLLS OP rbuer c. Con co r d TI ft r ri o ss San Fr.vReseo the pnnclpil ettlca Ka,t and Depot . ruggists SUE - tlao Liowost ON CoHcrlloii Hlack-smlthin- g. FOR M iv HORNES o!tl (Mat, Chlrago, SHOP, Sixth Street, Corinne,' Forth of I.nitt,' , t1!1 j TIIHOUHIIOUT THU, Vt Inltiath-- Whiskey Cocktail J1!,' I - . Wines and liquors. myufl-t- f lew York, BldCIl'MITII Home Slioeint, Genernl Whkoii Milking iitttl Keimlriiig. .Ca-hic- r. ua ....l3o Cloud i iiift'k, Impor tra and tbbera of aug:s- - f .13b I , SIGHT DHAFTS And f th trbi J CASED OOCJDS. lioatra Delivered every morning tmirbrr. ioln, - UTAH. ' tt.. Uuturf v lb...... Water V lb. ltd Jaeket Angostura OHl.VMl. cartel ji H CRACLKK6. ,( Ha ICS! The Purest and Clearest, Pmibnt, I...! IIUV AM) Government Corner Foortb A IHontanv S(., I Vayon M n -- c - lOH UTAH. D. CASS, W. T. FIELD ' ' lor. ul to ativ hood O. DRUGGISTS l;0KKIt Wrcprletor, II. MA12TIN al7-i- t? f)H INN!!, AND SOM). - ou iiand a Iwhv Bank of Oorir ne, V Wholes! W. II. OLWCOTY, 75(7 6(1 . .t 0 230.6c CREAM TARTAR. ( t Meats, Etc., at LowrM Prlres j coin-nodiou- -, 'onu. AICtMJTT & CO., AV. rmins. FOt HTII HI HIS I IT. UTAH. fo.J rroprls nc. Latc. A fnrniidii d in a in the uinnutalna. ,t - HURLBUT BROS., rtka U Ity i FE1.T ROOFING Hr ( IZOTBL, - COMPANY all muiage, guarameclDg that tied t a fair rata Lillie ' . All work warranted, and aatlefactlon guaranteed. , ...! Soda j Montana Street,. - - - - UTAH llrancli of tliU Sonin! and COHI AM!, - Ml-r j box... Plantation Itittrra ft Whole alo uhd retail dealer in all kind of ! Wholcwle and Retail N Idtl II. f k l.awifiii't' Propi's. til nltf l'iltls'ii firm. t comium T BBIL5 lj , TEMPI. 13 STREET slit u 111 xuyo-t-f v Mr receive prmavit n1lnMn. Collertlon , JlABafrr. Murrell k Ram any a per (licuittai ).rtt.4He ....... Caatlh', french i Go!(i Dust, Coin & ExclutiH? COHINNH. oi jr Board. ,wm I,, KJCt.llI VEIl OP - ,1 5VS FOtt t'TAtl. r tm" i:ST & Co., MA RKKT, I J00Vn lltTiieT. W. II. ViMOIT, ED. iOtWIY and 17 50 9 8 A0 SOAP. Book and Stationery Store. imEf SUIT LIKE First National Bank of Utah s RtjsomFF. E. IN Corinne. Star per boa. g K. 11 m IST 3SL3E3 3RI S5. myqUf A , IUU-3- The itockholdera of the President. Wl. hTklT, Director. n,t T 1 tOKI.Wi:, N GEORGE WELDON, 1. h,tent F st., . CANDLES. VTA If. iionuE' id rriviivNrt.Y siiuath. s'li'tH Alwvve on lutid the latest - and o n bleed tt U prn clple. The Na accoicmod dto"s In t ie dtv tor tra i lr r, and th- t ibte eeppli dwitn Magazines, Newspapers andJf'J7Penm let, ItiMirl an I hx glug tf riodicals. rte bvr tn conn c lo tt e finest wine, lliju irs and r o. tor. MtH'IV, coni xx k u OHim THE OFCIIICAIJO. ee u. Wlhou & COKINNE, ranch. mmm TROPICAL PRODUCTIONS, Boar SUvor House, 8U0KS. Youth's brognn f aw Uoy V brogana W rtr. lft(fl j Men Brogan ft h a f lrtr,i U4 fi Mon a heavy kip ft e i.,1j., 3toft4 f)U Miner t, a, u o 00 I no repch Hi, jtcaw double eie.,, Tiro mio.Wuo Krq. ch call fop ar.l talf, heavy dnutce !, ft doa..,., lHo20flC do flue acwed ahoo. ft doa - . .4i3Cb BOOTS AND NUTS - And all other j 1 i GREAT WESTERN FiREi liLMl! -- Comet Vront mill Fifth Beaks. . CallTornla, white and pin a... Orange mid Lciuoih, ( 1 16,'317)i1l - (I r Peaches, Apples, 1 MltPtW s, TO HIH ly ih.t he and luug aftooH.m to enti T (a'deii wi b an pllel wl'.U everything t e country affo d bv at ace comlnu to the ''aieugera ei ta ' ) vvdl fl ul tt to tncie It it. r at t atop at the Int rnutionV It Me )e II r by the dak f.l; Per wee flO; Hoar and$t; lo p g p. r w k. '4 j Vita n I and Retail Dealer in e u-- t in .b-ide- d a pin hB tkn h r of tlda well ku.n in hiI n e In the buiii e mid rn-th want- - of ell j ndtfy Id in In protnl lug the people hr- -t c1im rbui.iiK-ht- , LESHFR. Hussey, Dailer 'w that the grasshoppers and potato have bugs J. W. pi'if ref-eieu- " nl i Profit. SALE ROOMS. .Tloiitanu street, - - Corimit. mn-tere- ditiun, -- i! ft lb fttatea i ' Cor in no friend Id VV'hJlesalo bIcor. 11 Principal. e, - p. ii.;Eiut.ioTrr, Proprietor. II.LV11, HtopttlKrou theA v NoTTSTFS 11 yenr-r- ra-viI- ! , - veg-tahl- CAPTiJ, II. Hollo Is. Live and let Live QutrW i i I ! Utah. -- 'VIr5,Iulii City,,I Moutiiuu, i i Vou an intrusion amluin impel tineiice. aeem to' speak,'' I said, fiom personal knowbdgo of Mr. Dickcn. Are you acquainted with him?' lie rather evaded tho question, but following him up closely, I Corixme, compelled him to say that he hud been talking, not from hi own knowhsTge of the author in quHstioti; but ho said ho knew .r a certainty that every st.utcrtient h? bad tuafe was a true one. I then Uakiua more earnest in my inquiries for REV. E. E. BAYLISS, proof., which he arrogantly declined giving. intentThelnlh sat by in silence, listening ' ly to what was going forward. An author they had been aeeu turned to read for amusement had been traduced for the first time in their hearing and the Wero waiting to h rs? win I I find to say in refutation of the - i lergy man charge. I Wtu taking up Ids vile stories one by mo, nnd stamping them Studies thorough and liberal. os fake in every particular, when the man grew furious, and asked tmi if I knew Dickens personally, I rcplhdl Perfectly well; no intill knows him better than J do; and all Kngllilt t.nrrntnrr, Mnlhrmnllf, your atari about him, fiom beginning to Botany, riiy.lology, end, to thc Indies, am unmitigated lies, Alueic. The man became livid with ragtt, and aked lCIc, Hit. for my card. You shall have it,' I said . cooly, and taking out one,1 I presented it to him without bowing, We wero just then ' nearing the station in London, so that I win spared a longer inteiV'iew with my fruitful con pan ion; hut, if 1 wero to live a hundred Tlli F.I L TldtTI W;LL: C0TI.1IECE I should the abject condiiiotjorget jvtr, tion into which the narrator of my crimes ws instantly plunged. His face turned as Monday, Sej1crn1rr 4th, I'TI. white a his cravat, and hi lips refused to utter words. He. seemed llko a white Pnren'fl dralrmta df obtaluing lafor nation la nnd ns if his legs belonged to some- to Uruis, eto. will pleaao apply at emee to body eUe. The ladies beenmo aware of tho situation nt once, nnd bidding them good Iter. Ltfvrard H. I dsy, stepped smilingly outot tho carriage, CORINNE, UTAH ml? 5fno before 1 could getaway from tho station tho .man had d up strength sufficient to follow hie, nnd his apologies were so nmuse-ou- v and craven, that I pitied him from my Soul, I left him with this caution, Before you tiyite charges against the character of ny ma again, about whom you know nothJB ing, nml of whom work you nre utterly ignorant, tudv to be a seeker after Truth, ni avoid lying ng you would eternal per- - INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, LAW I?4f f tST2 . can of Keat foot 8 gaL f- y can of 6 gala POTATOES. ffi. lb new. I - '! (3 UlRtKHl 1 .......a i b ' |