Show ON THE LAKE itai t might have bec becsi the iho taij af f the lie chy c afif f corbair Corini lr on suit salt luke lake its lui an enjoyable affair tir down donn ilia rivo rive to li its eulith the witmer flirty shot her any wy on elie deep channel making alio llio lie day ny it a little after ten tell thin th in across the suit salt water ater south of the bromont 0 ry bearing cast ton loss ard church iland some soine twenty five lluc miles front the estuary then offer nil all hour or to the bows were vere turned honi homeward cuard again and from froin elie d li ck on file blight beautiful nl tiny day could be plainly observed far up under tinder ilia AVa sateh the toll fall fl city church esthe largo large buildings and the ilia broad green valley stretching along by the alio winding dear bear to the ilia north A pleas linter day could not hive been bean imagined were it not that thai early car r tit in ill afternoon I 1 biln to decimate ili alii liuo army of pleasure seekers who wal down to u the sea with their lii provision The ladies ladles are ara caustic it in their on tho the larder or of tho ilia steamer but bill scores of men who attempted to satisfy their hunger burger on a feast composed almost wholly of the unsubstantial air are profanely eloquent on tho the accursed incident called a dinner it is said that even the vagrant dies v who lio dycio war a led out by elie odor of tho the kitchen fled in jimmy v otlien hen tho ilia groaned under tho the weight of unoccupied crockery such is the llie report given out by many u atho I 1 to subsequently enjoyed tho the exquisite delight deli slit of ini ills citing esting a dollar Creen blick fur the luxuries of a day evermore memorable in lie ho annals of involuntary starvation beyond this trifling discomfort every cery tiling thing went merry as a marriage bell CRI captain tain evans andor a broad sombrero looked for vard valli rill the eye of a cuttle uni felt sa sm rn pathy for his empty orthor mr Thor k kit kept it watch on the ilia room and Lin lancater cater his unsoiled cutlery soon the din dining ing room was forgotten gotten as rajuhn hubn icil 1161 and charley called on nil all to TRIP THE LIGHT FANTASTIC JOE to merry music mild these attics furnished ork 0 a settle the ilia very opposite of that ober observed by the dispenser of cf cul inacy Blim alim crit tho d inco ince went on oil ind find like c castl b sd plunged up tip stream willi mith to foaming ohla power lower proudly moved the iha swift thip eitard and stenly to sir mr dorri guidance ile ho is elie lie of pilots as wo known from froin lung experience jut its ai tho the western express cattle camo by tho landing the st carner also readied reached her abarr and thereupon a reciprocal salute of m waving as ing hands from car and deck closed llie elie days delights at golden sundown suppers at lome home soon all ilia alio excursion isis say that a lillimor little aboy never hid had before AN K dianna T midy dollay it 1 ready reuby WIMA wa WAS lind hild a w ivoa rr budy lit it it lilt hit aich v wity wicy it glit I 1 I 1 I 1 1 tj jy sent tit in to a I 1 grocery store one nc day to buy ew illow how ire arc eggs tiler day I 1 lir ho ailed riled of tin the clel bleik I 1 who 1 VM ka one of those over bankit bin lit ly the war aggs ggs to 1 d ly vad ly n plied the llie it 1 rk looking quite finite uloa tile IHO or three I 1 idy customers aliu ito ta 3 bo be tit in the store 11 anilli I iro im gaid tu to licar beez say so lil ly IV ajr fir the th 11 list t ones I 1 ga g A vairo N i ro Chick lii uan cri ilal ts alum tho st virling haw ivy fy af when to 10 tome some compi onike to hii dec clec in the united states stales 6 nite mite replied ril lied make no compromise in in my iny nn in allio illio ii liny illy nobi ly promise notting but fid ulily to ila he publican principles I 1 have hare no ing or to do ao fur malf my lf rhe ia publican pirty party may iu ay iy d di avith me inc us as it I lersch dolly faidon carpets are arc the hie latent novelty fur lull fall trade ten counties in iowa laivo ladies far superintendents superintend crits of ii Iourtc Ln millions of dollars tire arc it invested in danily newspapers papers ir in pari |