Show application FOR PATENTS application for U S patent i blat lat vf 0 if il arr frill enuel win will L knapp J D androws andrew 1 U J payne do claim alz ilz ix liti odred COO fao 1 1 lo 10 I 1 art and add not claim more than ono hund reed 1001 0 I 1 on tho 0 morning 1 0 ing 11 sur r caal claim bolog L rock ea la in r and I 1 lb th aba I 1 and 11 to LJ told rid MIDO all situated 1 in lio alin lucille mining district ln ant emin ta or I 1 kox doe aldr ADA of U tali the io locution lalog more lully fully ni an follows to it C 0 ft at t a p point 0 t tt n m 67 d dey e a S aj j mia E four 0 n r ma brou trou nf b u n d abid d tn n i 1 0 fe feet ot d 1 it i t from 1 U united j te d totes mineral lito monument no 1 tile the same being the northwest corner of null edl claim lliuco N 79 d g E r ott hundred and forty olget 14 rett thence ri CU deg si in P F one and silt ibea scot thence 8 G dg 1 I ment tivo 21 2 I 1 cl CC inches 8 be deg W borly conr 14 fett a 79 oc W dred and sell leat thence N 11 iloff W ODA hundred live lun fact fut the of contain ing a au u area arca ut of one aud and i 1238 acres as bit act forth fort in ID tho the diagram and wo we do hereby give further notice thai lading occupied aul and improved the ho mald ludonna lodo adai r tj tha local cir toina and rules of in ID said held dl district strict dud aud in id actual labor nod thereon all u amount not tells than ono thou it dollars and loving at ibie time actu it peaceable i of cf said old mining iely ety vi wo 0 will vill apply for a survey boil p at of said and a for we matter under tho the act ct of cott graal entitled an aea act gluting LIP P rubt abl of way to ditch bud and caal owners over ill ih publeo laoda lands and for purposes approved ibach eliud lh ant act july vt vi atness OUT our lianda anil soab tbs li abs ninth day dar of may hay 1872 0 P D 11 kittil 8 a IV L KNAPP j 1 ia AN E C I 1 allot henry gould chas 11 ht swain ainars LAID coriaci bou bait loko l iao L liy ily utah birty 13 1812 I 1 that tho the above aboto of tile lid uld mining claim cli oi was wan ible field day filed la in this abia occo logette P ali a no lor for a stir vt voy y and dd pui plat thereof from tho the null aud a patent from tile ilio fit of tile t afi id alulu me tf provide provid A let in an act of colo coore grei so bull nt tied au all act t granting tue tile right of ayt tai alch mod and cana aadil olbra ov r ilia 1110 public enoi landa 1 aud and fare lor bibi h r pu at ai I roved jul july aj laboo flad a 44 it e d byj by acl ot of conteras CoD srba approved july v I 1 direct said tj ta be i 1 rua rin ed cd in the cori bad a lion Auld allareal rio all ireat areat the loca oca tiou or of ille ibo cidell breda gro GIO R M register lemml miff abid application for U S patent NOTICE to J bercey given elvon thag weG we G D tot tl win 1 Is knapp J I 1 D and 11 k K t u paylo do claim twelve hundred feet in length by one hundred LOU fret la ILI liftee ou oil the ati dining claim bring biln a vela vein of ef rock lu in place aud life t dmd I 1 and la 1 lug ir to LO nna fula all HULi alou iu in the ilicin part iri in the county of linx eldir mail and lorri berri wry toryus OL atala aud and part pan in tile S atalo at 01 N niada L tie ilia I 1 aj ci lou and oah ut tx lug more ulli diri I 1 be ed toil lo 10 viii cang at a point bearing 9 4 TO 70 deg dec VI 3 min 1 E four auti imil dud aud thir tAW fact oct flout U a 8 no 1 being orth CAb Lurly cotuit botu r oi of amid clala A d S 19 teg deg 30 mill I 1 willi itt OLO OL hundred la I 1 mat HU V N 70 dg d g 30 30 mm mill IV li it 1 acm thence N 19 deg dag ai min E no led bunard liui urd lou COO feet thence it 70 ideiil it aw U ft feet f t 1004 3 face of I 1 og area of two auk jail as ar get ct lor for lj if to la tile the diagram and wo we do further climber not no buo that leaving occupied and nt the riold lodo and pre calace curion a to lu dl CI bouls and abd of 14 in nil DA baing diota I 1 said and labig ia 1 actual filbig arbo f aul u auts unit i an Rui tuitau tau not ires ices I 1 ituau I 1 ano alno uj dol arm af end aud HI fit this 2 alual aued p abla of u 1 I 11 I 1 lula ng fig pr porty wd a gurov and plat ol of caid aulde ail fe tent or t u lilac u it dr r al l oi 01 m fill u set ct grauli the luo right ut of W WY wiy Y tj ditch had canal a ov amr r the public lane lidai a sail noil loe for other jou toses 1 approve it july 24 fl jve bud aad the rit et d july 9 AS lur ur lauds cd ad a d a sula aus us ulu b day of MA M LK 1873 3 G I 1 n itani akil l Is S I 1 I 1 I 1 LIE 4 IV L KNAPP it 1 D K E 0 1 1 all ilni gould chad JI 11 baill bk batca tm liyo silt salt lillis liko L iko C ci A 3 llau leah MAY 13 11 83 I 1 erhuy lint alo abbio notice ant an I 1 a diagram of tho the sm s M lau lauvill till eldna lall UJ U dill J tu o together toti ether with a notice of int to apply tr fur a our eur levy aud and plat thereof front ito and paul irom the of abo vu td led baates a I 1 riola rIO LJ lr ir an aa act entitled in au act 9 routing the ihu wy way to duch and canal called wool a over ibo publia lauds dud and for other purio ins n july gib abc ciul As aa by act 01 ol unan Conr Un rn coo s jury july alij 1870 I 1 direct said caid notice to 10 bo be printed lu in ilia alio corinne OILI I 1 it 11 an a II 11 tho the loca coca tiou ol of tile tho clitu bignel big ned GEO K R MAXWELL register application for U S patent NOTICE Is 1 cereby give n that ihal wo we 0 D earlb Saint samuel lei IV L knapp kaapp i D andrews andrew K R i 0 faydo do claid teclo hn odrid auti feet iu in lout loutit t it li sul aul not dot bori than onu one Lund hundred reil la 10 feet la in width on ilia rt Kid it cloud ful let lug 4 ill cicar of ruck rock in 11 place aud abo laud and fir froio lea sea a to ni inn 1110 all ail still iti lu ill luci lucan cudog count of box I 1 ider and territory of f tat location find aud ehunt thereof b ing moru mora folly eari bod as follow to 10 it 4 emmen ing at a i out N N dig d e 43 tutu euln E five la united and twenty ight 1581 feet feel from united sliewa tes aln tat adl monument no N 2 3 aba ill some balog bi log the tha southeast cornor or of pall claim cam tince N X bad ba 9 aj min W five hundred bundred and eighty mix ii 5 3 gj 61 ft f t 59 bleg w fis e hund red and I 1 tat ty mis fret thence N 30 dog IV eighty 80 reet feet N fidei 69 dag I 1 E fear nod two 14 feet thence N 71 deg V F ono one hundred and fe fed t lluch ll 11 cico porth tolve 12 feet fact thence cast bun hund dreel aud uil forty fony sin feet south OLO him to t to ibo of beginning elating bt nu an at area of two 26 buoo ai 2 as an set bt forth la in the diagram and audo 4 do dober hereby rby rio aurther notice that lieu paid maid lodo add so bul I 1 premise ace accor dlug lj the local cu cit toma nud klad aults of others in ead 41 manil g district and an exploded 13 no GO tuat lost labor aud Improve mout thereon au an amount dot iann than one Loua iud nol collare lare mud aud having at cuts lails ume time actual and nd 1 of paid property properly wo we will apply for a survey aad p at al of bald amid pre ill lees and a patent for abo a game emo under the act of congress entitled an act ant lug the right of way t M dicob canal owners owner over rho iho pub to lc lenda kud dud for oth r purposes ei approved july 20 CECIL kul belittle the amen batory act approved july JOY 9 0 2670 our oar bands and deals this dioli day of may 11 GD K H ENS W I 1 A ill joa 1 ANDREWS n C battesti gould chas Chao U H boalo LAP salt lake laile city may blay utti jtb 1612 I 1 corlley that thai the iho above dorco nod ft a of tho the wit bald mining claim was wa this day la ill this office together bolth a notice ol of intention lole ollon to apply for a survey and plat thereof fiatal the itie aad nd a patent from the government of tile ilia united states as bided in sit an ft a t of BK 00 entitled on aa act the right of way tj ditch slid and coast 0 w it ord over ovar tile thu public and I 1 and for other purposes if alp proved july dud ila amen dud ded by act of oll gress approved july aita 1670 I 1 direct baid notice to bo be to the corinne a newspaper neared dearest the location 01 ol like claim GEO CEO K n MAXWELL application for U S patent NOTICE given that we vie 0 D rima van L 1 knapp JD I 1 E 0 vein do claim twelve bundred too lo in conle lunah I 1 it and not cot more than ono no hundred fact lo in width on mining claim timing a silver bearing veto of rock to la and the tb landrud daod aud preil 6 appertaining to said merui ni inn all kitna Ld I 1 la M filing in lathe the evil 1 bolm a ad part in the of haada cao location lott aul extent being word leoro fully dt dc ailed riled so ao follow top to P com to one a a it at a yant M 70 dog del SO mi ald a NV W one hill bandrow aroi sent t two feet distant claunt train iroil bui tied 11 1 1 state bilgor I so NO 1 illo atme h lug the tl corner of 0 said old claim t 11 once 14 7 18 V lc it 30 mm min f r one ODO hundred tot felt 8 S TO 70 tie ml ai 31 will mill F too tea hundred and forty it 0 4 9 f tott itt adge I 1 ons one leno hundred arod end and twenty allt 1 10 ctet th ih uco cc 8 16 adge dea I 1 75 feet thettice 8 74 W 0 boc ond aa ar I 1 y I 1 10 to feet c t I 1 th on to N 10 deg W twenty flo 2 an att t tb nes H N eu deff 11 HO tulu 1 W on bundred and sixty ICO 1430 tart fot t he nc a N 7 70 ilig dig 81 0 into I 1 t tight 1 hundred od MI feet to lo ibo tho plc alc of f be containing andra a ru of t two sol boil 62 60 6 2 1000 2 0 arop re cat at alorth in tho the harritta HiR ritta aud aft di borcer I 1 1 1 1 ing mccu 1 lid it tile uld said lode and seq accord I 1 ing n C to the apt local 0 cl 1 b i 0 U 1 g ald fa d ruki r U it 0 of f aldir t n 1 D c re i la 3 e en a d n milling a 1 u d r a u t 1 1 lulng i u il g e expended x r or id e d i in i i a lu c ll ii 1 as lawr b 0 r and nd improvements improvement shercon ili oroon an amoust not let lct a aljon n tie lolla loll dollee 8 said iid it at this flute f etui tal i po pe ceabe posio slon sion of ald isaid properly wi we will apply for or a urty survey urt y null plat alt of taid and nl 8 for too same aino under the act ct of condou on titled on an net act planting tile ali right of wy way to ditch sea nod canal ov over ilia lh public land langsand sand fo reather eivir poti approved july ail isee and dd the m amendatory act ct a P july sto leo bands mud and scala this ninth JAY or of MA ui I 1 IT N 0 OD D 17 it 1111 I 1 a W L aar apr JU 11 VS E C PAY bayn C I 1 AM atto t cicur liou lil undo JUM JI it sa re STATIs latent orect salt galt liko late thy city dih MAY 1873 I 1 certify tte nt t bo slid iu Dill loe claim a aoa as this day med cleil jo in ill together ph a notice of intention topp chopp y ta fora our mir oy cy toil feel plot plat thereof from the hie central Oci nral died bud a pt LL ther clor froio the or 0 the uni let cl sut st tn a an provi provided dod in an act ct of bonem Lour to neM rices tied in aa cica I 1 be right of C way to ditch sal metal over tin ilia lands and tor for urpo pro do aro pretta illicy K 0 o and sit ai aluen ded oy by ait ti of io i o agres ju J li it iino I 1 direct pid paid lj 0 bo be in tile onirine oi irine a ILI a i cartr eliar the lac loci fluff at tile calo feigned OEO GEO it MAXWELL regi bel B el cr application for U S patent NOTI CLIa hereby given B that wo we 0 D ilni samuel wm win L J 11 andrews C E G C claim diu dine hai lared sol aty ali ty two MO a in by one hu adred I 1 VO fact 11 in width 1 on I ti 1 0 lising LIsi tg seen aim mining citing a g or of rock lit ill i lace and ilia foul kd prin prem ate a to uld amid mine nil all biej tak bcd lcd in lia he lu euln ia district county of Boxi vider end of L altal tab the 10 lo at ailon ton and extent lo be I 1 3 moro fully no follow to 16 falt it at a point N 6 5 deg SO into W ono one hundred and thirty six ficat from united mineral monument no 2 tile the same tia 0 being hi hlat lott corner of wit bhim nuri nordi onu one hundred too to t L thence tui oct cut ull bil Lutu ired lud root chunco mouth one hundred fear thence wt t i ine bundled slid lifty two foot to lo the iho r ace or of beginning containing a fan if area of fact and lda 10 0 2185 acter em met forth in the diagram and we ae do give fur curtier furll tier jur notice that 0 to lu pled dud aud improved the ibo said aid lode kud and files do to lo the local curtius cua tius aud and rules of of mic era in kald bald miti lair district and he lug ill actual lubor labor dud improvements thereon au all amount nut feet lead thin than one dollars ald aid bailog at this time little peaceable of acid pro ro eny cry ne ate will jl apply for a burtcy and plat vt or laid aid 1 r aud and a 1 aftuk for the same tile act of codrean resa pull t icel an act tho the ilat of way to iichi mid and canal u awo rg oer tie y I 1 bublic bublic lands slid abd fur for other purO aes sies approved july jol 25 23 1363 and tho the amonda tor act appi oven july ju 9 1 aft a a our hands aila dealt LLIS raath jar day of may lri 1971 P W 17 WI 1 KU KM alp ap JUS 1 D ANDREWS C L C PAYNE alt it hear gold oln chas il 11 yn i li orn p r bait liko lake city may 17 2 I 1 certify ad hajn of the caid ud claim was th ih a may day ded inthe onic to guttu kuttler I 1 ull a duilcy of to 10 aply apply or a our ur vey mud aud plat thereof itom CLIO buia O rc r C one r a I 1 nod aud irin IMM t a 0 of 01 the U aul 1 test tat at a pro I 1 laid idd in an wt art if f col gref at tied lafa au act sr uttus CIL a rubt l rf 14 way 9 lo 10 ditch and ul ial UIT over tile iho inello Il lito bauld need and for other oilier pur approve I 1 J joiy u 1 ri ill I 1 G I 1 mud aud it lu oy at act of CoL congress Coter gress cM rl alred iru red cd JOY yil ULI 1610 I 1 dac sold ii al to fco 10 to la tie t ie corinne corindo R S the loea tion of fine claim alood Isia Sl tied cn CE application for U S patent NOTICE li Is beroby ellen th abit t we cr S D I 1 mul iu L hanapi J II 11 andrews Audr ff and add 13 1 0 payne 0 do coiled 1 fett lu in leduth dud aud oot not were lucre thin one hundred buu dred feet lu in width on oil the alic mining clain a nil 11 ll vor beadith I 1 aln ot or rock to I 1 bacr and tile land dud appertaining to bil ball juano all situated to id tile h lucia slitting district county of will nl lorti tory of ellab the aud fail mure fully faily described aa follows tov to alt it f at a polut 8 hi deg 40 miti E uc fic build cd ad dud bud forty mil fott fort lepetit front houi united diatel oil in CAI MO no 0 o ato 2 line turn auto being the pout beat corner of said calill ul dittli M daf to 16 win W ilo hundred end boa seventy IAO fact 57 fio S ca de d e 9 vt V live hundred suit bluely two lett feet ternie N 31 deg W eighty 8 81 feet ihnot N 59 62 leg r bix hundred mud aud tight uiel aw thence 3 8 ba dog IS 15 into inlo I 1 ali 11 II hundred ml buu flirt feet thence y S I 1 dig 45 win W one OLO buttered lou fret to too plc alc of belna begina tie nc cont ing an area rei a 0 I 1 to and 2 sia aarts as fet act lurl fort i til in the aud and wo we do hereby steel further ro Lleo that ha ing occil el ind and ed rho all sa d joac jaud P mullins according to 10 h slid mica juice of said mining district ant fand expended lu in actual labor mud kud I 1 met amount not leaa thin oue one I 1 dollar du llara sul baj having of bt this timo filed actual jacic of cf 0 11 fifi luins property we will apply lor for a gourvey wll pent of silt isto and ad a talent lor for tile tamo tame under the act of on CD titled an aa act grant lug thel tha right of acy I 1 t ditch ald ritual abe public lai lodia still ad for other july colb 11 co and tho the aiumu amou dalry dat rr acl act brij pt roved jill vitt 1870 wanes our hands liti il suit ud ii li mid ariy M ar J 1872 0 D I 1 I 1 ill s s aern ena w L doiy P J 1 AN ia C 3 attest glenry gould chas lt bit loks lake city aab may 1311 1672 1872 I 1 coi alfy abat the be above lotfi o and nd a or the said daiil du leg |