Show telegraphic WEINS BY THE WESTERN union COMPY TERRIBLE R RAILROAD ACCIDENT the sioux indians aro ara COAT ISLAND BILL A FAILURE ocllo colfle crants in was wai h i n gloh ti treaty ed t y doubtful D 0 u bufu 1 1 washington P may 27 tho house home bill for thor tho apportionment of commissioners to ilia vienna vicuna international exposition was vim reported without amendment at the hie expiration of the morning hour the thrill bill came up and a motion was made to lay it aside and have bavo ilia evening for the consideration 0 of bills frills from tile tho committee on C claims A number of amendments were adopted tile the conference report on the ilia post office bill becom recommending mending recession irom from ilia alie Bl brazilian azilian subsidy was preen prevented ted and ii agreed reed to A number of private bills were a passed and the consideration of tho ilia tariff bill was continued abo houte house tonight to night after it a ion long debate on the increase of tile hie brazilia Brazi lit stenn steamship iship sub idy ogain again rejected it aln and the bill was ans again re committed the bill revising the mint and coinage laws passed the conference report on the rot office appropriation bill wits presented again and agreed to after r orno further business tile the hall blouw adjourned washington washington abington may 27 tho sioux ili indian headed by red cloud interviewed ter viewed secretary tiry delino ui alno today to day and the talk ensued tile the indians were are very ful but wanted ammunition ammini tion horses dc and better belter facil itus fur for receiving supplies delano pron promised libed thorn fomo come horses and more ammunition if ilia agents would so with inith sonic some guns gum for tho the chief the will be closed on the dinst bring being decoration day tile the committee appointed by the citizens cili zons of san francisco amico Fr to isit lV washington ashington on the subject of the go goit goat it island bill have ascertained certa ined that owing oving to lo tho the pressure pre siuro ure of busine bu iness the bill will not bo be taken up tip by tho ilia senate dwing during tile tho present session ec sion the committee have had bad an intern bew with tho the president Pies ident which they sity say was satisfactory it is reliably ascertained that the vote of ilia senate on tile additional article was VIM 13 43 to 8 there is ii no official reply yet received from england but advice from distinguished say there is no reason to doubt that the british government will bill assent to the modified article tho the gentta was in sension till eleven tonight on tile barlit bill i new vv 1 urns jet new cw york may 27 six lives were nero lost ioa by tile explosion oil the fit tug li pilon tho the clip captain tain engineer fireman loid two deck hands thaodor Th codor the will known french di ani an atit is dmd doport rs visited ilia mercury lately returned from a cruise in tile south fouth atlantic ill a bitic and say tle tie officers report two buys boys but some of the ilia crow crew say eight nero lost loit two or three jumped overboard off the coast of brazil IS and another near new kaw york the eight hour league has ins sent emissaries to boston philadelphia chicago and other tilie cities to induce co operation in in the ilia strike which in the meantime is extending here hereto to all classes of N workmen captain alston achton of the steamer retriever lost during tile terrible storms which pre I 1 tilled on the coast of newfoundland this spring reports the total wreck or of forty two eicas em sels including several and tho ilia number of by these disasters amounts to nearly four thousand of NN which bich very few are arc yet accounted for FOREIGN NEWS madrid may 27 tho the cortes te re assem bles tomorrow to morrow tile republicans join the th radicals in opposition to the new ministry mini alry the alie in the chambers have assumed tho like name of constitutionalists london may 27 avni russell duke of ledford bedford and nephew to earl russell died today to day in his year buron baron bullings Boi lings bulwer better belter known as silt lytton and brother to lord lytton died lost last night aged CS 08 in tho ilia commons this evening stafford northcott in reply taid said his hii speech nt at exeter in in u which lie he referred to the t na treaty of washington was correctly report reported eil in the london journals ile he repeated tile the statement then made that he understood when lien at washington that indirect claims were not to bo be pre anted jenkinson asked aked a if it IN was as true that the remaining inn ining benian prisoners had ila been J as report eed gladstone ansu answered ered no 11 jaloyd in reply to inquiries by disraeli Dis gladstone espre expressed sed regret at al the premature pub li callun of the lie supplemental article intimating that the Anic americans ricans were to blamo blame in tile the matter lie alo slid enid the british government naro officially informed that tile ilia had agreed to tile the new article with v ith amend indents chento which bich had just been received and arre ere now ilow under tinder consi consideration by tile cabinet and no lime would be lot lost in in settling tile matter paris may 27 tim this sifter aller no coon the briny bill boldly charged tile tho Borna parts anith w ith ill alio corruption coi cot of the army und was aas loudly applauded in till nil parts octha chamber nellio ellic grant 6 i ilia guest of Madil badamo trio thiers to night |