Show oja ir tf THE LUC S IY I 1 HE X UNION ORAni U 0 Ln 9 iiara ae jay na birx t 1 I 1 nis nr 1 basillo 13 SI ke ot ol to tic iu i ETC ETC ETC SALT LAKE CITY salt lake city may 20 there were important sales of mining prop cily city today to day in camp aloyd and tintic gintic mining d districts i one of oatha tile transactions wits was for uno one hundred thousand rash cash and four hundred thousand thiD usand in four month ir installment A number of ritts pittsburg burg capitalists are arc in in town fur mines COIN congressional C R ESS 10 H A L washington may 20 senile A motion was mado made hicls went over that A devine be eN polled from the alic senate gallery fur publishing a I 1 card in ilia hoston boston daily klinl senator Coi klingla attack on it the press ie porters was absolutely sol faise f ilsc bathing ton may 20 house raced inoch to kutena the ibo rules and adopt tit an order allotting alloN ingan an hours debate under the ibo five eve minute title rule on the tariff and tax tai bills 1 alien lien the house next goes into committee commit lea on oil thit subject gatfield Ga ifield expressed it a preference for the motion to su pend the ihu rules and pass the bill as s the most practical made of baring legislation on tho the subject daleb ri lotion agreed a reed to tile the house to go into cittee of the whole on oil ilia iho tariff and tas J AS bill by a voto vote of 73 75 to to suspend the rules and pass a resolution instructing the committee Com on ways and me meins meina ins to report the the senate concurrent resolution for adjournment journ ment oil oi ly chith was rejected ai I 1 13 inomia cd the rules bo be suspended and the committee of the whole discharged from further consideration of the tariff find and tax bill and the tha bill as amended by tins tho committee do pass tins includes internal 1 revenue tec tionA with a reduction or of duties on coal I 1 salt sail leather tie te the rules were ali u suspended on molion of dawes and tile the llodo concurred in senate revolution reo lution for final adjournment on oil silly M 3 a y butler of mass moved to a id the rules and pass fie t following foj lowing resolution whereas this hou so B by telegraph that at a meeting of exeter chamber of commerce sir staff ard northcote 10 alo lo presided pre tided in a speech stilted stated that tile understanding or of the iho bridith commissioners Commissi onera uns MIS that a promise lind hild been gis on that a claim for indirect damages should not be III presented resented esen ted but it was N as nc cesary esary teat lat alo american senate E hould not be placed iu in a position requiring a confession of wrong embich had bad been done said laid by it a leading member of the joint high commission on tho the part of great britain ISri lain deeply concerns tile the good falth faith and integrity of the american commissioners and of tile government 1 as I veil ivell as the ilia honor of tile the nation therefore be it resolved that ilia president of the uni united stairs be hereby reque requested requited ted if not to public reit to inform tile the house ilia executive lime laic any anos ledge of a promise bell being made by any 0 official person that tile tho claims of indirect damigos dar shall nut not bo be presented and if so eo by hom bom the rn motion fotion was tit alie resolution was thoi afi ired to tile cuin coto mitten on put affairs AlX airs A bill authorizing the doit to appoint one or more commissioners on tile the I part art of the go i arn men t to the international imposition exposition of agricultural Ind industry and tine fine aits at vienna in 1873 passed alo aleo al o a billia bill to provida for the appointment of a secretary of the legation at japan with a salary r of also a bill prodding iding for tile the payment tu to tile the japanese government blont tile the fund full of tile the surn sum due fur for rent of lands and buildings washington WAS H I 1 N N may 20 the bill signed by the breidi nt contains the following faction offered urca by senator corbett cor I 1 b e it that I cl iia born in ill tho the dati k t of caun country try form cily ly kno known n as the teri Teni tory of oreg oregon arid at llila time sul subject eject to ot the united states are citizens of tile united states in alii mine manner M if born bern clea here herc in tho united states state washington may 21 Aldi ough the house presed ilia senate resolution to nd ad journ oil may some of ilia elio members to g aiji N ith senators say lie time will have to bo be extended d in order ilia eliat tile alo senate bonato inny transact trani act its iti necessary Lus inoes the president signed ulla bills to authorize tile asue of amis to the noth oritia of tile territory of montana to enable tile hie city of denver to liaa haic tot tain lands in ill col cemetery to grant american regi Aers to ti ilawan ill bacque barque 1 and Flor floralice clice to regulate tra of making con tr to with TAlAr Tn dian to reduce ilia limits if ilia militate mili I 1 tit nt pet boit I 1 stan stanton tot new NEWN YORK drw ne yik alny ma 21 afung the ho arri nals mis by the iha steamer Ru kimbail Kimi aglan ail from england nas sir Thor thomas litts dalin dakin ex cx lord insor of L London aa ui that stokes will wil lie hi ought ailt 1111 0 0 ott rolv morrow illuming lei li plea I tu to hidich indictment men 1 whether guilty aull ty or not gut guilty ity at theotime the time tune time ilia 1 I I 1 I 1 move to deckle decide mith viila counce for tho ilia de rinse on oil it day nhen the trial sit ahall all be tile attorney i ib ready to proceed villi mith llie alto anse and d ill go goon on ath ft t is as kovl as it ft day can lc be arranged preparations fur for greeley brown intili cation mec ting in anion L square on amny lath over imi c giants at castle garden on oil 3 be ing tile large largel L im lier ber landed it in one dey diy cinci trient of ilia institution AWIs V ul ington epenial finci il says tho ilia relations committee tire quietly engaged in vesti gating the circum tanca connected vi nith ith ilia publication of ilia washing ion on treaty coi M Experience liaa bas proved the futility of attempts to att ILL in anfor enrina I 1 a lion from the committee liard lave hit upon it novel hinves of the senate itself they began with tit members of the committee nud mill ill soon examine each member ol of ilia senate find call upon each one to prodico lii his copy of the ilia correspondence or I rove that lie ha has it in ill his bl pocas A ion new yolk may 21 an crowd tile conference today to day ilia occasion being tile the election of new bishops dr said that thirty years ligo ago tit at nn an election for bishops Bi hops thera was wai ballot stuffing ancl lie expressed a liopo hope that nothing of the und hind would bo be discovered here A ballot wits taken for bi ind and after the tillers idlers retired to count tile vote ft a of front from the var various letis committees were I 1 and adopted FOREIGN NEWS HEWS madrid ladrid may 21 A late di from biscay ilia organization of clial pro inca In insurgents on sunday last and order is ij restored ref throughout the province united states cr sickles Sick leti arrived here nt elnina ec ening nina paris may 21 Cli arles I 1 gaii i ancis adams american member of the geneva gone a tribunal left here hem for genci a today to day chicago Chic rigo slay may 21 the illinois republican state convention meets at springfield to marrow to nominate n omin ate a state ticket and appoint delegates to ilia national convention ex governor oglesby will undoubtedly be nominated for governor neally neaily nil all county conventions laving having instructed ted delegates fur for liim him A yov york has ilia following news it saya the of tin the wollie lina has changed hand bell tile controlling backest hill ing been bedi purl 1 biased by prominent rie Ile publican politicians the hie salo sale ii not to i a t bo be majo public till lill arter after the democratic Dono cratic convention it is tj continua to lo appo atle nomination of gjetley Gr elvy etley tit al baltimore as in that uny ay it can tender lender the hie most inot i aid to grant if any ciango is to bu midean ide ill its edit editorial urial depart ment mant john forsythe tho has haj 1 a I bettor disclaiming the authorship of B nit article in the mobile in dorsing dorAng greeley lie ile favors if a straight light Dino democratic cratic ticket and 11 mentions or of oconnor and gen Ilane oct as 1 suil EuiL ablo ticket oberlin 0 alny 21 the national chri christian ti in association who pro ore opposed to scent sock ties bi bad ld n prayer meeting this morning at ilia second congregational church Chur cli where sessions of tile Convent convention ln I 1 faill ill be beheld held A large number of delegates delegat ci cicro ere present prominent delegates declare the belief belier that the association ill make inako a lor for tho ilia presidency the probable candidates ire arc grant greeley Gr celey philo carpenter of chicago and J blanchard of wheaten atun tun illinois |