Show ANECDOTES how nes jesswade swade hotl the li eliy A lay dia bol right alin flam james S dr to the phil olt Adelph delp I 1 iii iresa tile the follow 1 lne ing story about bert ben wade vade I 1 when mr wade was delivering his hi famous speech on the alie kansas nto no baska bill bin I 1 colleague colleng tie mr pugh Fugli a man aman air f respectable ability but it great democrat and no match fur mr air wade roe ro e in ili li n place and put to the radical senator a taunting question relative to his belief in the common brotherhood of mankind 61 6 1 I 1 have ai dWAde alway believed bili ved eved be heretofore in ili the alic doctrines of tile the declaration ance so that all men are loom born free and butof buto lute it appears that S m an are hie born t lavet flaves and I 1 regret that they are not black as till thi world might know them A lie said oenid this lie he pointed to 6 pugh and stood looking at hini him for several moments with it scowl I 1 land and eto expression of countenance a per factly ferocious feroci ou chile it convoyed I 1 vey alic astl contempt for his hii loue bough facell COIC colleague agile jn the s pee clr pippi interrupts d him jutt jut ju t as vi wado il 1 I know knof vcr very y well sir with will what it y tit i of if triumph the I aaita P of this lill bill will ill bohall il id both bolls in theS the south andin 11 brown do da you know NA hat is H going on there therel ll laughter sir mr it itle ble 1 idonat I ilo nol pretend to know inow precisely 1 re ciely what ij anfoot iton foot there but blut I 1 think it pretty e there Is i f location between bit tit that at country lal this body t and unless lam info greatly tri 1 by M chith that ideation is kept hept up f arp great hught pr and ft on tile southern tade ill 1 alii gl ii he liui ka davv U i 4 DY ande on oil one occasions replied A to toombs of georgia it in the senate and to nil all appear anceau anceu collid ej compel Tuoi ilba to libin friends frie niji m bent ent to wade and begged him to desia t but tile amow become moro more find more nio io ant until toombs n heatch d ili his in dinten ion of liioi out when wade sat down don fet r ainaly havin lil what he sought the southwill South Sout licin cill tile diun looked d at rach each in ill to ii and i it a binni fost to nil all that wade had deliberately provoked a quarrel vo ith ill goombi that night a fi bend of tile southern senator called on oil mr wade to know inow if ciflie lie would retract the alio olt sivo lie ike had used no I 1 wont tike back a d d word was Wf illes emphatic reply then said the hie briand of 31 r toombs Too it will be necessary fur senator toombs to challenge you to mortal combat 11 I just what mint I 1 want and we might have got to the point it hout fill all this pa malaer laer cr said enid wade you curtly cannot bo be in earnest mr ir wude wilde said aid tile the southerner man you sees sec tir we men dont light olten often or like lik e to fight now I 1 or am opposed to tile rodo and so EO tire ire my constituents lilt but you fellows have brol broken en StUn head bead and we must spunk punk up a little or you will aill break all our bends alie shortest way to end tile matter it is to mil oil on ft a few of you and I 1 anve p picked i eked on old aim is my ion mail it if lie will ill have to challenge then lien of cour course c I 1 have the choice of olo weapon weapons and ill tale take my old rifle and d n me if I 1 dont bring him dov n rt HI the birtt crack wilen when toom toombs bs heard heaird of vo what at wale said faid he h motol Toight mightily ily dib disturbed and replied well I 1 I 1 will have to let it nil go 1 I cant bennt challenge him if I 1 do vic old rus rui ral nl will kill me ine sure enough 9 it appears wad 0 and toombs hall had been out together amt hooting with a rillo several time and abilo goombi could shoot very well mth ith a 1 pistol 1 tol lie h was a poor rifle shut on tile tho other oilier han hand d wade wis nil an uld old solid tin an adept with wit it rifle in those days lie could hit a dollar fit at a hundred yards throe three out of five shot grid and old toombs had seen min him do it the tha georgia fire eater had no idea of becoming tile target of mch buch a man long after tile the alla nir air was wai over I 1 tid otto ono day to mr wade if toombs had actually challenged you would you really have accept accepted uti and cope out to ight mr wade replied solemnly if bid toombs lial had challenged ma to alt lint ti lime inc its aa J expected ho be would I 1 would have love accepted ACCePt od and fought him I 1 hold it all arranged in my own ilind I 1 would have put a on my coat over my heart of ar tile the sio of it a dollar made mad toombs 4 do tile tamo I 1 W wag as u ti urd rd cj 11 that kind indi of iho oling and old fullow fellow had stood still d L n nr if 1 cut bil arg I 1 vo as not of jetting getting hurt for old toomb kilow bew me ni as LL a good rifle ahot abile 1 I knew him to e n very II ind III I one and I 1 felt it it quite furo fure that hint bt iAnes aull det noral I 1 leini liol 1 I 1 A nat olun only lydid did lr goombi tout n W lenini sir mr wild wade but adt io ru rnell could bo be induced to ti nn n 1 I iii liim j gneo or whit what h ay vv v 1 anza ark 0 wreathm i in 1 n now york duling dining holy week to Ini mento so bo great was alio to licar hear him who tho church could 1111 not t gain a I 1 ito hf janidlo to be alio her of modern limes N zorator 1 sho lvcy c ag ati toil the metro a p polia ila haa such nil bioni listen list li apell bound lor for houra i to his lo ical and si ih fr J eloquence filid lie lin in conn trie nud liia tor far in ill oilier oth alinn iiii nil naf inyim Inu im liua clia tile I C 1 NN ila balie ed him to ile ic a ramin in iii franco lio lie inalou tile natoni nal n proud of him aina hain chhn to bo be a fanti n lie he ant reg tow nt oritur now ow WITS limmeo to tollio tile greit gre it gift tit tint it a gol I 1 con 1 borred on libin jill and old Ire landi hv lii t jato knitli ich ii 5 joy tint her s v on n I 1 irn I 1 won anti CA tile admiration ot of nations lor 1 r isk i n i cip iti lille lincis how f nv HE go A tail kaliin ninn illan cf if tile alic new york lost V is in ili trouble ile he ints ID 1 enot now hat character to ainne tit nt the alie ina A Got barti jolli lloil hilvi cs him to chalk his local lial giitl ili go na as it billiard else cue ile II 11 might bernid ira nl lii hi legs legi and gu go in in A t a etc to sug gt g t mat hint lie s wit allow him elf and in round a tui luit doen do cn times und and go ni as n I 1 oil loll of tope cull CUK jitian we beg to alca that lio to arra er lii 1118 legs a annj ad go 1 aa I the hie steloes of n virginia virgini worra worm fence ch clitte illi i ajic foth c the paris true him to rap himself in the american flig flag and RO go ns 15 a pule pale A little straw round his lint tat would male make lebn appear as n bro orri fr inferior irl jol journal let him brittle iiii bair nn annl go ns as a I 1 in li it brush bruli ile he should dress in a suit of tars tor anti go as a pitchfork |