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Show LA TOILETTE MAKES SUTHERLAND SQUIRM IN A TILT IN THE SENATE Wisconsin Senator Tells the Man From Utah That He Will Be Called to Ascoimt-Democrats Ascoimt-Democrats May Vote For the Rail oad Bill I I Washington. June 2 During a discussion dis-cussion with Senator Sutherland on one of his amendments to the railroad bill, today. Smator I.a Follette told the Utah senator he would be, called to account for his record. Sutherland Suther-land retorted that be already bad had an experience and was w illing to meet It again Senator La Toilette offered a substitute sub-stitute for his amendment heretofore adopted, placing telegraph, telephone and cable companies imder the Jurisdiction Juris-diction of the Interstate Commerce laws. The substitute would prohibit tho use of franks by Individuals or co-partnerships, but would permit tho giving of special rate? 10 newspapers and government officials. It was adopted without division. After accepting the La Follette telegraph tel-egraph and telephone amndment, comment com-ment developed opposition and a roll call was ordered by the senate. The amendment passed ty a vote of 34 to 28. The votes agalnut the La Follette telegraph amendment were caat by 27 Republicans Erandegee. Brlggs, Bulkeley, Uurnhara. Burrows, Carter, Clark, Culloro. Dlclc. Dillingham, El-kins. El-kins. Flint. Fl-ye. Gallinger, Guggenheim, Guggen-heim, Hale, Heyburn, Lodge, Nelson, Nixon. Piles, Scott. Suaoot. Stephenson, Stephen-son, Sutherland, Warner and Warren, and one Democrat, Mr. Bailey. An araendmont to the railroad bill offered by Senator Overman, regulating regulat-ing the suspension of state laws, by the issuance of Injunctions in Interlocutory Inter-locutory proceedings In federal courts, was adopted by the senate, today, 33 to 38. in view of the adoption of the Overman Ov-erman amendment relating to Injunctions, Injunc-tions, It is reported that practically all Democratic senators will" vote' for the railroad bill. The Democratic senators will hold A conference tomorrow to decide on a course on th . railroad hl'l. and the senate ha consented that there be no vcte.on tho bill until after the ccn ference. . . The senate adopted, buy amendment to the railroad Mil. .orterfed ' by " Senator Sena-tor Burton, requiring th" Interstate Commerce commission to repcrrt concerning con-cerning uniform classifications and another by Senator La Follette requiring requir-ing railroads to keep In Washington agents who may accept service. The Crawford amendment to the railroad bill modifying the commodities commodi-ties clause of the Hepburn rate act ! was rejected by the senate today by n viva voce vote. |