Show ome F OF elliff CHIEF IE pa c of if ua if oridA t sim san FrAu dao april 13 1872 seiba S aro are gulped at tills at until 12 u 03 aitio natio en bijil to ilia of cf atoe s aurli g ilia loi IH ul at year 0 to o nine alii cing july 1 I 1872 and chaim juna jun 3 I 1 17 73 J 1 l iz I 1 novad to camp 33 loin 1 0 is more or leis diseati di stati r v 11 2 rella if from Cort eori mic nue itil loritan lori tun to kort ija jl ida lio ito territory so auns tuns miri ur or hus dib tince miles III from s san francsco calfio ids aili to camp gaston california to 6 tons tonn moc tr or liadis lia lots dis dulco 29 91 rill n a on ona a t ti i lie bu t laou from eto in s ji n drmic erml Fr ml lit 0 fro ym san 0 CA fio to lo ramp camp wright Cali forta 25 anoro i r asa dI taice miles borom to bo be front from it in san Frano iao arom riom san sau L all forLI k to 0 o cailop donle ili iLOt si tons were imir or iran dia cyb miles stores to lo bj b i tadeu from store li it mairs ill to in I 1 riu ran peo i fa from sin SIH caliro nia to rort ru oviLIA of nl orail laur 11 ver ly sva huou tons more or ifon stow stores to lo be taken front charce la in HAU has bids to tile in fit froli en el 0 tile pi ail I 1 ca c per pound in I 1 gold cola air fit 1 imi aoud teodar r not ot a lor the iho aliola distance dl aranco battlers in very every case cabo tin 13 state the ra hotoi too at aich they w 11 con bract to transport the ilio 0 ter a tn in each cadi month monch ilia fiscal atar from july to JUDO olao also tile wim berof days they a are re v willing illing to centrist to tj r tho the at r espe kUve after they aro are turned ivr to them fr for transportation all it is tobo to lie made la ili triplicate with copy of ad d altac bei no bu bid will be considered unless by a deposit lep Obit 0 ono one dollars check as a guara that the tl 1 I mer will execute tuo the contract con trac if nir to iani limit fornin fories or of bids cati can bo be obtained nt at this contracts CoD Cou tract tracts to bo be executed subject tj t 3 the ilc usual coo con editions bids to be addressed to the ibe In dorsol Ir for arina supplies troy C 0 ci SAWTELLE chef ter dept aply an ani I 1 depot |