Show MAISLA TIVE ri tram rom till this ITt J salt luke city cily jaaj try 15 13 1872 council int puri iril to lo adjournment councilor wit snow show tho the petition leial gro avo C hit bitt H it and anu oil oilier rp anth tilt bill accompanying piaia for mi 1111 amendment to tile tho general incorporation nit alt ni t it ua arvall arru and lus tirui rul to 0 o the lie committee on gi interpolation A communication it ns from the houe e announcing tile paa agu of 01 hove rile no ni 2 it in net let providing for 1 tir the election of to a convention tu to a con tit ution on for 1 nr d 1 a 0 of cutuli attili into int tin the union a us a slnar the bill was read find re forred to the alio corn mitte ou on judiciary several coin mun a were received tendering loni council laring thanks for ai iho freedom of cho C F no ko 1 an net act to promote the he construe construction tion or of borio or rail miya in isalt SA t aikle city cil v wal wai pro anted by councilor jennings ital arid refer red to lu the committee on ratio rail councilor T L smith called the attention nf f the council to the int ina in rein tion to I 1 carnago done by and hug orno bo be III anili 0 cherew the of the subject ads referred red to the on agris annl nil roun coun cil cicur r L I 1 anuth wa wit it nj led to ill alio llio coni miLLeo for the HIP of baill ned till to lo murrow lit 1 1 in HOUSE 1 louse met pursuing pur t to adjournment tt lit 2 0 p if in rill or quorum pre preA predent ent clr 1 AN W young presented ted a petition pc allion from james Leit leithead hend told ono one hundred and I 1 niini tilt it lien en ollices ollic rs praying alry ing for the lio i ofa of u now new county poi of kano anil a nd iron clintic 1 to bo be cilot kallab county koil 1 ovi o vi 1411 referred to the connnie tee oti oil cotui counties tie tion were received from lion ion george A it smith Si tile city council of lit lili like city min hon S A and ion hon lit fai li tire freedom or ollic the hout hou t r bendt red to ehni lilt in sir air J W young pre anted an net act to en ea biblo tile citizens of city ill iti wa rh inton county to liola tit in election t to elat city cily omen S 1 ilicia wi wa refal tind re furred to lie on oil cor ion air ir furr presented IL a petition from the citizens of aber county asking that lint a law inay bu be enacted to h free schooly in utah IO I 1 erred to tile committee on edu eltion alion ier cowberry ow berry move hint lire committee on n education chicali take into con i aeration ilia ibe propriety ironi bety of bringing in a bill to o tallish free afi schools throughout the ilia Torri J orri tory tury and port nt at an early diy daiy mr W it II lee presented pren teJ ilia financial nn ancial froit of niini county lor the year 1870 and Ite referred forred to the committee on rove nuo nio adjourned until 2 p in to morro ir |