Show VANDALISM DAllS A theis nestroe liesl ro acl ea our u li I 1 ilia lly atten attention tion lias has been attracted to the unwarranted plowing up ill of colorado strat at the 0 bt flie s same arric 1 with sixth sili and inquiry as is to whether tho iho tion or des destruction of that hint splendid ave slue nua had been bean authorized ivy by tho ilia mayor ant antl council shows that halt no permission has IKO betin asked or for the of tho the etries etrest which has been beau fur for three beare life hie favorite drive of tile hie citizens and their families on last it SUir dAy it was W suddenly mocked blocked up tip by three high and to each of hese deep double indies ditches well constructed construct cil traps of danger lire lare added now that the winter w amter being over it ii i a bill in thus for tile the erection of elevated crossings specially when tho ilia w work rk renders dendera irn pas passable Fable life hie areces which are the hie common property ot of lite iho eliol people not kot tho ilia slightest slig sligh hUit teFt necessity cassily nc the tho gros Bros gro s infringe merit on tile iho I 1 lights of tile the public and we believe if there hall had tic the council on oil proper slowing slewing would havo have constructed d eros crossings bings without aloang up colorado colorundo and sixth streets from jhc a is they fire now A little wet we t of tile the plowed held it can be seen liow how the alie residents with a decent regard for tile tho rights of their neighbors neighbor made walks which in no wy way interfere with travel but ahe lie lofty rip ftp toward the methodist cli though not flat high enough fur for barricades find too lanfor law for rifle pits are yet prop proportioned exactly for breaking the tha necks ol at men and horses li As they aro are common rui ance which should be abated fiba teil at once by y ilia city authorities s so that ilia iho streets impeded may bu be opened reopened re in the nante name of oe decency wo we plead for the immediate lev elling ailing of tile the dykes and tile tha lilling up of bf the bannis canals on each sido side of them that the community may continue to enjoy tile pleasure of walking or driving on oil the now flow obstructed highway without jeopardy it is ii a infringing commentary on tile the police etem system of the iho city to find that such of lence are arc permitted to occur without official remonstrance mons traico find and if the wrong complainer complain eI of bo be taken as a precedent there will not be 11 issalis p square in town in thirty days from this lime whenever a man mail builds arp walks dwhit property the public take grateful notice or of the good deed but i iw w t t lilma gaylo vf into the iho streets in the unsightly un sightly method adopted lat saturday and in open violation of ina too toa tun Rino iii ita to a qs on the hie people of of the ille enjiro city therefore we ask tit aliu council il t hive havo the it dykes levelled bevelled level led and thi the canals filled up so EO that the street shuh belongs to ill the paylo may revert to their again if this ibis be no not t d dona one we shall I 1 ciffer kofl r a stronger in its favor at another time antl anal per blips bo be able to rio how that neither individual nor tho the corporation itself can justify that van d alim iliin ili in against which wo we respectfully but mildly midy prote Bt al here the case of the people rests costs for lie hie present |