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Show DIAZ BOWS T0 WOOF PEOPLE TRUCE SIGNED BV MADERO AND NAVARRO AND PEACE IN MEXICO SEEMS ASSURED. Tha Liberal Concaatlona of tha Preil dent on Every Point Afftctlng Dally Life of People Eaceeda tha Draama of Rt volutionlata. Kl I'nwi. Ten.-An nrnilKtl.e of five ihia. beiiiniiiK at noon Hiinilay, and iineitiiiK the dlHtrlrt between Juarez nnd Chlhmihiui. nnd west of the latter, waa mad" effective In en enelililiKi. if lilenlleal lelleia algn'-d by lieneral Kramlarn I. Vadnro, Jr., for the rebel, mid !cni-nil Juan Navarro Na-varro for Ihe governinetit. The Iruie provldea there aliall be no movement of troopa of eliher aide durliiK the next five dava, ami that provlniona and meillrlnia may he hroui:ht lo either camp from the I I'nlted ftintea without pnyment of duly. The conreaHlnna whlrh the govern ment la willing in intike have been known to (leiieral Madero for two weeka, ever amro Kreib-rlc Moye, a bilnlneaa man of Chihuahua, vlntlcd (lenenil Madero nt Kanrhn lliiaillloa 1'lley Weill dlarliaaed In Ihn meeting by Ihe leadera nnd meinbera of the peace mlaalnn. Thoae prenent wi-re: t'lalirl.i.o Madero, Kr., father of Ihe rebel lender; Ihn hitler's lirothera. Al fotiao, CiiNlnvn and Raoul Madero; I'aaeiiul (Iroro, the original IV Id lender of Iho revolution; I'anrho VII In, former bandit, and present staunch suptiorter of Miulero; (ilu-aeiipn (ilu-aeiipn llarlbalill, and lieneral and He-mini He-mini Mii'lero. Murh of Iho dlactiNRlon waa of a im-lurn im-lurn thn puhllciiilon of which la nol dealred at Ihla time. It may be sulil, however, that lleiiernl Mndero has thn mnt authentic aiiauninceH nf n llbnrnl allHudn on the part of the government. In fuel, II may be anld rrealdenl lilux la aiulous to ndopt every meiiaure I hat w ill Insure the return re-turn of Iho revolutionary aohllera tn Ihelr furnia nnd ahopa wllh the feel lug I lint Ihe government In Mexico City la their government, and that every aid the government cun give thnm to repair the ravagea of neglect la theirs tor Ihe asking. The government wanta no rancor to remain on either aide. Tho liberality of the president on every point Immediately Imme-diately affecting the dally Ufa of tho people, aa shown In tha assurances given Ueneral Madero, exceeds the dreams of Iho revolutionists them selves. It la noted Hint OJInnga. where a mall federal force la besieged, la not covered In the armistice, the lusur-recto lusur-recto activity In Hint district being largely liidcpcncdnt. It la etpcctcil that In thn event of Ihe aettlement of the rebellion In Chihuahua. Ihe situation sit-uation at OJInnga and other scattered places throughout the republic will receive ultelltlon. Thn mornl effect of the cessation of hoalllltlea In Chihuahua Is regarded us certain to make aettlenK'iita In oilier parla of Ihe rouulry simple |