Show cE 0 arrive at office 0 alfr in the el kata t 11 1100 0 fromar om the northal Nor that FOB the att 0 from Frow salt lake at 1 iron from salt lake from the aut at t 1 D A BG at tl from hooper 4 wednesday and saturday Katurd ay p III from eden and van zue zile wednesday and saturday at 12 mail clo amse at offices boffl TUB IS THE IS salt lak at t SO for F orth h 11 ivest destat tt for thexor that 00 for libolt lake at t WS for for the vast at 30 for h abt at kuatt it 19 1 9 olt sto alma and wilson for or hooper wean wednesday a and saturday am for hu rl eden and van and d bat sat 00 pi PM P i analla will be clofed promptly on is tirre all nothing 0 ivila be receive dor mailing y ter it th mail wa are w 0 closed o aloe hour hours artil farther further notice general delivery window will be open dally daily as follows froia in till oso p in ini except from p to 6 p m when it t wi will I 1 cloe for 30 minutes Ini while tile mails malls from the north last and south are belne being distributor distri buto I 1 at acup P m the bolce will close tor for the dy day the e gene general I 1 delivery will be open on sundays an a a a and d holidays only from am 0 a and money order department own n dally except sundays and holiday boll day aj law 10 am till PM E F A postmaster Poat marter may 1 1881 A ri FINE E line of step ladders at at E STRATFORD SONS RUNNING and base ball tall shoes lit TIROS tf aronina and shirt boards at at E STRATFORD SON B the Glo glorious klotts fourth while you arc are celebrate ce celebrating lebrat th the firtl anniversary of our nations birth 1 call on aco C wilson fifth st for your ICE CREAM and get a drink of ROOT BEER which for healthy and refreshing properties cannot bo be beaten at finest lino line of cheap ash and vainus bedroom bed room sets in this city are at E SONS SOX iw LADIES now is the tile time to buy summer millinery gooda goods cheap as W 0 WAUREN is positively going out of bu business sineas store fixtures and everything will be sold at a great sacrifice dja and groceries Gro ceri JOHN J atil st f DAVID COLT COLE co on ath st between young and franklin frankli in pay cash for strawberries etc AW f a J av rd JT AL I 1 ff bill it t r dl sweeping reductions on oil all goods for 30 da y s afano f silo al ca i it d aft tn i v od 4 AT 01 T t tt i W W AA W A A G B NER aluk M wow M a yaya i tali w fal i th befi f co js arf a m jF 11 HS ia is ys i 13 C battu i FIFTH AND YOUNG STREETS 1 ftc 1 l f a i i i ewt ai at ata mr wagner leaves for new york city about july I 1 oth loth otha 1 ina ans a if to purchase an immense stock of fall and winter goods anub ancl aa f in MUST HAVE ROOM FOR THEM f yi aimo S MUST MUS gor GO y aft f t ajr K I 1 get amp ready J for circus Circo i and betth of july J i ii now 1 is s your only chance to buy goods at YOUR OWN PRICES we have made a big alred reduction action on all our goods prices will surprise yon d COME AT arn ONCE and SECURE BIG BARGAINS ra 1 t NOTE OUR PRICE LIST i mens suits at worth M mens ell as S suits a at t 44 1200 mens suits at 1400 mens suits at 1050 1 aw 1600 mens suits at 1500 worthy wo billu 2 bol Mens Suits at 1650 1 2500 mens suits at 1850 2800 mens fine dress suits at 2100 L boys suits short pants 2 to 5 the money boys suits long pants age 9 to 16 0 from O om 5 to 8 1 aiji ii ji these roods goods must be closed out bring your boys around h good G heavy kip brogan at 1 worth 2 44 44 cc 1 l shoes 4 sewed calf 44 tl 5 6 hand sewed Z 5 wath to 8 good G boots worth 3 so 6 4 64 64 ti calf ac 1 1 4 6 44 44 44 5 1 l hand sewed 9 11 carpet slippers 45 46 acts leather slippers 90 acts worth white shirts at worth french percale shirts canton flannel undershirts and drawers w worth J bine blue shirts worth SOO aji sweeping Swee pino tn reduction n in this department j i f rail fw 1 AND A we cannot enumerate emmi erate this department bia w will 1 say that we have an extensive stock which we have thrown out ont a at a big reduction n many J job ab lots at a small price Dont fail to see ee our hats r country merchants will do well to look at our I 1 s t 0 10 c k V come early and get your supply 4 t J s i I 1 V Y q I 1 k E J WAGNER CO up A eft fait affe fan ti n wy 1 ji HP fth ya B and johm jiral bouno vf streets A X ap |