Show decoration day a I any person wishing wishing to decorate the graves of the love loves dones one can do eo so by calling at tho the ogden marble works ath st where a number of monuments and headstones can bo be seen all ready to place in position aw I 1 DONT FORGET to go to mrs G moores Alo ores fourth st SL for your ice cream and cake d ma im adams uros bros are tho the only artists in the tile city who can call make as good photos in cloudy weather as in clear no bad work shall lenye our parlors 11 is the motto M otto FROM F nox B F P liepsner A M BIP red bank N J I 1 have been troubled with catarrh so badly for several years that it seriously aar affected act my voice I 1 tried dr s remedy without the tile sligh slig liest cst relief one bottle of elys cream balm did the work my bly voice is fully restored and my head feels better than for years A atlin on a drug store never was such a rush made for any drug store asis ig now at me nutt for a trial bottle ol 01 dr kings new discover discovery y for fo r consumption coughs and colds cald S all persons affected with I 1 asthma bronchitis hoarseness severe coughs Go or any affection of tho the I 1 throat and Lungs can get a trial bottle of the great remedy free by calling at above drug store regular sue size dap IN regard to elya cream biam blam for fo r catarrh my answer i is I 1 can call recommend it as the best r remedy c edy I 1 ever used DK dit J S no dentists muskegon gou alich lich sec see adil F ra root bitters are not a dram drain shop beve beverage rago but arc strictly medicinal in in every sense they the y act strongly upon the liver and kid nc lei keep e I 1 lie bowels open and regu lar far them make e the i 0 weak strong build up hie nerves r arves and cleanse the blood till and eystein a stet of every impurity sold by bv a I 1 dru d ts ur C tt Sira uc homeopathic home physician and surgeon office and residence main blain st between fth and olli special attention to disc abts of women oud and children irn aai AM OA 01 advertisements not exceeding 5 lines lo 10 length will be inverted InBert iii arted 0 ed in this column one time for 25 1 ad additional lion al Incerti insertions ons 15 cis ets extra ili lime ilie e s charged at the rate of 0 5 ct acts lor en c nali c h thae if you wish a sit bation or if 1 you fou do desire sire workmen work en if you havo have lost leelor or found any thin gave you a room to rent orare you desirous of renting one do you wh alt 1 to 10 buy or have you arti articles cies to dispose of 0 you wish to make an appointment orcella or call a meeting othave or have you wish to be made pu public alic call and have It advertised in tte lie olt SALE thirty perch of good F 1 building rock also sonic some adobes acobes inquire at E J watkins shoo shop main st OST ST OR olt STRAYED D A five year old baa pony with heavy tail and mane both hind feet white reward offered for return to JOSEPH JACKSON URNIS tIED ROOMS to rent on F third street between slain main and young inquire at G J 1111 22 av WANTED A TEAM A li lesht ait w WANTED S team for the load road wanted not over eight years old must lust be sold cheap apply at or address this office at A A table boarders can be ac j rl commo dated at DR NELSONS also two furnished front rooms to rent references exchanged franklin st between ath and ath ALL at lie the HERALD office for C CALL leciej Deed sand chattel mortgage BALD RING your job work to the R ALD THE BEST THE CHEAPEST THE QUICKEST WO K DONE AT till tilt HERALD OFFICE 1 ln PHONE this office or drop a card on oil the Post fico otheo and we avill will can call on you and give you TEI TERMS fc constantly adding new type t our already fine variety which oa cables ri ables bles us to oner offer to our piltro patrons ns artistic work AT reasonable PRICES address ogden herald pub co OGDEN MEMORIAL DAY 1 11 JOHN i A dix POST no 3 dept of utah G A it rutih th april 46 26 inh gordert no 1 T to officers and members of john A dix post no 1 8 ny by act of the con gross ortho of tho united states of america A merit a the day of may 1 in each year Is set forth forti us memorial day dayer for the purpose of decorating the lust last resting places of fallen heroes of tile war of the rebellion lellion ro now are each chereb hereby y commanded to bo be present at the heau qu artora of john A dix post no 3 on Fr friday lIY the day of or may 1881 at 8 a m sharp foi the purpose c 0 ot of observing such memorial day i s and for proper assignment to duty 1 i y in deco the tile gracei a of deceased corn coni rade i and friends A moat most cordial invitation la is hereby extended to tho the hon lion mayor and members of the city council ot of OK og den city utah also to tho tile knights of pythias the oliden birti nile iii agado ailo lodges order of lied men fen the theaoa A AOU 0 U W order rf royal rosal arcanum cal lurn tho the schools and L of ordon 0 a and vicinity to 1110 jot join in ob 1 u g memorial 1 lay bay alli all civic societies that desire to take gart part in the ceremonies will report to ahe post alj adjutant u tan t not later than the tile etli day of may alay next ly ily command post O r w n D W felshaw FEba FEL ilAW SIAw adjutant se A so s o ia WILCOX BROSTI cor U fourth 1 and main ats up TIP st g t and PAPER PAPE R RULING 11 ESTABLISH ME juank flooks Jo louled and aud llouel to 01 jep scrap books records Ite cords tablets note nooks books invoke o hooks ap in I 1 your magazines and arid other works for b hiding binding you can depend ing done promptly and arid in an any style required at ItnA SONA SOi boub Piti JE s satisfaction guaranteed WILCOX BROS ogden dt af O arb A CLA having leased tho the premises of dr lepper near th 0 corner of ot 3 ard main streets would respectfully announce that wo are offer to alio public the celebrated Prepare pk crown and singer sewing machins Mac hinest ETC 1 at greatly reduced I Jt state ate on Itea in connection therewith wo we shall also continue the BATH BATHING IN G ESTA BL BUSHMEN S H M EN I 1 having renovated all compartments to accommodate the public o 0 BIT HOT AND ello COLO SOFT WATER 11 AND SUIT SILT BI IT iiii 11 t J extra charges for vapor steam and E electrical path W J H HYDE CO v dmd am cor ar ard 3rd d and fain main arks ks goldsmith co AT THEIR HEW NEW STAND t WALKER we respectfully aes invite the public to inspect ott our ofia stock of goods now itow on oil rama OUR CLOTHING men youths boys and child Is ii of the best make stylish out and of first class materia material S SPRING P R I 1 N G OVERCOATS 0 V S 1 I S B lic latest style styles aud best make FIATS HATS H A TS G I 1 stetsons soft and stiff hats in all sha and other hats of the best makes for 1 boys and Child children xen among others mc mention only the feodora 11 all the rage ra e the east and a very pretty hat T irving a very stylish hat the quin a very desirable hat the knockabout Knock abou a nice rough and ready hat and 0 styles too numerous to mention chic wd wi lUsell I 1 sell at t ik LIVING LIVIN G PRICES PRIG wo we also call attention to our large and well selected stock W WHITE IT E AND COLORED DRESS SHIRD shit underwear neckwear Meck feck wear hosiery gloves 3 and all other goods pertaining to a FIRST CLASS FURNI GOODS department we again carry ho the well ami tind celebrate heiser boots and sho shoes 4 which for dim durability ability and finish have already gained a rep among our customers a have also abo BO BOOTS AND NI SHOES from other othar celebrated manufacturers which we can recommend shirt waists W W I 1 i shirt waists shirt wais t and children PANTS in groat great variety 1 LARGE STOCK OF TRUNKS VALISES VALISE Sf BLANKETS 00 0 U fill please call and examine our goods nud find prices price s and YOU ou ivi 4 find that wo we bell at prices to suit the times marksb 1 GOLDSMITH GOLD CO 1 isia 41 walker avi build 1 |