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Show Calm Face In Danger. Mr. JepMin la a nil in man. tint entlly uet On fine innloii a hla motor car hnd come to a rmlifi n atop he crawled beneath to a-e what waa (he matter. Soiuehow or other anme gnaoltq Ignited. A flerre burnt of flnme and auuike came furth, euvclop-lug euvclop-lug Mr. Jcpann. In the nitilnt nf the exrt.enient he walked to one lilo, with hla initial low and regular ati p. Ilia fare Mack, hla eyehrowa and eyelaahea were ilnged. and whnt waa left of hla lair and beard wa a light to behold. Bom one brought a mirror, and he had a look at hlmaelf. A uaual, however, how-ever, he took matter philosophically "Well," he aald, lowly and dollb-, dollb-, irately. "I waa needing a aha re an4 I my balr cut anyway." m |