Show GENERAL DIRECTORY r county comprises all that portion of the territory bounded south by davis county and the dividing between Nort hOgden and weber valley west by tho the eastern chore shore of great sal lake north by a line drawn duo due east from a point on said shore to tho the hot springs by the territorial rial load road north of ogden city thence by the summit of th tho 0 spur range terminating a at said hot springs to its intersection with n ath the of the wasatch Wasat cli mountains east by the summit of said mountains the government 0 vern ment of the county la vested tested in n the county court composed of tho the probate judge who 1 is ex the presiding presiding off officer leor and throe three selectmen who hold old ofeleo for three years yeara one being chosen every year mono ite regular terms begin on the first monday in each euh season of the year the judiciary power Is vested in the probate court presided over by the probate jud judge who ho Is elected biennially and ge holds bolh his office for two yeara the court Is always charu open a the 0 county clerk clark Is ox officio clerk k of the probate te court and is elected blen biennially niall Y Elec elections tiong are held annually on he first monday in august present population of the county about WEBER COUNTY OFFICERS probate judge L IV shurtliff Shur tUff selectmen robert nathaniel montgomery brigham H bingham ning 3 1 nh ham a n 1 ca clork e r k C charles h a ries 0 richards assessor and Coll octor dal nap treasurer robert Attorn attorney oy F S richards sheriff m thomas J stevens coroner mrk hall halt it recorder C C richards surveyor washington jenkins superintendent of district schools edward H anderson county road rod comm commissioner Iss loner M D B child quarantine Phy physician H J pow raw era Pro precinct officers cors PRECINCT justice of the peace thos D deo des Con constable moroni F brown FE justice of the peace G eorge halls constable john grow EDEN PRECINCT justice of the peace henry J fuller constable morgan 13 heninger Henl nger kostir PRECINCT justice of the peace nathaniel montgomery colne constad constable godfrey justice of ofine ane peace noah L ashurt alff constable alfred K dabell daball PLAIN MAIN CITY PRECINCT justice e constable william knight PLEASANT VIEW PRECINCT justice ol 01 the peace alley constable john A wade latenville LAT ERVILLE PRECINCT justice of the peace jas ja s hutchins constable alexander hunter mArtn ioTT rnE justice of the peace thos salisbury Coa constable stable caleb parry LYNNE PRECINCT justice of the peace F A miller constable james harrop WILSON justice of the peace samuel purdy constable john E WEST WEBER PRECINCT 41 justice of the flace hana hans D dreuer potter son constable robert mcfarland HOOPER OITT CITY PRECINCT justice of the peace pone james johnson Joh naon constable william J belnap justice of the peace richard dye constable franklin watson PRECINCT justice of the peace byram by ram L bybee constable hyrum iby rum L stoddard osden ogden Os den was incorporated by ac act t 01 the territorial legislature approved january 1861 Aluni municipal cipa elections occur biennially odd years on the second monday in february present population officer officers ol 01 tho the Coun clit mayor david H poe doery aldermen first W ward fl E stratford second ward N tann tanner 11 jr third ward joseph farr 1 fourth burtu ward F A fliller Sl miller Iller councilors councillors Counci lors samuel Horrocks Jc hn it J taylor alfred folker john A boyle recorder thomas thomm J stevens treasurer robert Ale prosecuting attorney btaylor Marst marshal ial wm W fife captain of police win W fife assessor and Coll collector octor thoa thos D dee bee supervisor of streets john 17 taylor jamies burch scaler of weights and measures k david 13 browning inspector of Buil buildings dinga john ellla medical board of examiners john D carnahan wm win L malta tyro E R 0 williams stock inspector H M V lO inspector of Provis provisions lons david davide E browning t sexton frank gale supt bupt of water works jas burch chief of fire department A W child jailor james jamea M brown pound round keeper H V shurtliff lff STANDING committees on municipal M laws E stratford ratford Bt joseph farr on licenses joseph fa farr rr john A B boyle lie N X tanner jr wn on claims samuel horrocks N tanner jr R J taylor on 1 public works john Pin cook samuel horrocks F A miller on fire department JohnA john aboyme Boyle joseph farr E stratford on water supply R J taylor samuel horrocks F k A miller on street E H stratford john pin cock F A miller on public F A miller john A boyle john on public grounds A folker E R stratford R J taylor on sanitary regulations Regulation ri N jr joseph farr A folker on finance john A boyle R J horrocks Horroc lf |