Show POTOMAC POTPOURRI star routes IVA washington building from the heralds special A aa is known the so called star route frauds were inquired into by congress and this fact will prevent invest investigation ignation next winter by that body but there is a general demand for full information on the subject and apparently general belief that not nearly the whole truth was told before the house committee everyone every one seems to be writing to senators on the tile subject whether by indictment of some of the kllc alleged ed offenders or simply by persevering efforts lorts eff of agents of the department it is certain that all the facto facts connected with the affair will be made known since 1872 though the authorities have lave annually spent large sums in the improvement of the streets of washington and the government has carri carried d on building operations quite extensively our citizens have not within a year or BO so invested largely in the erection of private dwellings they are doing so now however more houses and of a better class will be built this year than ever before the unequalled unequal led natural advantages of the city have been understood but until lately the debt of washington has been an uncertain quantity though known to be he enormous and the fear of taxation that might be practical tactical rac conf confiscation kept many from rom making investments investments but our three sixty five bonds are now above par the general government pas pays one balfour half our expenses and an era em of wonderful prosperity seems ins to have begun the city lasT has a genuine boom some of senator Con klings friends insist that that gent lemans position as to the robertson nomi nomination is misunderstood that he lie i is is seeking no combinations to defeat and that ho be will cheerfully accept defeat in the matter after making a strictly legitimate fight against it in inside the party while these assurances come from gentlemen having meana means of knowledge it is certain that friends odthe of the new york senator have had consultations and made proposals to t democratic senators whether authorized zed so to do or not would now seem to be doubtful one suggestion growing groining out of general abe Sheri dans visit to this city is to the effect that the country is to be formed into two military 11 divisions one to be commanded flitman mind ma by y Sherid anand to embrace all the ter territory east ast of the rocky mountains is an and the other with iian ilan cock in charge cli arge comprising all west of the mountains much feeling exists among general officers some of whom have commands which are not agreeable to them while others fear that any change may send them to places less satisfactory than they now have the star route investigation is now being proceeded with in detail that is specific contracts are being investigated running through the entire contracts let to the alleged members of the star route ring KNOX conmay ad 1881 he ile who talks falks but little may be suspected of knowing more than lie 11 says |