Show diphtheria the ilic best and infallible cure against canker pox measles etc to be had at F H REE DEitS tf v fifth street atia IF YOU want ant anything in the line of gloves or mitts either silk lisle or lace for ladies or at J co W S BEEKIE dentist all dental work ork strictly first class q east side main street doely stevens block dmd im old fashioned tamey tansey bitters at shafer co WADE co have the largest and best selected Lelec ted stock of st stationery Wo nery blank flank 11 and writing tablets and school Scrib bleis rs ani six slone ma sons i wanted at good agey wages by DAN dt doyin ct ilava you ov seen abo o splendid gents shoes at spoon A it gos cos r t contractors SUPPLIES I farm freight lumber y AND spring wagons reapers readers and mowers machine extras WAGON TIMBER THRESH team harness circular saws victor cano mills steel bottom scrapers alir D morrison my plows bledden steel barb fence ree wre tre leffel tefel turbine wheels VI ertel portable economy ir hay press prem farm tarm and Chur mm cli bell I SULKY HAT illk codik all kinds arent for of mill sun stean engines i tc ordered on oil Co caslon Comm lolon slon H CLAWSON 1211 inland and 1218 1216 south temple st cor main bait A rt CITY LAND LANDT filial proofs desert entries timber culture entries homesteads and preemptions Preempt ions STAYNER SIMMONS liml attorneys information free of charge correspond Corre spon dence at tended to on receipt of stania 11 box halt lailia aty bince main fit north of herald office T III PROPERTY PROPERTY TAXPAYERS TAX PAYERS resident in the First chool district of weber county U T oliden ell city will please take notice that there will be a school meeting hold held in III the ogdon ogden tabernacle on oil monday evening juno june ath 1881 at tit pm to consider the propriety of voting a tux tax for school purposes for tile year iasi the registered voters of said school district will also please toko take notice that at the same time and place a meeting in g will lo 10 held hold for the purpose of electing ting one school trustee to servo serve for the ensuing three years and to hear the annual annual report of the t school trustees also to transact such other business as may properly come before the mooting mooting JOB I PINGREE INGREE Trust trustees eos JOSE JOSEPH PARRY j ogden city may hay 21 1881 ice cream parlor FIFTH STREET STREIT OGDEN opposite etho tho ogden marble works has been fitted up with yew nev appointments complete F for or the accommodation of liis his numerous guests who can call hero here enjoy a dish of pure unadulterated em ted ZOE AY ALSO 50 clinice imus ys al ami acy cu mites parties partle supplied I lei wholesale with ico ice cream at A t thi huc ap lr residences in anapa rt of the city on shortest notice well packed i in ice ire ice cold cider soda water M etc 1033 al ast v delivered in any part of tho the city dmd im DO YOU WANT good pure bread do you want graham bread do you want ant rye bread do you want good fresh cakes and confectionery Confection eryl do you want pure homemade home made candy do you want eastern candy imported from the bea makers if you do tile finest stock in town Is to bo be found at the OGDEN N BAKE BAKERY RY AND dimly IF factory sti etory main street doors south of driver son OGDEN UTAH special terms for wholesale al F ich 31 VERY for city orde country orders und put ut on curs ears free arl to for prices JOHN far A groceries canned goods cigars ac always in III stock anim ly DEATH IN A LAMP HOT WHEN duning lie atmosphere of your room Is warm and sultry ultra it asvery la very important that you us anso h hagli anre re tent teat oil auk ask your grocer for TM HEADLIGHT OIL rl 11 i the trade supplied by at the OGDEN OIL DEPOT importer and shipper of all the standard grades of refined petroleum oils S M undertaker and funeral r director has iras constantly on liand hand a full supply of CASES USES a WOOD COFFINS oaf with a full assortment of TOGETHER T undertakers goods generally I am prepared to do everything in my line in a birst class stylo style and at a reasonable price Embalm lne ll 11 a specialty orders by letter or tele telegraph grap ii will win receive recal prompt attention east t aide side of stain Maha street Streets ogden off den DR MAGGIE G C SHIPP offers her services for a abort short time to the ladies ladles of ogden and vicinity she can bo found at the residence of samuel blasg glasgow ow nearly opposite tile tabernacle ini zo M MT i fill froll it summer stock I for for vo a iii 10 it IO rs att at M AB me 77 I TI MT gr ad AI on ope AND COMPRISES PO outi ALL LL THE IH LATEST nati rea i riv through buying in large quantities ve we secure the lowest arm ces and R TJ UT are thus enabled T to offer tho the public H w y ag be sen SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS at ag r our stock or of d S t lea th WALL WAL L P PAPER A P E ra C and ancl ile C CARPETS A R P E T S Is ym aji kiil d alie styles n are r at ALL NEW AND attractive i gall call and examine for yourselves S TF arf AUS manager 1871 1881 W DRIVER ea WM me DRIVER SOH SON the largest and goldat established DRUG S TL OR E CC fpx V MP U CZ MA X W Z ca X LU t A J T ca CZ ua A bl D U AN A FULL LINE OF ELEGANT CELLULOID GOODS toilet articles perfumeries eries soaps brushes AND OTHER A 11 IN N IMPORTED BRANDY WINES I SWI flu SIT arn OIT A L r S from the vineyards of california TOBACCO aln wa A RS cigarettes rf T a Marasc hwo absinthe and curacao air acao east india costura go yo stura Bo blickers Boic kera ickers and stoughton inn nn ta D ff d JL jb b orders ae s by promptly attended to ions and all orders answered ansbe physicians prescriptions carefully compounded with caro care and despatch WM WIVI DRIVER SON SONY olef gj E Y ZO yott T waltr V BOOTS AND SHOES i FOR YOUR FAMILIES B TT T T V HOME with wi eflin n which you will lind find in overy every stylo style and quality and at prices your roa reach chat at SOLOMON BROS GOLD main st sto o H north of urns more nal jale jake elly yo 70 ma main street salt sail custom work and repairing a leather antl and findlins for the aff lott cut to suit CalIp all as |