Show TIME TABLES cr I MAH ARRIVE All RIVE from the tile west daily at 10 from tile E east L dally at pm from front salt lako lake a ain in and 10 p pm it MAILS CLOSE for salt lako lake and the east at ata a am for por salt lake and tho west vest at pm for northern utah idalio idaho and montana at nt nta pm huntsville edon edell alma and hooper wednesdays mid and saturdays leave tit it am arrivo arrive at pm OFFICE HOURS general dell 15 am to pm on oil sunday 10 pm pan to pm in department open from 10 am to pm pan MONEY onder open froin from 10 I m to pm pall outside door odix froine froin front ain am to pm N KIMBALL postmaster DR pol popular iular medicines also hoods patent hoes rakes groceries and vegetables john J murphy fifth street halls diphtheria the lest best and infallible cure against canker all pox measles etc to be badat biad at F H I tf fifth street co have a fresh invoice colue of kumra a O cigars genuine fon FOP A assortment of family groceries go to I itherspoon co wasl A i v r ia W LOOE loom ur P JAMES JAME S A LL E N us X WW UT W W W 11 mcnutt CO 09 E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN drugs paints oils varnishes Gi galass lAss AND SUNDRIES a 41 sr cap i imported aul ani domestic BRANDIES WINES ETC also carry a LARGE and CAREFULLY SELECTED stock of WALL ALL PAPER P A P the most Coin complete plate in utah buying direct from tho the manufacturers wo we can offer to purchasers seis all the latest designs and an almost endless variety of patterns to select from all at LOWE LOWEST ST irice PRICES S samples by mail when desired FOURTH r ST I le dmd tt established 1870 va jt ARNARD manufacturer of and dealer in all AU kinds of native and imported lumber BOOKS DOORS SASH AND D hh Pie pickets liets catli nud shingles Moul dings in iii great variety t wood turning an ami ti scroll work frames of all binds made to order is WIN DOW DO W S BUILDERS HARDWARE OILS PAINTS shipping a specialty goods delivered on the cars at ogden and to all parts of the el city ty free of charge special to casa pin chassells xe SEND FOR PRICE LISTS ga office and yards corner fourth and wall streets ogden utah he DINWOODEY salt lake city utah FULL LINE OF N UP CARP CARPETS EmS lambrequins LAMBRE QUINS FURN FURNITURE A A ITURE cornices cornicks Cor nices lace curtains upholster goods A CAI abs Fea af n tilters t h P s aima 11 l W wall all r dmd tf IF YOU TOT WANT PRICE IN MONEY SEND YOUR GRAIN AND PRODUCE TO SIDNEY k agent for lie me walter A woods and peerless world renowned CT and THO mowers 01 AND harvesting MACHINES C the gaar scott co and the russell rawell co mass dio ing mach gnei entwines EnT lines ind saw mills the gale gate horse hay rake plows ana other joarnt x implements THE MITCHELL PROVED ni farm freight and spring wagons alad S also shipper and dealer in live stock GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE ak ogden and north 09 ogden deff utah ter ki aur asi |