Show dangerous vang crous fall yesterday afternoon noon while the fu funeral services over the remains of lawrence S jones were going on in the residence of the parents of the deceased edward Ilor horrocks rocks a 14 year old son of mr samuuel s met with a serious acal accident he ile was outside tho the mortuary residence tending his fathers buggy waiting for the start of the funeral cortege when the horse suddenly became unmanageable and turned the buggy ri right g over tb throwing rowing the boy on to the sidewalk after which the excited e equine aine endeavored deavo red to run away tut but waa was caught and find stopped by mr air joseph baxter the boy was picked up and carried into the house of mr air J james tries horrocks where dr john 11 driver rive r examined iii liis is injuries use ascertaining er that the right elbow had bad sustained a comminuted com fracture the surgeon took the nece necessary steps to alleviate the b boys s suffering and dressed the injured arm |