Show CALL AND examine the tho extensive ato stock k of woolen gooda goods at fair farr bros f anstr Instruct iTO and entertaining we have received from the juvenile instructor office the life ic of r jacob it is a book of pages the narrative was written by by james A little as it lell tell from the lips of tile subject sul b acu t of the biography it is the fifth of the faith promoting series in process of publication at the instructor tor clor office the contents of the book are strictly truthful yet in unison with the common phrase phra sethe they ar are stranger estranger than fiction jacob hamblin blin is n man of great modesty and unusual simplicity of character and probably but few braver men than lie ever lived some sortie of the scenes through which he passed in bi his remarkable career were of a thrilling abr illi in and d even von e sensational charac character te r ran I the e story is a L chain of f dan dangers go rs miraculous escapes and deliver ances proofs of divine interposition in human affairs a f and pathetic aphetic incidents in ci dents his long any and arduous experiences among the indians are specially interesting te sting several matters at general historical consequence connected with utah in a general way bayar are c detailed t we recommend the tile work to the perusal specially of our young friends ri ends while the older ones would woul d alpo also be refreshed bl by reading it its price is moderate being eing 35 cents a copy cherry tooth paste an aromatic combination for the preservation reservation of the teeth and guma gums it at is far superior to any preparation of its kind in the markets market in large handsome opal pots price 50 cents for eale sale by mcnutt co ogden di 15 ly padlocks nad locks hall A vib substantial two tivo story brick building with twelve roona room cellar and garret two stairways double floor two fronts plate plato glass glam windows 12 feet high stories eui equitable table for more than one family is to lent inquire of D II 11 PE PEERY r my MR bin HENRY has associated himself with of the new pavilion hot springs MOST excellent meals arc are served u up p b by mine ine host of the gysler bay restaurant restaurant nt fifth st opposite osite Fir emens hall at B ATH I N G PLACE on tho U railway the most agreeable and attract attractive ivo PLEASURE RESORT R ESO RT in the territory fare for re bound una trip including suit babli and boom room docta tickets can be obtained good for any r u a r t train r at n eft e f r e a h i bents or of all kinds on n the gro grounds tinis xa gaeir GARIT THOMPSON proprietors Ts arlt Moul dins butcher shop RED FRONT livo doors west of old stand P fath ah street B BEING EING now established in now and commodious quarters I am prepared to offer choice meats at reasonable FIGURES old ana new customers invited to wilt ean and td see me nic STOCIE OWNERS should bring their beat st veal mutton and bork to W 11 II and resolve the hig liest coh hunu dais im artil st ogden butth TABER HAR HARKER XER CO AND grocers fe california St bolow below front NAN MAI cisco ZI am tho las is aro re of to U cur in mart S f AND D I A H I N AR IZONA afave no connection with wilh fie fact that pi Tin rr ir tk ga B chalu H fl S a U H B T non W e T A I H I wi wv have opened their now premises ono door south of old store with ono ollo or if the tile most complete lilies of cry gry goods Hat emotions ionS evens mens furnishings hats anti and gaps caps boots roots shoes S 12 laa lao cit oily city y to which wo we call tho tile attention of the public in general THE GROCER f mm CROCKER ami m I X Is situated in tho the old store in is a full line IT IS A A kabo KNOWN FACT THAT OUR STOVES AHE ARE PAR S UIE TO AXT A NY THE RS IN THE VIE MA T WE K manufacture MANUr ON THE S A rull LINE OP 01 tilt AND A AIT A I N D P VT I at prices be lie I kent eidt ds i tt 17 eimu nimu J T J L bukh WHOLESALE RETAIL B CY L E large ani Majul coRt stock of plain abl ha fleMal montal Forni tuo BEDROOM AND PARLOR SETS parlor ami fasca plain and ort ornamental I tables uc oiw furniture ur e hurraw Hur Bare caw aus Hir mirrors side boards table cloths claths window shades picture frames baby Cani carriages ages cradles els etc PLAIN AND FANOY CORNICES everything in the furniture une kept hopt at our establishment wo we are bet toy p prepared than iliin ever over to suit sul tall all co east sido main street catlen city ulah utah THOS W JON JONES duj PS main street ogden utah T TAILOR AND IN cents gent s fine furnishing goods TO P A cm oni I I 11 Dm WOODEY EY ra salt lake city utah FULL LINE OF k I RE CARPETS I J AA q JL LJ lambrequins LAMBRE QUINS FURNITURE F U R N IT UR cornices cornicks Cor nices lace curtains Up upholster olster hilSter gods BB Z O AG ES Fea smathers So athers tiler aim azacl d W vall 11 11 paper DAVID JAMES gas sloam R p respectfully ESPE ULLY ANNOUNCES A S to the X citizens liti zens of ogden that af at the urgent soli citations of many friends he lie lias has opened a branch house on oft fourth st opposite post Off iciD where he be will keep a complete completo stock of ot 17 al PLUMBING GAS my AND STEAM GOODS WATER AVATER PIPES LAID TO ORDER up vp wih wilh bath aih tubs tuk water Clo closets wash hat and cold ard water rat r SOLE AGENT FOR UTAH FOR FOP THE a clans motor Warr aers alt BS cating apparatus the eiro vire on ont bic e eartle slating HEATING STOVES GRATES and MOTELS MANTELS all orders will receive prompt attention it lake ted dross r I soo dadoly |