Show CONGRESS by W C to tb HOUSE washington jan 32 garland from the committee on public lands submitted a minority report on the claim of McGar ralian together with a bill placing all the claimants to rancho panoche granche in california in the court of claim with the right of appeal to court laid on alie table bill and report to be printed the house bill reported from the committee on finance yesterday to facilitate the refunding of tho national debt was passed unanimously edmunds moved to take up lib resolution declaring valid the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth it was rejected and the consideration ortho naval ampro prin tion bill was resumed rei umed blaine speaking in favor of lib amendment of yesterday edmunds reserved the right to object to the amendments on the ground that they proposed now legislation he would not ask to have the point decided now adjourned A bill passed appropriating 00 for the transportation of coin and bullion and for miscellaneous expenses of the IIo tho senate amendments to the indian appropriation bill were non concurred in A stormy debate arose in recard to tho southern claims bill in the course of which bragg stated waa solid for the democratic party simply for the purpose of getting money out of alio treasury it would bo well for the northern democracy if southern democrats wont over to the republican party and he hoped they would do so ellis li agreed that tho percentage of loyal berdena in the south aa hie gentl errun understood it was very annall lut the southern man rho had been born there who biad been reared there and who had been identified that people could only havo been loyal when lie entered the confederate tinny and did his full duty as a aldier ol dier they laid only loyal people in the south they had boan loyal to their their god and to tho no loleit highest and manliest emotions over breathed by the soul he was willing now to vote for ft constitutional amendment I should cloo tho beoka and for ever settle the accounts between them and tho governments tho lecture which tho gentleman from bragg had fit to read alio democrats of the south came from him with bad grace no democrat had pro posed to the party no southern democrat had intimated such a proposal several republican desired to aak but ellis TO fused to yield ond Atkins declared it waa a family fight ellis in conclusion conc luion said the southern people were as true to tho democratic party aa alio gentleman from wisconsin bragg it was in obed ienco to democratic as the southern yuple had that they biad gone into the war the boube then proceeded to the consideration of the resolution in honor oatlie late boverly D douglasb sw the wore adopted and the adjourned anya a win be rent to new york to lake testimony les in the cipher dispatches investigation the number of cipher telo branit in tho of general butler h the jury in the caad of ghebre vort board for making a false return in th late con brought in ft verdict of guilty witti a recommendation to mercy A verdict was j ivan yesterday the united states circuit court at now york tho illinois and st louis bridge co for on bridge co of pittsburg fur construction |