Show GENERAL W U to th june 25 the fleet f the resolution offered today to day by one of the democratic in the awis bof an t congress tomorrow to morrow evening proves the correctness of the predictions mado in these dispatches chent of depre natt nt tt woula in due unite any final adjournment before the passage of all necessary necea sary appropriation bills A large additional number of democrate demo crAta inthe in the louie will follow the lead of their party senate when a more tt i made as one will be in few days by the introduction of a bill containing appropriations for all judicial expenses except fees and contafi ning also the provisions for amendment of the jury law and repeal of the test oath but tripped of the upon which the president based his veto mouths afta members are daily becoming more positive in their conviction that it would be folly for them to throw wy this opportunity of obtaining legislation of uch special importance to their constituents and it is highly probable that such a kill if offered ander a motion to suspend the rules next monday will command a two think majority without the least dif this plan of procedure would wholly flank the threatened refusal of the majority of the committee on appropriations to bring any now bill batore the house and it is moreover tory doubtful even tho im plu cables would bo willing to record the votes against a measure thus made up entirely of provisions cor choso whoso adoption in the former bill they themselves had labored earnestly after the passage of this bill they would still be at liberty to vote for the of the remaining por of the vetoed bill embodied in A separino sep arito measure and upon the receipt of the presidential veto of this supplemental bill in which all appropriations for marshal would he accompanied with prohibition of appointment of deputies for election purposes they could adjourn and claim that they had remained true to their principle there are many indications blut the course thus outlined will be th one ultimately adopted alie court will bo provided for desired legislation respecting lbs jury laws etc ba enacted and everybody be satisfied except the marshal who however would be relieved by a deficiency bill next winter when ingalls today to day kofl erad as an amendment to the little joint resolution the pay of senate employed emp loyes the entire judicial appropriation pria tion bill except its sections con corning deputy marshals and jury law the senate by a strict party vote amended his amendment by restoring those sections and this has been construed as inconsistent with the action of yesterdays democratic caucus it has however no significance except that the majority were not willing to alow the minority to anticipate the formation of their own plans A F june 25 the june report of the agricultural department allows the acreage of oats has decreased about per cent the general average is 81 against last year the condition in unfavorable in most all sections of the union A decrease in th acreage of rye of about per cent new england is full new york only 80 and penn 88 barley is ow the general average being 85 while in it was ohio bun TOLEDO june 25 the summer meeting of the tri tate trotting association was held to day first race class in three purses me cordya Hamb letonian sut longood second hind time 28 32 the winner wag the favorite second race class purses same as the above ten entries brigadier I oceana chief ad monarch rul ad time official reports irom tho mayors and presidents of the boards of health of the following cities miss canton miss shreveport la collierville Colli erville tenn bickman man kv grenada miss helena ark rings miss decatur ala cumbia Al aall bearing date of june bear the gratifying intelligence that in none ortho places mentioned has the present health outlook been more favorable in no instance has there been any indications of a return of the fayer better health than usual prevails and every precaution that sanitary regulations can suggest has been accomplished toward preventing a recurrence of last yara epidemic th CoT eatlo TOLEDO meeting of those who proposed to support the columbus platform and ticket was hold at the blody house this fefer noon platt of county candidate on the regular ticket for member of the board of public works presided boroo sixty or eighty were present hamilton county delegation ina vote by themselves resolved to support both the platform aud tho ticket put forth and then the balance who had rei from voting adopted resolution to support the columbus ticked but not the platform the meeting wa exciting the opera bouse convention was characterized in bitter terms as a sellout sell out to the democrats brkl U the president received a comma ai catlon from the senate judiciary committee willi regard to the withdrawal of the nomination of secretary mccrary as judge of the isali judicial circuit it states there was no personal pero onal objection to the nominee fand that the only eason for not fcc om mending his confirmation was the vacancy could not bo anticipated it intimated that a renewal of the at the proper time would receive favorable consideration CW ita ef itaw june 25 the coney bolind wore well attended today the first contest five furlongs by two year Moa Auito and minos was won by the latter in the second race owaside handicap for all ages two miles was generally conceded to bramble Brom ble but pom hillips second gov II ampton third bramble last time the boxt race by three year olds mile and quarter odd bulei and quarter between geo mcculloch and una was won by t te former time the mile diab was won by warfield franklin second third time the steeple chase was won by all rieba resolute second oats third time th ct aryan gero ints have been made for sherman blaine logan chandler burroughs garfield to speak in ohio during h campaign sherman will make but two willfield Gill field wi 11 ll go all over tho state and chandler will bosit of hs time on alio west cm sherman will speak in maine during the coming canvass and in ho ya through that city B bunc junc 25 The journals washington there is barely a quorum in tho house speaker randall aid today to day thero are only four or five more than a quorum of now here and the there will be no quorum in a day or two SAX june 25 at two thia morning at plat tea hall exilda lachapelle and fanny ed wards completed tho tak of walking three thousand quarter milea in three quarter hours both apparently are as fresh us when they and they continued walking with the intention of walking four thousand quarters slur mea CHICAGO june 25 A meeting wag held this afternoon to organize a bimetallic league the object as elated in clief call being to promote tho cleedy restoration of silver to its old position as a money metal with rights of coinage the aade ftc gold and to cornecl informs lion on this subject ex mayor mason presided the name bi raehal lie league of chicago was adopted lion C B lawrence was elected president and john N farwell first vice president with other vice presidents including L Z leiter potter palmer J R doolittle E A storrs and monroe heath accy geo A johnson treasurer henry N nash an executive committee headed by judge henry booth was termed the latter gentleman read a paper setting forth his views on currency which were adopted aa a platform judges tilo and miller col daniels and others made addresses and the meeting adjourned subject to call the names connected will the matter are as a rule a guarantee f the success of the organization rollf for NEW YoRK June 25 the world today utters the almost universal santi ment here in which also alie prosy is all but unanimous as follows the most important reflection for new yorkers in connection willi alie confession of tha murderer of mrs clearly is that the police of new york havo dono absolutely tto wads securing his detect lion his arrest or his arrival the atit the tower of east river bridge is completed the last tone having boen position the saddles through which the great cables pass are now covered with stone and the top of the tower presents a smooth unbroken aur fice the gang of workmen engaged here has been transferred to brooklyn will be finished as rapidly as possible more than seventy stones yet remain to be placed in position here about men are at work on the bridge the greater part of the work in progress is being done on the anchorages to open opposition to the vanderbilt elevated road incie ac mayor cooper in a message transmitting the report of the to the aldermen virtually censured them for their action and showed that it proposed to part very valuable franchises for nothing and without compensation to property owners much opposition is also developed in other circles new jersey politicians cans are much exercised over the disclosures presented in the times concerning kneir secretary of state who is one of the leaders of uie democracy and is charged with taking in the last three years for services for which the legislature proposed to allow him but it arty ilax june 25 the arate convention of the new constitution or honorable bilk bled in sacramento this afternoon about half the accredited were present marm biggs chairman of the executive committee called the conventi onto order and wa chosen temporary chairman john II 11 burke temporary secre tary A committee on credentials tas appointed and a taken the convention appears to bo mainly of democratic proclivities as regards past political affiliations and there 11 considerable work beang done with the view of bringing about a fusion with tho democrats but thus far with small prospect of succeed suc cee the 11 II B convention committee on credentials reported thirty five counties on platform permanent organization and order of business vero appointed adjourned till tomorrow to morrow Int troit the work chicado juno 25 the TOT new york special bays at boston san francisco capitalist are in created in the progress beag made with the southern pacific road now being forward and it is expected within fifteen mont connection will bo made with the missouri Mii river fort scott and gulf road this is a boston almost exclusively and i regarded ie havinga brilliant future it is mid hero on wall street that before thia connection i made arrangements will be completed for an unbroken line from chicago in direction BO that when junction with the southern pacific i deflected trains can run through direct from chicago to san francisco thi enterprise ter prise will destroy the monopoly of existing pacific rond and will be of great advantage to shippers by foreign low rates tor freight and pas sage th of the st louin lion mountain and southern road are negotiating for a consolidation with the texas ana pacific line and aa this is being built by the pennsylvania railroad managers alie ewferd may be inada by another line from chicado Ch icaco it is hinted that vanderbilt is arranging to control of the pacific road at the next election and that this i the explanation to the direction of vanderbilt to tha co and northwestern milla in a laia holder in union pacific stock and with hit cooperation and that of tho beaton holders a majority in favor of van dombik could readily be secured girard french minister of lure submitted to the senate a bill increasing the powers to deal with tho colorado bentle and hon edward leonard of patta field received a grant froan the mexico government tu in building railroad biily in length isthmus tho committee of the cenate and hought caucuses agreed to recommend to alie joint democratic cancu that the ato abion contained in the vetoed measure making appropriation I for judicial of the government be divided into bvrd bill the billa nill ba pr parL ly ab |