Show NEWS cj W t to tb juno tho following is tho oration of jlii ingersoll at liis brother funeral which by nil of deep and sincero tiding nna my friend I am going to do that alie bend often lie mould M do for me the loving brother hustind hus bind father friend died where minli morning almost touches noon and while the shadows still were fulling toward tho west ho had not cassed on lifes highway the stone that mark tha highest point but being weary for a moment he laid dotan by tho wayside woy side and using his burden for a pillow fell into that dreamless sleep that kissas down his eyelids still while yet in love with lil and with tho world ho bossed to silence and pathetic dust yet after all it may bo best just in the happiest funniest sunniest Sun niest hour of all the voyage eager winds are lassing every sail to lash against he rack and in an instant hear the billoni boar over a ship for whether i in mid sea or among tho a wreck must mark at list he end af pf each mid all and every life no ter if its every hour is rich with love and every moment jeweled a joy will at its close become a tragedy as mil and deep and dark as jean be woven of the warp and woof I of mystery and death this brave and tender man in every storm of life was oak and rock but in the sunshiny sun shino he was vine and liewer lie friend of all heroic sou h he climbed the heights anci left all far below while on his forehead fell the golden dawning of a grander day iio loved the lal fand was with color form and music touched to tears aig sided with tho weak and with a willing band aavo alms a loval heart purest hand ac faithfully discharged all public trusts he was a of a friend of alo oppressed A thousand times I have heard ann quote the words for justice all places a temple and nil seasons summer lie that happiness was tho i only good reason the only torch justice tho only worshipper wor shipper human its tho only religion and love the I only priest he to the sum were every one I foi whom ho did some loving service to bring a blosom to lu grave lie would seep to night beneath a wilderness of flowers life is a narrow vala between tho cold and barren peaks of two eternities we strive in vain to look beyond the heights worry aloud and tho only answer is the echo of our wailing cry prom the voiceless lips dead there corfis no word but in the night of death hope sees a star and listening jove the rug tie of a ang iro who cerps ahre when dying tho for the return of health whispered with his latest breath I m better now let vis in spite of dolbi cinc dogmas and cars adf fears eliat dear word fl re rue of all ade countless dead and now to you who hava been chosen from among the many men he loaf d to do the last sad office for we giva bis sacred dust speech cannot contain our love there was there is no gentler stronger manlier man C SAM juno the state convention 09 in this city today to day thirty counties opre represented and delegations from others anro expected denis called tho convention to order and delivered an ad ireta reviewing alie origin present condition and future prospects of the larty inference to the of the national banking act and alie issuance of all money from the treasury of tho US met with much enthusiasm from the convention while the committee in credential were in consultation resolution wat adopted of re to the memory of alie late gen shield ho committee on credentials hav ng reported committees were on und permanent organization and or der of business alio latter commit eo reported in fauvor of denis kear ney for permanent president was received with great applause and afler deciding upon the order business the convention adjourned ill tomorrow to morrow to give tho committee on platform lime to report the provi dings of the convention aur are harmonious though marked by a tendency to the prolonged discussion on minor topics noticeable at previous conventions of the in guien and delayed things by ignorance of parliamentary rulon ft ia understood that there is an element in tho in favor of the new constitution party movement and it i expected will show iiii hand tomorrow to morrow in the attempt to either carry or split the convention conven tiou it is ngi dered however that this is not sufficiently strong to carry either point and that proceedings will he conducted to a i lion mat june A fire in the chemical last night caused company a fosa of A V weck bookkeeper for the company fell into burned a pool of vitriol aind waa fatally june in tho denata executive inwon in won thin afternoon all the pending como for appointment aind pro moon in tha arroy acra called up and en masse aha of mccrary M dillons wan laid before tho enante in tho igual course to tho committed teo on judiciary th kan athe tco of burgeons tur geons and efant to on S rs turned odny o report he buried and the wounded tenderly cared for relief CM been organized t irving and frankfort and aro doin everything in their ponca to for the of the name of 13 killed at or near arving bre together with a very arge number of wounded tho billed in the vicinity of frankfort iro 48 per on acra wounded at these two are reported killed nd many wounded in ha of ap Jf delpho co and casual tie iro reported in other of alto county traversed ly the storm ft arf certain that no legs than 40 hare been killed and 70 to 80 wounded tilt the latter very severely lessen by NEW YORK may alie bulletins statistics shiow tho losses by fired jn the united states from Jai ast 1st to april 30 70 to eleven millions anoro the atmo period in 78 and 77 respectively more alian tho sanio period in 76 and cioto alian in 75 too loisea to insurance companies show even a greater ratio of claims apon them being on an average muro than 50 per cent mora for the first third of the present year than during any corresponding period in the past civo years the sun today to on day prints a leaded on its editorial page sharply criticizing alie prominent rca tures of california and social life it says alie most pursuits are in the hands of foreign rs mainly irishmen and german halt he wealth derived from mining tue in the handa of aloman catholic irish the roll crowd doglii trouble them much but their families are nil axing brought up in the Catl faith the wholesale business of the state is almost exclusively clu in jewish hands the americans predominate among the speculators proper the lawyers la and other professionals arc falso abineri tone of business circles is very low there are aloro rascals to the square loot on montgomery pine and california streets than anywhere else on earth irishmen and rogues aro allnott synonymous terms here I make this state men t deliberately the writer thinks genolous and enterprise ng with all their faints and san franceo Fran cco the very paradiso for poor mm there Is less money spent on churches and anoro on educational institutions than at the east thea arca irca are better patronized in san francisco than in any oilier city of its size in the world ti victory june the result of judicial election yeat erda y in county is an average democratic of |