Show GENERAL NEWS DELEGATE CANNONS VIEWS j ON THE DECISION important session of the teller corn j ce UTAH DELEGATES TO WOMANS convention desperate fight with unruly cacy canca ETC ETC ETC bj W U to th NEW YORK jan the ay president babcock has issued to the stockholders of the pacific mai steamship co a report of its prospects and present condition which he gays to be required by recent decline in the stock of alie company and the consequent apprehensions ff stockholders regarding the future of their property babcock revise without gloves alio administration tc the affairs of the company under hafk predecessors in office lie bays arci dent dihins report of the year end ing april 76 was a misleading one and he gives alie correct figures as follows liabilities WA babli assets deficiency I n regard to preside clydes administration says for the two years ending may 1878 no report showing earnings and expenses of the company was made and in fact these yesra comprise alie niort critical period in alie history of the company no statement of liabilities and assets taken from alio books was given to the stockholders at alie end of the first year april SO 1877 the annual report shows an apparent decrease in liabilities but it omitted to state that a largo part of this sum was derived from alie following sources viz sales of real erta teat bale of three old a reduction of coal and stores at the agencies of and receipt from the united states government of subsidy amounting to CIrl NEW YORK jan carver lias accepted bogardus challenge tho men will meet on the to arrange details jan y the govern juat sent to the albany legislature claims great reforms in ca state prison af faira gays alie prisoners lue greatly overcrowded also insane asylums from business nl agnation losses and disappoint recommends increased room and that the state inebriate oy juin which bou averted into ui asylum for the insane inmates of county poor houses recommends the discontinuance of normal which fail to accomplish the object of their establishment calls attention to the dangar from federal interference at elections and urges a prompt and fearless protect from the legislature ets shouting NEW your jan captain bogardus resumed his shooting at 11 and at noon biad added broken balls to his three acore of yesterday no miss yet alie captain Cap tamn thumb and fore finger of both hands were damaged from caused by the heating of the gun amr walk badamo anderson at noon was completing the quarter mile A mothr thos red for several year cashier of the first national bank lias absconded the president boners one thousand dollars reward for hii capture arof to fifth clerk hubb ml his wife and two children en route west from sherman were frozen to death near pilot point on the of the ath grant declines all efforts to draw him into an expression of his opinions on religious subjects saying simply he would bo mahamed of his career it it contained any word inconsistent with his belief in the widest civil and religious liberty grants resolution not to visit cork was taken hearing of the action of alio cork council on account of hiis nea of time it in believed now that biad ho gone there riots of a dreadful character would have ensued club YORK jan efforts are making to organize here a bullion club its promoters state generally purposes are to collect and reliable information relative to american mining for procious proc iou metals and all collateral rul subjects fir antl actual resumption has materially modified the eastern movement for grants to the presidency this K alie general opinion among alie shrewdest in forecasting the political future the grant move ment reached ita climax just after the maine election when the fear was arouxet that ano green backers obtaining the control of congress might organize a hostile demonstration of labor against capital ahw leu to alie desire for amstrong man at the head of the government who would likely take unusual responsibility atit tho november elections banished tho fears which suggested such necessity and now that resumption is believed to assure renewed industrial prosperity lie public tendency is toward candidates supposed to fit them for a solution of po ditico economic problems jan at this morning auxt after alio miners had descended into alio penn coal cor aim ft no near thin place terrible gaa explosion occurred near tho carriage way by beverl men were supposed to have been killed The been for a few day ft great change going on in a few of the mines adjoining no making itself vis ible upon the surface by immense crevices toppling over chool houses gag forced itsel finto no and when peter doley mining bos opened the door leading to the old workshops an oapl took place that tha earth in the vicinity with terr ifie force tho mining WM in burned terribly and patrick loftus injured alie remainder yema inder of tho miner were in an kotlier chimber 11 will r j isis tei like probably two weeks to get the shaft into working or der the C P jairl IT new YORK jan the anu gives currency to the alleged california rumor that the titles to the central pacific railroad and branches are how in the hand of flood obrian cn the firm having been transferred in for borrowed money larl tamm english mall deplore the fact hat british employers and workmen fail to recognize that only in working harmoniously together cau the rapidly increasing atrain on the indu atrial classed bo relieved even among farm laborers and employers tho fight haa become bitter in kent and eskee the laborera succumbed to ay reductions the masters then the laborers retirement from alio laborers unions are akin to trader union the men rc firsing were ejected from their cottages one correspondent mys he ean in the north of england liala a township in the snow with it goods and chattel calmly watching the bocking up of cottages from which the occupants had been ejected and then establishing their fi resides nt DENVER col jan at a caucia of the republican members of the legislature this evening prof K II 11 elm nominated on the fourth ballot for the U S senate the will elect on the th fu NORWICH conn jan in the bobb bishop murder trial mrs cobb was on alie stand and denied utterly tho truth of bishops statements regarding her share in the attempts to poison mr cobb she testified to various remarks of bishop and told a straightforward story only breaking down when eclie told of cobbs death she denied any ain roper intimacy on her part with S chop john jan luttrell ap befaro alio laoue education and lalar committee lo 10 advocate speedy notion on alie chiloro ho faid inlew M arc done by congress lie would regulate the mitter for themselves eliat kourney had thou winda of followers some of alie airet men in the state and that he feared if relief were not obtained from the federal government the people would rise up as did our fathers at boston and throw alie overboard Can BOBi washington jan 10 delegate cannon today to day referring to the recent supreme cour decision admitted the right of congress to legislate polygamy but his people had more to fear from persecution than from pro locution under alie act of 1862 lie feared the enemies of the mormon people would institute continuous pro caution for unlawful cohabitation against parties alio would otherwise escape under alie atea af alie statute of limitations alio cormona Mor mona would le craveno and poltroons if they yielded religious principles to alio dictate of alio supreme court th NEW LEAsa jan 10 at the meeting of alia teller committee today win D rolling of tens testified he ia ft democrat but was a candidate candi dote on the independent ticket at the last election aw no outrages committed saw a body of fifteen armed men at the polls on election day undo a deputy sheriff think intimidation frightened tho negroes so that they staved away from alie polls and filial if alio had voted they would have had a majority thousand at the close of tho election lie de banded ft count of the votes at poll no but it was retired and n band men took the box to st joseph J it losy of testified that he wait one of the posio of the sherill and register to disperse mho it wa rumored were at BOM place for tho purpose of waterproof tho register had about forty armed men on the way we heard that the negroni biad and that firing had commenced between them and our advanced guard of two men alie order waa then giyei to advance and fire the firing was done in tho direction of where the were to bf misled tho apra in their quarters and when we fired ono volley they dispersed two or throe wounded dont any were killed frank eatnon Wat non colored WM the next he lived eight miles from waterproof and wai told by a democratic friend that th place WHO petting too liot for him eliat lie biad bottor clear out he run away leav ing his partly gathered crop to take caro of itself eliat day there were fifty or sixty armed mn from oua chita in waterproof law then put a rope around a negro boya neck because he would not a question clivy naked him lie took to alio wood being told that the crowd wanted him there were four ns groes in ho woods hiding ho wat hid for nine dit vs and then went to witness lien mid I dont in lend to go hack because I dont think it would he exactly fiefe nil never did anything to be driven away for I fed now that I to tilled hem it would b alinn before other colored testified that on tho lay of alio election aln rc wis a riot in caledonia caddo parah the riot aar tho voting ww over and ahre were killed the tooth led to the seii eral of legrue in III att YORK jan 10 capt bogar dus concluded hit to break ix alak balli out of sixty two hundred coning at gil moro it garden he ans alto against abo of chicago giving him two hundred broken baian out ol 01 a up to wednesday night bogarde Bog broko balls without a fired at four hundred ond arl six tonight to night bogardus Boe ardus broke twenty six bundro hun dro and oddity balls without a mi but hw houlder tr got bore and his liand swollen and tired from tho great exertion to eliout badly and at alie wd of tareo thousand rhota ball broko ix thousand in six tanu nand and shoto thru commenced gho otine and misel ev on balls of four hundred chota thir ditl six alfill missed on wednesday nian mada maua it U bogardus Bogar dua the feat of it six hundred and eighty balls without mi was never before accomplished effi or dili 10 the potter caminit tee on motion of mcmahon Mc Mabon orders an investigation of the cipher and requests the house to grant an additional appropriation for jan 10 secretary reply to general sheridan is published it is devoted largely to showing that inconsistencies and contradictions chit in tho latter document lie bays I feel warranted in baying that general sheridan after an evidently diligent search of the records of correspondence has not batien ably to sustain lil general charge with regard to ft single one of forty three agencies in hm department during the period d ui his annual report I am confident every fair mind ed man reading his gup lal will agree with me in this conclusion ang FOHT kan jan 10 the hostile cheyenne indians ini lacre since ing been informed by the commanding glicr a few days ago that they were to be taken back to the agency in the dinoian territory determined to die rather than consent to nich A movement since the information was imparted to them they have become very and have repeatedly expressed a determination to die before consenting to midi movement they have become very stubborn for the past few days and fearing an at to escape the post commander placed a strong guard over their prison room last night about eleven clock while nearly every one was in bed except the evo watchful guard the savaged jumped through alie windows of the prison room and made for alie cold prairie which in thickly coated with snow the guard from the revolvers they had concealed scinco their cap lure and wounding four of the guard of whom one has died and is not expected to survive the ily the main guard rushed out of alie guard houe upon hearing the firine and upon anscer lining cause and seeing the fleeing hostile running for tue bluffs immediately followed and opening fire shot and killed over forty uv agea over one hundred and sixty of the cavalry mounted and dismounted arc still in pursuit of the fleeing savages alie ishaq bang of the carbines in alio hands of our men can be heard from the hill three aniles distant where the savages have evidently made for it is thought not one of them will escape ilahi washington jan 10 alie national comans womans un rage convention this year for time includes delegates from utah namely mrs zina young williann ft daughter of brigham young and wells difo of the mayor of salt lake city who edits there the exponent mm jB ilmoni walk YORK jan 10 tonight to night madame had completed 2320 quarter miles in the came number of consecutive quarter hours iiri jan 10 alie well known case of biggins vs os arast grant was taken up in alia circuit court today to day but not concluded |