Show NEWS alm at newport burns docu tho wave kaill holds sway iu tho country W V lo 10 ahe cue tie cliett Clil tt dec 30 the journ aps washington says the wa not united on the question of whittaker s court martial secretariat op posed the and advocated Whit lakers dismissal in accordance with the recommendation of the court of inquiry the president said up to this whittaker had been treated a though guilty and corn mon justice demanded that bo regarded innocent until his guilt was proven lie would therefore order a court martial and shown to be guilty he would be di missed from service and if innocent ho should not bo made to sull er in army circles the opinion ia that the against whittaker cannot be proven and he will be given nother west point under flen howard lb ort I advises advices from he lower colomac and CheM bay aro that the savero weather has almost entirely stopped the oyster tin oyster famine may fae expected scow dec SO The snowstorm all the new york cantril Cen eart abandoned the chicago due from the east lasic night n olf tha track at lancaster arnn frozen NEW YORK dec 30 A cold wave is reported throughout the south making the weather tho c liest for year at fla the oranges were frozen on tha trees it i feared that up the river the fruit was badly damaged although in come localities the oranges escaped A baram yew YOKE R L daf 31 the cummer residence of jamec R keene burned this morning a defective furnace was the cause several thodia and dollars worth of paintings etc ware caved mrs awne nd family were occupying it the houe and contents wee we e balaod at tho insurance is upwards the inability to get water owing to tho extreme cold prevented alie bremen from working electively KEW dec 31 steamship westphalia from europe brought iu french gold diforte Cn iCACO dec 31 the tinus new york special aas britton counsel ajr mrs byg it was bp earnest desire to spare her little daughters the of divorce pro cee dingi on basis and thit be had ba everal fruitless interviews ter views with the governors go vernora personal frends to for an amicable divorce on the ground of neglect o kuppart sup part Cr euald dec the adria special says amri sarah youa one of the oldest resident in chii city met a fearful death ay iy i morning her clothing catching lire froni a ottova before help could avi to her the lower part of her loav waa burned to a ceader she w ia years old hunt dec 30 the water dupea in the S building aart tah evening und ktores binl worth a large sum were awl to be in jeopardy no government officer eer who has access to the building habas hat nn the josi cannot be had to night ali NEW dec 31 tho wald s london spenial ay there has been a rumor that edward jenkins M P author of baby and other political waa going to canada to edit a paper to day fa luiere wa iu tho story f jenkins that lie koulet KOul rt rather go to botany by than edit a canadian newspaper dec 30 ahn report of Surin maxwell to the chamber of commerce says of the whiskey trade m this city during the past year it has been a season of which his not from great pro llla lor campeti alon liaa been arry active oiher p markets and goods have ben ibold on al entler margin but it has arisen faoro largely increased and from faithfully ed it is believed that in there has been no tuch exemption from bad daht productions of couney from the year ending july lit esho of hagli winea and continuously di tilled wi brool callona ga llona showing an ICO over the preceding year alie production of aliis chuu ty and tho district birog i rog the divor which in a sensa hi lonn to wa nearly callona ga llona the taxes on alt aggregate amoun ld to over tho preceding year lidd goods important in production having reached one nw a quarter million r billous in nail and four and mi lions ait covington a pian of in extent of business of roii dying this city standa abeal of ony oilier n the stale of W in the cincinnati produs ed 1042 Snip menta from adir city were the largest in the history y of the trado here anh alon of one year lur iiii tho they segregated being an increase ot over ili preceding ear B co y dec 31 the Tr tte il responsible for tho abt of the fetock and bond of alib mexican national railway co which closed ae to amount to ove thi BUM amount nei pro rata awards will bo made mes were from lurono askina a pirt or the amount jirred be lot for euro ie n accounts hui wa lenici taci sublet option were made aamot wholly iti ini country al a amount vias in europe ou ordera larmi att ciar N J DP 31 alio winder hotel and bullmore Dull more h w u abd their gingera and v beet S yew bonc dc D c 31 the sheun lil fam NEW dc D c j I dut attorney benjamin aph kph bight |