Show CAMPAIGN NOTES chicago lias got au aftertaste of convention in alie national greenback labor convention which nominates weaver for fellow garneld sufferer with by W h is CHICAGO anne 10 the inter oceans washington thecial says hie democrats arc not elated by the news from oregon Sovera from the pacific slope deny alie correctness of the press dispatches that the stale has gone republican senator slater does not give up the state to the re publicans public ans that the heaviest lemoc ratio counties aro the last that can be heard from and returns froan may bieve the the democrats he believes the democrats have carried the legislature anyhow regardless of what the press deai patches claim it is known however that emigration into oregon the last few years has been very heavy and mainly from stalwart republican states THE june 10 the comans womans suffrage association through some of its members asked for the intro of ft comans womans rage plank in the platform and susan B anthony present thesus eject denis kearney alone objecting in the evening session lion M wallace member of congress from nevada and A W right of the currency reform league made addresses extending congratulations of the canada to the united stetta greenback party kearney answering loud calls made a characteristic speech in which he renounced garfielda Oar fielda record on the cirinese question and declaring that tho pacific coast would defeat him A strong anti chinese resolution was introduced and no committee being ready to report an adjournment was taken till 1030 am A scheme has been agreed to for the consideration of the different elements of the party and the greenback club organization will bo retained aa against the convention and be club organizations in the various states should be preserved the former position was voted down but the latter wa decided in the afuli ms alivo in ala exposition the corn on credentials reported of the regular delegates entitled and others including the farwell aull delegate A minority report was made excluding abo letter dele gates and a debate of some length was entered upon on the motion to a adopt the minority about this the gan presenting the names of candi dates for nomination the first ballot was taken at 40 with i the following result weaver chase puller 95 allis 41 campbell 21 in the bs formal ballot most of the votes wera transferred to weaver and before the clone of aft rol call he having received over there to him and was a general stampede the chair announced that general jaa B geayer of iowa was the nominee of alie greenback libor party for president on alie first ballot for aice dent there were only two nominees A M west of mississippi and B J chambers of texas west received chambers and was declared the nominee of tho convention the socialist insisted on their resolution regarding the inherent right of man to the soil and it was the convention was very throughout the night and adjourned at am WHAT THE SAT june 10 the unexpected result of the chicago convention caused areat excitement here nearly all the evening journals contain articles upon tho nomination they ire to comprehend aln machinery by which the dark barsc was suddenly to the front and placed at the head ot the ballot they content themselves with giving biographical sketches of barfield and expressing their admiration of the political system which raises men of ability ami patron ism foni tha lowest to the highest position in tha country they have seized upon tho fact of garfield having originally been ft boatman to furnish a pendant to lincoln aa a rail splitter in this point of vieta the nomination of oar field ia hailed with pleasure by preach republicans jop reassembling the com on cre initials reported no contests ana aill delegations full the temporary organization was made permanent and the appointed dele eates at large to cincinati melville r fuller samuel S marshall boio joio A and W T dowdall Daw dall district delegates for presidential electors and a central A resolution leo appointed was offered by goudy of chicago very laudatory of seymour as the nominee for president and while not instructing for him earnestly ro delt batca to the national to take eboh action aa they may depro to present the name of seymour before the national democratic convention or the office ot president ident of the united states mention of gey name was greeted with ftp plan to and cheera confusion then egued of the morrison and Ial mtr dingi succeeded in making a speech instruct ing for any one ond thus ruling out Illino ig own candidates the roll waa called on the question of referring the matter to the committee on resolutions which prevailed by ft voto of to lamari trumbull Trum Lull was nominated for governor governor lewis as parson secretary of state J JI oberlyn auditor louis St artal treasurer thomas attorney general lawrence hannon the resolutions oppose protective lari irand third term demand civil crvich reform equal rights no military interference gold ailder and paper inter no annd cranic no eight to seven fraud find laws protecting labor |