Show GENERAL NEWS T W to th mar 16 the foreign agreed to report favorably lo 10 the home of representatives neal bill which pro vide that any person originally a citizen of tho united state who ha been naturalized a british subject may be re to citizenship in the united stata by publicly subscribe ing to a declaration of renunciation of his british naturalization before any court authorized by law to admit aliens to naturalization ouidia death SAX march 17 jarboe of the U S etenger H saler lying at the mare island navy yard ww found dead in his bed on board hip chii morn ng he had retired last night in apparently good health latch n winchester WIN CHESTER mar 17 thie morning masked anen boldly rode up to the county jail battered down the door di arat d the guards and jailer and with in hand compelled them to give up the keys they then opened the cell of joseph J field and dispatched him a number of shots field wa incarcerated for the murder of james padgett on the ultimo ho haa wealthy con sections hll irtle bostos wel angion lately aiom alif firta u attey boynton haa been arrested at llie instance of hi father in law on a charge of being a defaulter and for ger Welling tons faintly had been sick at times alie being declared to be gastric fever the infant son and his wife recently became ill be received ridge which the had prep ired for her and an analytis chow J in sufficient to kill ten gereon pe reon in the possession of acl lington when arrested arsenic was found he is said to hare made u i confession the police ay bis infatuation for another woman wa the this crime kalli ahli WH ail 17 martin 20 west fulton street in a fit ot insane despondency shot his wife bridget probably fatally this morn ing and then fired avro shots into his own head causing in tant death I mar 17 etric this morning W baldwin was found dead in her bed with her jugular vein ee vered and beside her lay her unconscious huar and with several in his throat arme and abdomen ilis wounds are not serious baldwin came from vermont and they were married three weeks ago cause unknown |