Show THE CITY ELECTION our municipal election which oc second monday of next month ia an event of unusual importance and it timo that the cub jact receive attention than hai been ahe caso to far full set of city officers aro to be chosen and the registered electors city re to chioso them in order to provide ciul concerted action on tho part of voter those hie opposing of couro kubait to the action of their respective convention ven tion which bodice will namo the and rely upon tho goopio for a n of their choice it will bu that much depend upon the primaries at which delegates to the city conven tion will bo and that still more devolves upon the conventions selves since it is expected that each party will poll it entire strength the buchino nu chino plan of selecting belec ting delegates and chasing nominee is unpopular in ogden na elsewhere lie people generally considering eliat sinco they lave to do tho electing they have a right to a voice in the selection when hi ii taken way or abridged by dark lantern cut and driad proceed in gi they are apt to make their displeasure known in a manner such ns finally defeats want they not permitted primarily to control the hai no favorites it present no names and so far has hoard of none being presented in any quarter it will cordially and heartily support whomsoever it may consider the best men for the various position having only the welfare of our city and its people in view and will refuse to aid or on courage those whom it may deem tin fit or unreliable those who take upon themselves through the choice of tho people the burdens of the municipal government for tho next arm will havo two years icare of power placed in their and wo MO unwilling to hazard alio prospects of our growing city to men who aro inexperienced ineal or have any pc ronal or private inter oats to gratify what wo want and expect to get are mayor a common council and other city officers alio nr unfettered by rings or cabal but choso whoso policy is alie beneral good of nil who have no favorites to reward at alic expense of alio city treasury tr eaury alio prefer honesty and capability to knavery and incompetency in every branch of he public eer vico who aro progressive upright and liberal whose motto in short will be E va riis tu mendum tono pub lleo we reiterate it ie time the subject were more generally discussed than it has been only about a month time intervenes between the present and election da within that time primaries must bo called and held appointed end hw work disposed of and such matters should not the last minute we have no doubt eliat bogli parties intend putting up their best men and in order eliat alio public may havo ample opportunities for passing tito candidates in full review and forming unbiased unforced opinions M to their como little time elapse between the holding of convention and alie election let all proceedings on eitnier eido bo conducted with uch fah that even the semblance of deception or trickery cannot attoh to bliem then wo shall a fair election and much nonder a full vote than has usually been tho case and the while some as matter of courso will ho acquiesced in with lucli better feeling on tho part of alio vanquished than would be tho case under other circum let us have an hon acet canvass and straightforward pro cco dinge at the ae well at the ballot box that choso who complain eom plain may have only their grumbling dl n a |