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Show i , '.Special July; Carpet Sale All Carpets, Rugs, (Large and Small) Art Squares, vill be soM thrs month at I ' greatly reduced prices. jPrice good only during sale. 9 60c Union Carpel for 60c Wool Fiber for 35c CoHagc Carpel for 45c Union carpet, good val.ie, 39c yd. sewed 39c yd. sewed 29c yd. sewed. for 34c yd. ieved 65c CoUon Chain, half uool 90c zua.antccJ all Wool ' $6-50 H,lf-wool Art square ; for 44c yd. sated Carpel for 70c yd. sewed $1.00 yd. sewed for $5.00 $7.50 Half wool Art Square $5-50 s'11 Axminsler Rug1$3S0 Small Axminster Rugs $! 5-00 guaranteed All-wool 9xi2 jor $6.00 good patterns, for $4.50 eacl ; $2.50 each Art squares, I 2x1 2. $11.80 See our window display. Buy now and ive money. $1.00 saved is $1.00 earned Summit Furniture & Mercantile Co. gMMMMBMMHMIWWMWIIIMIIWWIIIMIIIBPIII II Pill III JgaiHWMWlUMI IUMI UIMIj i i n uM-mmtmutn j I KING OF THEM ALL! ! l BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT j ll, b.-.-i, Crown.d with Ph.nomliwl Suee... nine I-M, nml I ttxilny Hi" Hoo.hold Llnlm.nt mi I uirk.t. CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, BUNION. CHILBLAIN. AND AIL INlMMTION. K Pric. 2 Sc. BOc .a 11.00 R. All Sub.iil.it... fl 4 BALLAAD SNOW UNIMEX CO.. VXX:' B j3 0O-02 North S.eond tr..t. ST. 13"IS. M:, ft V fl n uninriiTi i bvinniwuin iotas Boydm 6 Boo. J ' fC O A Lj I' 4 AT THE"- J WASATCH MINE; x J Oar coal ! the best tWe Is for1 A steam and domestic purpose till : 1 AT TUB M1NB THB r RICES AKI rfS. t LUMP v J STOVB I J Patronize a Home InJusTry j J I ..WEBER COAL CO.. j I i For Permanent Relief JIake j '' 'A J HCRBINE ii,.m, Uremic. mtlm I.lv.-r. U will nnr.' CONSTIFA. F 1 L TION, OfSPrPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. MALARIA AND CHILLS. It M . ! I ih nt ir. I v I limit nil i.m.i'ii n,ui. -nil miLmmiii-i , mitt i com- g 9 Pohi.iI . I. Iv l LIFE-GIVING HENBS. II l n.lii'tc.l l"r w.-nk iiml H w.iiry i-miHiiiiitimi; hi i cnni Imns I !.. wctik.neil i-lambi mnl nrwmi; "i II check nil ili rnnn' iiiwiU of tin. ho.ly. "Try u LoMhi lo-iluy." J E Fifty Centi a Bottle. Avoid All Substitute. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. wJi"ii'. ALLI,D' S I ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. HMbMHBbVoIc and Rcommnild t vMBBMBMBKBBH J Uk nm Bob. You can't be a good Summit Farmer without THE TIMES A Summer Prescription 1 To keep. cool and comf-:tulk- will) ibis l.iet wtatl.ee' I i. K.i som Tiiniwr. I - a. H U.li a iniicli ax you can. 3. Don't cat meat ni'iir titan oncoa-tW. 4. Dou't rush, move with deliberation.. 5. Toti'l watch the ' hermoinete', And nine around to oitr fotintain for a iwally delicious Std;i about twice a day Cool d.'inks 'e have btmtit -ful viricty and cool thry are, net only because they a x. xi rv l ice cold but because they are cwiposcd tf iiiKre l-I l-I ictit :-oiiiltr.( to tlic y j'elii, I 9 l lui Snd. 1 it cooled by .scientific ri-ftin'.'lion s .-. is alvv:.v 8 ,,t t'le same ti'tliHt U'.ue and K'.st ii:i all oir; service .s- ffl 1 ini not nud cllceifcl 1 i JOHN BOYD EN & SON. -n Mi.miii The Inter-Mounlain Four Slate O O O 1L Ek4fcw O 9 SEPT. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 1909 AT OGDEN, UTAH. $1 5,000 ia Premiums, $8,000 in Purses. One of the. largest Exhibitions in the West. Continuous free special attractions, Afternoons and Evenings GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS EVERY EVENING Spectacular ERUPTON of MAUNA L0A the Hawaiian Volcano Grander sight ever seen in Utah. Melon Day, Friday, Sept. 1 0th- Come and eat our melons. J Excursion tickets North of Ogden sold Sept. 3rd to 1 1th. Good returning until Sept. 1 4th.--Reduced rates from all points , GENERAL ADMISSION 25 Cents. |