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Show WE OLD RELIABLE Absolute! Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Advertise your goods in THE ! TIMES. I lia Heat Liniment. "CLaiubci luui'a I'jiu Halm is condd-ertd condd-ertd the beat liniment oil the msrkel," write Post A Illiri nl Georgia, Vl. No other liniment will i a cut or brul.tt ; ao promptly. No other ullordiiuch quick ' relief from rheumatic .'nt. Mo other j ia 10 valmible for deep sealed palm like! lame back Hud paint iu the cheat. Give thia liniment a trial and you will never wiih to be without it. Sold by Joho Hoyden A Hon. TO Cl'ltB A COLD IN ONI OA V Take Laxative llrouio Quinine Tablet. All druggists return! the money 11 it falls lorure. E- W. Grove's signature la on each box. 25c ' '"""" ''oiWipiw.ii, 11 u , ,iwP,w,wia, Xot at Kick Dujr ftliu-fi. "I waa taken severely sick with kidney trouble, 1 trlud all aorli of medicines, uoneuf whlcd relieved me. One day I aw au ad of your Elrctric Hitler and determined to try that. After taking a few doiea I felt relieved, and sun thereafter there-after was entirely cured, and have nol een s lick day since. Neighbore of mine hao been cured of rhriimatiam, neuralgia, neur-algia, liver and kidney iroublea aud general gen-eral debility." Thu ia wuat II. F. Hate, of Freemont, N. C. writer. Only (rile at John Hoyden A Son, druggitts. Scud us your orders for ull kinds of Job Work. We can do your job work. j j ; People's Mercantile Company. j : DEALERS IN , General Merchandise. ; i if" ALMA ELDREDGE. Manager. ! Coalville House. ! Central Location. I First-Class in every respect. Board by day, week or month. 1 LIVERY IN CONNECTION. ; M Visible Typewriter Is ihe Most Practical Typewriter for School or j Business Purposes, ; BECAUSE M The writing is "right before your eyes" nit the time, which has 1 I never been accomplished by a standard, hir-lt grade Typewriter until now. It is accomplished in the UNDERWOOD absolutely and practically without the sacrifice of a single previous existing advantage, but with the addition of many others never before obtainable. rtf,l'aiai.a.a)a.ai, .T W,MMW4iwtrilS; Ji It Iiiim n Tiibiiliitor which ia A uirt of Ihe machine. ( Ithi-ra rlinrge r. t extra fur thia. Its Marginal Slopa are all In front. Us ttie are denned hi an Inatatit without Hoilitig the hiiiula. It hint an liiilivldtiul Key JeiiHion which iii-riiiltaof the l iiiloiiii Ail jitnl riit-nt of all keys. The 1 can laite l full Hall Helling. Correction cim l.e lnn.li. iu an litslaut wlthttiit i Illng a acalf. No carriage to lit! t aen If von have made j yoiir rorrirtioii in the right ilace. Ita Light Action. Imhv of Adjuat- ' nicnt iiml Simplicity, uiitkH it thu eunli-nl to Icm anicat to otieiute I mid least parta to get out of order. It in the Mo.hI ll'irable Tvne rller iiiade. l.cintorHiiefroin",i to 311 tier cent, of their time owing lu i theae adMinniges. " THE UNDERWOOD is the only typewriter that ever re- i ceived the official endorsement of the Private , Lommercial School Manager's Association. TI"",I;'.'' A"WM'l"l"" Ih eoiupoaed of the owiurs of the leading lluaiu i Lullcgca of the coiin.iy. t a- It Is bnt doing Justice to yourself 10 Investigate tL merits of tba UNDERWOOD Typewriter before buying. J UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENCY, I ) General agents fur Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada ! t Oregon, Washington and Colorado. ' i Agent! for CoIud bla Phonorph Co'i. Product!, Writs for Circular 1 ' 2411 Washington Ave., OGDEN, UTAH. ' - - - . i ... .. f Good Coal 1 AT THE I DEXTER MINE. Lump and Stove led, 11.50 per ft I Delivered ia Coalville, $2.00 per ton. i . This coal is well screened and free from j dirt and slack. DEXTER BROTHERS. j |