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Show I ij- Calendar I Buono Tiempo Club. The Bueno Tiempo club gave a dnnc- 1 Ing party in the Tenth -ward hall last Monday evening, January 10. The sue-j 1 cess of the previous club dances is j known to all who liavo attended and tills one was one of the very best which the club has ever given. Punch was served and the Premo Jazz orchestra or-chestra furnished tho music for the evening. On Tuesday evening, January 20, the club held Its semi-monthly meeting meet-ing at the homo of Edna Smith, Center Cen-ter street. Tho evening was spent in games and music and arrangements were made for the members of tho club to attend the Pantages and Ber-thana Ber-thana on Saturday, January 31. ! Card Club. I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Taylor were host and hostess to the members of i their card club last Thursday evening at their home. The evening was ploas-"antly ploas-"antly spent, honors at cards going to Mrs Herbert Mulcnhay and Mrs. George Shaver. Mrs. Taylor Herved a delicious luncheon, Utopia Club. Mrs. John Scowcroft was hostess to j the mombors of the Utopia club at her home last Wednesday afternoon. Nee-i Nee-i dlework and social chat comprised the ovents of tho afternoon, Mrs. Heber Scowcroft, Mrs. James Scowcroft and Mrs Jack Major wore guests of honor for tho day. Tho next meeting of the club will bo held Wednesday, January 28 with Mrs, Albert Scowcroft as hostess. H W. R, C. Social Club. Hft One of the ploasantcst meetings of 1 the W. R, C. Social club was held at' 1 the homo of Mrs. J. N. Westen, 342 Hi Bernard n venue, yesterday afternoon. HK Quite a number of the ladies were Hl ' present and a jolly afternoon was Hl spent. Refreshments wore served at a HI lato hour. Hi Past' Noble Grand Club. HH Mrs, Emma Buscbjost of 2-15 Thlr- HI tieth Street, was hostess to the mem- Hi hers of the Past Noblo Grand club at HI her homo last Thursday afternoon. A H large numbor of the club members H were present and a pleasant afternoon H wris spent. Card games were enjoyed. Dorcas 9ocioty, HH The Dorcas Bcolcty of the English H Lutheran church met at tho home of fl Miss Elva Johnson, 2G52 Quincy ave- H nun, last Wednesday afternoon. The H girls spent an hour at noedlowork HW wlille tJlOy tallied Over young people's ! 1 plans in the church, hale in the eve-j 1 ning l'fjfioAhmoiits were r.ot'vod, 1 Miriam Chapter No. 14, 0. E. S. fl From a social and philanthropic fl point of view the "Silver tea" that wan Hfl given Monday afternoon by a special flj committee of Mlt-lam chapter Indies Hl "was a splondid suCcobs. Tho ailcnd- H anco was largo and enthusiastic and H the numerous bits of Bllver contribute H od to the fund for benevolent purposes Hfl will go a long way toward alleviating H cases of distress. Golden stars and vlo- H lets decorated the long table In tho H center of the banquet hall. Small ta- H blfea for cards were brought into requl- H sltion, social games and animated con- H versation filled every moment, and 1 last, but not luast, most luvitihg re- B frcshmtmts were served by the very ef- H flclont hostesses under the direction of B Mrs. Warren C. Binford, chairman. H One of (he pleasant meetings or the H 500 club held this yoar was presided B .over by Mrs. R. T. Hume Tuesday af-HHJ ternoon of this week. Tho members of the club met at the Hume home , 557 Twenty-fifth street at 2:30 o'clock and spent the time in playing 500 card ! games until about five o'clock when J the hostess served refreshments. The! members discussed tho club plans for 1920. Tho guests of tho club were: 1 Mrs. A. R. Mclntyre, Mrs. C. F. Grout,. Miss, Myra, Grout, Mrs.W Frqd Boss- ner and Mrs. J. S. Allen. Honors at cardg were received by Mrs, Allon and Mrs. L. F. Kneipp. The club's next! meeting will be held on Tuesday, Janul ary 27, at the home of Mrs. Jooeph Scowcroft, 503 Twenty-sixth stroet. Pythian Sisters, The Pythian Sisters held installation installa-tion ceremonies in tho Pythian hall on Grant avenuo last Tuesday evening with the following ladies being officially offi-cially ushered into office: Mrs. Smith, Past Chief. Lena Wynans, Most Excellent Chief. Maud McCammon, Excellent Senior. Ella Hansen, Excellent Junior. Roso Petorson, Manager. Mrs. Peterson, Senior Guard, Jonnlo Wilson, Protector. Mary Harrison, M. of S. Lofty Watson, M. of R. C. Following the ceremonies the newly1 elected officers served a fine luncheon to members of tho order and their husbands. hus-bands. Tho dining room of tho hall was decorated with Jonquils and violets vio-lets combined with ferns. Next Tuesday evening the Pythian Sisters are to give a 500 card party to which all members arc invited. Jolly Leap Year Club. Tho members of the Jolly .Leap Year club held a pleasant meeting at the liome of Mrs. Nora Hammond, 202S Madison avenue lant Thursday after noon. High Fivo waB tho amusement for tho afternoon and Mrs. Fred C. Schade, Mrs. Mahle Miller and Mrs. Mary Peterson received honors. At livo o'clock tho hostess served a fine chicken dinner. The next meeting of tho club will bo held on Thursday, January 20, with Mrs. Fred C- Schade, 2570 Fowler avenue. Drama Club. Mrs. Goorge Barlow is entertaining tho members of tho Drama club this afternoon at her homo, 2218 Quincv avenue, Mrs. Philip Dix is assisting hostess.- Tho program scheduled for the afternoon comprises a paper on tho lite of Maurice Maeterlinck by Miss Inoz Adams and a papor on "Mary Magdalene" by Mrs. Andrew T. Clark. Home Culture 'Club. Mrs, T. J. Fitzgerald of 2444 Jackson avenue Is today entertaining members of the Home Culture club at her home. Tho subject Tor discussion Is "Community "Commu-nity Drama" and Is to be led by Mrs. J. F. Morrison. Frlehdo of Irish Freedom. Opdcn. members of tho Friends of Irish Freedom mot last Thursday ovo-nlng ovo-nlng In the Eagles1 hall and a very in-loroHtlng in-loroHtlng meeting was conducted, David. Kennedy of New York opening with a talk. His subject was "Tho : Irish Question Is Not a Religious Question, Ques-tion, It Is a Political Question and a National Question." Following other addresses Mrs. Jack Fisher and Miss Cecil Ragan gave a short musical program. Historical Society. The Historical society members aro meeting this afternoon at tho home of Mrs. J. ' C. McGeo, 2521 Van Burcn avenue. An interesting program has been arranged. Presbyterian LadicG' Aid Society This afternoon at the Richardson-Hunt Richardson-Hunt store on Washington avenue, the ladles of the Presbyterian Aid society are to hold a cooked food sale. Presbyterian Guild. Mrs. Angus Kennedy and Mrs. John Moffat were hostesses to tho members of tho Presbyterian Guild at the homo of Mrs. Kennedy last Thursday afternoon after-noon when a thoroughly delightful afternoon af-ternoon was spent socially. Mrs. Kennedy Ken-nedy and Mrs. Moffat sorvecl a perfectly perfect-ly prepared luncheon at beautifully decorated tables. Potted fema and early spring flowors were used very I effectively. ! Beaux Esprit Club The next meeting of the Beaux Esprit Es-prit Club will be held January 30, with ' Mrs. J. T. Hall of 1G-19 Grant avenue as hostess. Congregational Ladles' Aid Society The ladirs of tho Congregational A'd society met yesterday aftcrnocn in ih- parlors of tho church with Mrs. i Gocrqe H. Llkert as hostess. The afternoon was pleasantly and profitably profit-ably spent and the foclal hour was made even more delightful by the serving of a light luncheon. Historical Society Today the members of the Historical Histor-ical society are meeting with Mrs. J. A McGee, 2521 Van Burcn avenue. Delta Epsllon Sorority At a meeting of tho Delta Epsllon Sorority of the University of Utah last Wednesday two young Ogden ladies were taken into the sorority. The pledges initiated were those of Miss Fay King and Miss Avon Rich, who are attending school in tho capital. Child Culture Club When tho Child Culture club of Ihls city held Its anniversary meeting at tho Berthana last Thursd'ny afternoon, one of the most pleasant gatherings of the club ever held was recorded. Over 100 members and guests were present and spent a delightful time at card games. Tho bluo room in tho Berthana was made lovely with protty baskets of bright yellow Jonquils and maiden hair ferns, and here tables wore placed and card games onjoyod. 500 was the gamo and prizes were ffiven to Mrs. Chares Empoy and Mrs. Fred Nichols. At the regular meetings of the club, hold every two weeks in the University Univer-sity club rooms, tho ladies merely conduct con-duct their routine business and carry out a program of special papers on intonating subjectB with possibly a musical selection or so.. No refreshments refresh-ments aro served at the regular gatherings, gath-erings, but on tho occasion of tho anniversary an-niversary meeting the rule was broken and in the pretty dining room of the j Berthana last Thursday, a perfectly! prepared luncheon was sorved. Each ! tablo was centered with a crystal basket bas-ket of jonquilB and fern and the center cen-ter table of the dining room was adorned with bright candelabra. The club's anniversary meeting was indeed ono of the most delightful held in a number of years. The next regular meeting of the club will bo hold in two weeks with Mrs. Amelia Flygare and Mrs. Ada Hinckley Hinck-ley as the hostesses. Mrs. Trcssa Olson Ol-son will be chairman and the subject will bo "Utah Day." Camp F, Daughters of Pioneers The members of Camp F. Daughters of the Pioneers will meet at tho home of Mrs. Lucy G. Hancock, 067 Twenty-sixth Twenty-sixth street, next Thursday, January 29, at 2:30 o'clock. Lincoln Circle No. 2. Abraham Lincoln circle No. 2. Ladies' La-dies' of the G. A. R., will give a silver tea at the homo of Mrs. Grayce Rug-sell Rug-sell Bartlett, 2560 Monroe avenue, Thursday, January 29, at 2 p. m. All comrades of the G. A. R. and friends of the circle are invited to come and spend the afternoon. The ladies arc asked to bring their needlework. C. E. C, Club. One of the pleasant meetings of the C. E. C. club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. VanNcss last Thursday evening at their home, 2759 Grant avenue. The rooms of the home were pretty with pink and white carnations car-nations and narcissus combined with ferns ofdifferent variety. During tho evening four tables of progressive bunco was played and honors were given to Dr. E. Carson and Mr. II. Blshoff. Later the hostess served a finely preparod luncheon. There were present the , following: Mr, and Mrs. Robert Spcn'ce. Mr. and Mrs. II. Blshoff, Blsh-off, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mriy F. E, Ileintzelman. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carson, and Mrs. S. E. Tally of Salt Lako City. Miriam Chapter No. 14, O. E. S. Acting in unison with other organizations organi-zations who havo decided to discontinue discon-tinue gatherings of any kind during I tho next fow days, duo to the request of Commissioner J. R. Ward, chairman chair-man of the board of public health, Miriam Mi-riam chapter No. 1-1, O. E. S , will hold no special meeting on January 27. Royal 500 Club. Mrs. Charles Carlson was hostess to the members of the Royal 500 club at her homo last MondaS' afternoon. Five hundred, of course, was the gamo and tho prizes were given to Mrs, Harry Petorson and Mrs. John S. Royal. Later Mrs. Carlson served refreshments. refresh-ments. Tho next meeting of the club will be held In two weeks. Today Mrs. T. G.' Brown is entertaining the club members at an Orpheum party Ln I Cou Club. Mrs. F. R. Eckhardt entertained tho members of the Lai Cos club last Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon at her home, on Ogden Og-den avenue. Five hundred was ployed and honors were given to Mrs. Frank Man6 and Mrs. A. Schorer. A 5 o'clock luncheon was served. The dining table waas pretty wtlh a bowl of red roses as the centerpiece. The next meeting meet-ing of the club will be held in two weeks aat the home of Mrs. David Turner on Van Buren avenue. W. A. to R. M. A. Mrs. George W. Prout of 29-16 Porter Por-ter avonuo, will be hostess to tho women's auxiliary to tho Railway Mail association at hor homo next Wednesday, Wednes-day, January 28. All members and their husbands are Invited to be present. pres-ent. St. Joseph's Sewing Circle. Mrs. F. J. Hlrt was hostess to the ladles of St. Joseph's Sewing Circlo at the Church parlors last Thursday afternoon, the lime being profitably spent at needlework. Light refreshments refresh-ments were served late in the afternoon. after-noon. 1916 SCO Club. When the members of the 1916 500 club hold their next meeting Thursday, Thurs-day, January 2S, they will gather at tho homo of Mrs. Hanloy on Grant avenuo. Episoopal Guild. The members (pf the Episcopal guild met at tho homo of Mrs. Goorge W. Prout, 2946 Porter avenuo, last Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clook with Mrs, Prout and Mrs. H. C. Mar-chant Mar-chant as hostesses. The usual after-noon'4 after-noon'4 work comblilod with social chat was followed by the serving of light refreshments. Presbyterian Missionary Society. The ladies of the Presbyterian Missionary Mis-sionary society met yesterday after-aoon after-aoon at the home of Mrs. Rockefeller, 12436 Madison avenue. The society ! plans some very splendid work dur-'ing dur-'ing the year 1920 and the ladies spent1 Friday afternoon in discussing the work of tho church. Later a social time was enjoyed and luncheon served. White Rose Club. Mrs. Jack Checketts of 2670 Jackson Jack-son avenue, and Mrs. J. P. Murphy entertained en-tertained tho members of tho White Roso club last Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Checketts. The usual us-ual card games were played and tho hostesses served refreshments. The next meeting of the club will be held in two weeks, tho exact placo of meet-! meet-! Ing to bo announced later. j SNIVELY-GERARia , On Monday afternoon at the home of J (Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coles, occurred the weddinp of Miss Pearl Snlvoly to Mr. A. E. Gerard. The ceremony warf performed per-formed by the Rev. J. E. Carver-! Carver-! The brldo is a well known Ogden jglrl and tho groom is an engineer of I the Southern Pacific, formerly of Og-i , den, but now of Reno. Nevada. I The couple left immediately for Salt I Lake City where thoy will spend sov-j eral days boforo visiting in southern I California. Aftor March first they willj be at home to their friends in Rono. j Tho many friends of tho young couplo wish them joy and auccoss in thoir ( new home. BASKET LUNCH PARTY AT SANITARIUM. LaBt Thursday evening at the Ogden sanitarium a basket lunch party was enjoyed by a large party of guests. Tho party took lunches and alter a Hvlm spent a Jolly social hour in tho dining room. Those comprising the party wore: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Butters, But-ters, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buttors, Mr. T. U. Butters, But-ters, Miss Hazol Butters, Raymond Farr, Harry Werberg, Irving Bryan, William Craynor, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin, Mrs, J, L. Rands, Evelyn Farr, J. Martin, Lylo Butters, Qladys Farr, Ruth Rands, Bert Hogan and R. Smurthwaite. SCOTS TO ENTERTAIN AT CON CERT AND DANCE THIS EVENING. This evening the Scottish people of tho city are to obscrvo the birthday ol Robert Burns with a concert and dance to be given In the Woodmen hall beginning be-ginning at 8 o'clock All Scots and tholr frenlds in the city are invited to : be' present. The concert program is as follows: Pipe band selection. .Ogden Pipe Band Address of welcome m Chairman James Drysdale Song, "Bonnie Doon" jj Ogtlcn Scots' Double Quartet ft Cornot solo, Scotch selection jt j Wm. Henderson ; :Song, "Whistle an' I'll Como to Ye, i 'Song, "Afton Water".. Jock McMillan , (Address, "Robert Burns" i I David O. McKay Selection ripe Band J; Humorous Scotch reading ; Mrs. F. R. Cleve -; Song. . , Mrs. Jessie Wayraont "Where Scotland Found Her Fame" j William Jack t "A Man's a Man for a' That" Mrs. Agnes Warner Exhibition dancing , ; Highland Fling. ..Miss Nellie Tidell I Sailor's Hornpipe T , James and Janet Kay FOR MISS ANNA HOLDEN. Miss Anna Holdon was ii guest of honor at a shower given last Wedncs- ctrfl day by her sister, Mrs. M. W. Miller. tS The bride-elect received somo very S pretty gifts. During the evening games : ; and music were enjoyed and at a late ; hour refreshments were served. The t following guests were present: Mrs. Alice Collins, Mrs. D. D. Smith, Mrs. S. D. Hyland, Mrs'. W. II. MpBean, Mrs. : N. O'Keefe, Mrs J D. Harris, Mrs. Fred Edson, Mrs. George Holden, Mrs. Chnrlos Noonon, Mrs. Leonard Rack- f ham, Mrs. A. B. Hamilton, Mrs. J. E. Dach, Mrs. Dewey Harborlson, Mrs. Alice Wheelwright, Mrs. S. Powers, Mrs. L. R. Packard, Mrs. J. A. Bennett, , Mrs, C D. Clark, Miss Aileen Smith, Miss Dorothy O'Keefe. 1 ; ; i MARRIED IN SALT LAKE TEMPLE. . Last Wednesday In the Salt Lake temple Miss ldonea Thomas of Salt 1 Lake City became the brldo of Law- ? rence Ezra Crandall of Ogden. On the ' -.: evening of tho samo day a reception ' was tendered tho young couple at tho home of the bride's mother, Mrs. N. ' i W. Wittorf on Capitol hill. Mr. and , Mrs. Crandall are now in Ogden to ; make thoir home at tho residence of Mrs. R. E. Crandall. ! .DINNER PARTY. Mrs. Frruklln J. Ryder of 2561 Fow- ; lor avenue was hostess to eight guests at a dinner party given at hor home j ' last Monday evening. The dinner was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- els William Gallagher and was vory ; pleasant. On Thursday ovoning Mr. and Mrs. I Ryder entertained twontytwo guests at a dancing party in compliment to ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Gallaghor. Tho event was n delightful ono. , |