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Show 00 SEATTLE CLUB AT ZiON THIS WEEK SALT LAKE, May 13. Bill Clymer's Seattle Tilllcums, fresh from a big eek of victories at Portland, will open here this afternoon in a six-game six-game set with Eddie Herr's Bees, fresh from a big week of defcais a' Sacramento The Bees concluded their dlsas-' trous road trip Sunday with a tri-lumph tri-lumph at Sacramento. While awa) from mamma's protecting wing the I Bees played twenty games. Of these, won slx and lost fourteen They left home with a fairly firm grasp on second sec-ond place and return home with a 'fc-rasp similarly firm on fifth place. ; The series of catastrophes opened .it Los Angr-les, when the Bees dropped five of seven games. This performance perform-ance was repeated at San Francisco, where they also lost five of seven. At Sacramento they lost four of six Before the victory of Saturday, th? Pees had registered nine straight j defeats, a record for Salt Lake in the , Pacific Coast league. Everything j seemed to go wrong, but mostly loose! ball playing was responsible for tlv Josses. Errors at critical stages were taken :uhantace of by the opposition to such good effect that almost in-j in-j variably thn wi re able to turn a boo1. I into a run Pitching Fairly Good. Salt Lake's pitching was well enough en-ough It should have won a majority of the games There were times, hOW lever, when the Bee pitchers became j terribly afflicted with wildness. A 1 prominent example of this occurred in 'a game at Sacramento when Gould. Stroud, Caldera and Shinkel literall) ( walked the Coyotes into a victors I Three runs were forced across with 'excessive walks. Although the Bees were beaten, they I 'cave the crowds in hostile territory, their money's worth. With remark-1 ably few exceptions all of the twenty', gamei were decided by one run. At I least fivo extra Inning games were plaj ed r . 1. - 1 1 u . -i..w 1 ju in" iuau hi uiud nus unquestionably unquestion-ably been strengthened by the add! (Ion of Pitchers Gould and Stroud and Infielder Wally Smith. The two pitchers pitch-ers mentioned, unless they are away off form, are bound to give Salt Lake good service, bince both of them are Of a high order of capability Another pitcher, Gene Dap, will join the cluo in Salt Lake this week. Who will ho displaced remains to be seen, but It Is certain that the new men will have to show their ability to win games if they are to be retained Smith is rated a first class ball player play-er He was with Washington for a spell and later with Minneapolis. He has been in New Mexico as manager of a club more reeentlv Smith will probably be used at third bas, a position po-sition he filled with the Washlngtoni-;ans. Washlngtoni-;ans. Heinle Sands Will be retained In I the capacity of utility man Victims of Injuries. Both Ernl Johnson and Eddie Mul ligan have been out of the came on account of sprained ankh.-. Johnson especially is having hard luck. No sooner had he recovered from a lame shoulder than h pulled up with a tv.-i-ted ankle. Hugh McGthnis, a Sae-ramento Sae-ramento boy. formerly with Spokane and Vernon, has been covering the shorUstopplng duties for the Bees In tho last few eames. and has been playing play-ing good ball. It is not known h-re bow seriously Johnson and Mulligan are Injured. McGlnnis mav accompany the club to Salt Lake. Stories of tugh breaks have drifted ! in from the Bees since their arrival at Los Angeles. There i3 little question ques-tion that they have been the victims of much ill-luck, as well as b inp guilty of off-color baseball. Time and time again the scoreboard recorded play against them that could bo Lttribuurd to nothing else than a persistent jinx. It Is to be hoped that the hoodoo has ceased to be a guest of Herr's camp. Seattle Ha Sluggers. Salt Lake will need some good pitching pitch-ing this week. The Seattle club la loaded with hard hitters, and it will require all the skill the Bee staff pos se6es to circumvent the designs of such lads as Pete Comnton. Jimmy Walsh, Bill Cunningham, Harry Harper Harp-er and Claude Derrick. From a club 'of mediocre class. Bill Chuier has i built up a strong of tensive organiza ' t ion. His pitching has been somewhat spotted, but his hitters have been able I to g t run? with exceptional regularity. regulari-ty. The addition of Harr Harper, released re-leased by the SealF, to the Seattle 'club, gives Clymer a good batter. Cly-nu-n has also strengthened his catch-' catch-' ing staff by the acquisition of Bobby ' Schang, a brother r Wally Schang, (famous big league backstop If the Tillicurus live up to the dope as hitters, the week will produce some heavy gunning, for Salt Lake, on Its iown grounds, should whang the ball with a will. Predictions in baseball j often go wrong, but the two clubs j which meet in Salt Lake this week i "figure" to hit often, hard and long ! The fans who like to bear the sound Of the woodou-leather should have a gala week. Player Movements The Seals have released Walter I (Biff) Schaller, one of the most fani- ous outfielders in the ("oast league Biff was out of baseball last year, und 'his lay-off slowed him up seriously. (The Seals have completed a d-al with .the t.lants for Earl Baldwin, catcher, land if Baldwin comes up to expectations, expecta-tions, either Ray McKoe of Clarence Brooks will be released. The Tigers have finally been sold to iRoscoe Arbuckle, a motion picture ! actor with a big bankroll. Arbuckle proposes to get some new talent lor bifl eiub, and has begun by buying Rex Dawson from Indianapolis. Dawson formerly pitched for Missoula, Murray and Sait Lake in the Union association. associa-tion. Pitchers Tinneran and Ross are soon to Join the Tigers, It is reported. Chech and Relger are slated for release, re-lease, according to coast accounts. The Bengals are also going to get another Infielder, It is said, and Frank Hosp, a vatoran of the league, is to be the victim of the new man's coming The Angels have taken on Bert Nle-hoff, Nle-hoff, former big leaguer, who bec.ii bis Coast league experience with S , at He. He was released by Clymer anil pla "d a few games for Herr whil' Johnson was out. Niehoff is slated to play third base for the Seraphs, in at rangement which will permit Bill Ken worthy to resume his old position at second and also will permit Manager Wade Killefer to returu to center field, where the club has been rather weak. Fallcntine a Beaver. Portland has added Don Rader to its infield, playing him ut short, thereby allowing Slglin to take his accustomed place at second It is reported that George Malsel also will finally report to McCredle. Zrnie Fallantine. a Sal: Lake high school player, who wns in training camp with the Browns, has been turned over to Met redie and ht will Join the Beavers at Sacramento It is said by critics in the east that Fallcntine showed exceptional prom Ise, and it Is to be hoped that he will sain the needed experience with Port land this year to send him b?ck to the majors in 1920. The addition of Sammy Bohne to the Oak infield gives that club a nedel jpluc for a oaky hole. Marly Mcoafflgan has Joined the j Coyotes, but has been playing the bench, for the most part. Adalph Shinkel. Bet- pitcher, has left I for Omaha, where he will pitch for I that city in the Western league. The assignment of Clubs for this week is Seattle at Salt Lake Portland at Sacramento San Francisco at Oakland. San Francisco at Vernon. |