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Show I BE D FLIGHT OF A SHIP'S CLOCK IN WINTER iSAHG yachtsman whojo craft is M equipped with a striking ship's clock and of course. ' yacht has ono of these clocks is likely to take his clock home with him when yachting days are over and the beloved boat is "put up" for the winter season. Anybody who loves the water and likes the friendly staccato stac-cato of the ship's bells at the hour and half-hour Intervals can enjoy such a (.lock in the house all winter; and It will glvo a nautical touch to the den or smoking room. "We haven't got our cruiser motor boat vet " confessed ono little woman when eight bells chiming through her apartment startled tho guests drinking afternoon tea "but wc have our ship's clock and our barometer and our owner's flag; and somo day wo aro going to have 1 the cruiser." And have It they did. Within a year or two' Tho flag and ' barometer and rhlp's clock were the nucleus around which their hopes were built and tho pleasant clanc of the l bells every half hour kept the little yacht always In mind And kccplnc a thing always in mind, you know ts Inevi Jnor to u o seen I ntr It. a |