Show WHY DO WOMEN KI8S7 I That II a i UrII the VVUetl riillixo ihce lean NI t nec carned mm In the middle age who pent mild time In dlcutlon ot trtv lalltle and In halrtpllttlng enumerat rd n hot nf different kind of kline though they after nil wound up the whole matter by admitting that there Is I only one true klthe kli of love and they put the his between women very tar down the 111 II n thing nf no account or value icing thus In accord ac-cord with the conrlui jn of all cnil the people whit have itudled the quei tlon HIIII we have to do with fact nod women for all that may bo cold agalnit the practice do kla each other and In the pursuit of knowledge on the subject I mked my wife whether she found any pleasure In Mining any mem Ur of her own tex Pooh wni nil tha reply the dclRned to Kite though pren cnlly offer nppnrenlly cogitating and arriving lit the concluilon that thl ejaculation cxprculvo cnounh In Ib way could not help mo very much aho made ome remark which were altogether alto-gether ton nattering to mYHItanl by Implication to the male oxIo bo here set down at large Ultimately 1 managed man-aged by pressing Ito question lo to licit omethlng dellnllo on Iho subject the gist of which wa that when women wom-en kit each other they da to merely a a matter of form meaning by It for the mot pert no moro than a mere hniulihake and often let fur there I My be warmth cxlitlnx In a kits bet be-t n ii < nurl of the same sox Home f but very seldom women kit he cauie they like each other They alo kli because they dont like each other and In that caw they are urn never to lose an opportunity of kl > lnK each I other moil punctlllouily They may halo to do It ever ao much and yet whenever they meet they eagerly make a pretty Illllo dab at each other face which pane mutter In the eyI of out olden 1 a quite n touching exhibition of womanly klndnei and affection though thine who know the real slats of nf fairs only mlle nnd perhaps remark How Mr A and Mm II do hate each other to loa sure Fee how wietly they kiM Tho wholehearted tuna of young girl on yet Innocent of the way and dccrltfulncn of the world la a plcaint thing In Itself hut once they nru Inltl abed Into tho when of society tliic li no metal usage which jar mora on their tender feeling before those become be-come case hardened than the feminine habit nf klirlng which so trnniparcnt ly cloak all manner of unpleasant and uncharltablo thought |