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Show y V COALVILLE v. X Quart r!y Coafervoca . Sunday, T: AaL COALVlLLE.rTAO, r T sad H. M. Shortfall and lutla of Cbeyaone, errfvedinCoalyill yeator-da- r. Mra. Sherman i the w of Mra. C. I. Wheadon of tbia pier, tad HI likely spend the aommer hare. She informs ua that it baa been snowing tor nearly a week la Cheyenne, and aba is murfa pleaaej with the tontraat in the aeather which aba finda here. cjj iater-in-la- r. M PINNEO, Editor aiid Uui. Uu s53 na daiyiat ' Follow inf are Hr MAY 6, IMS. - aerwe ae jurere the aamei draws to at the May term of the Third Dietriet Court, which convene oa the 10th inat : ran rtrr. Peoples Mercantile Co. Georg Durkin Henry Hughes W D Young Denote Leary B E Hartwell Tboaaa Hannon Welter Scott Edward Tbinot Frefik Carpenter John McLeod Edwerd Groat Thoe Martin The Readtck Companv are billed for Cbtrlee Baraicott Fred Stohl M M Metthieaou two nighte, JTobt. Mawhianey and Friday Saturday, 6th Charlea McDonald EW Berry and th, at Cluff Hall Tbia company ia highly recommended and well known coAivatt Edward Race throughout the east and weat. Tb;JW Croft member of the company consist of not Herbert Morion Welter Calderwood. on'y dramatic, but operatic perform ere ZOOM BREVITIES. of high KJJU. atanding, Mr Readtck waa ig J A Woolatenhulme thiacity a year ago with the American L C i,H.ardr Osborne J H McCormack Girl Company, and will b- - re mem hared Henefer Geerge Roberta. George Crompton li home from hia e an actor and voceliat of Feoa Albert Miles. reputation, f railroad on short wail. job Tha company carries it own acanery. OVR VOLUNTEERS. Oakley I. T. Stevens. i Friday, Brand of Caine, bee the grand been crew The bridge train and have Tke Rev. W. H. Weaver, pastor of the cave acene. Saturday, Ton Caeaar de B. WILKISS, LEW THOMAS. here lor the paat lew days. H, B. Church, Baaan, ai an opera. All in full coatume. the value of Dillsburg, Pa., recognizes S. WYCHERLEY. Chamberlain Cough Remlaat counsel did not Tha City Couuctl Admiaaion 25 and 50 tentr edy, and does not hesitate to tell others The above are the naroea of the men Monday, but they wilt next. bout it. "I have need Chamberlaina Yesterday, when our volunteer were from Coalville who aaa wared to the first Readtck Company lu Don Caeaar de driven to Echo Cough Remedy, be eeye, and find it for train the tax to tall for tolunfrera. They are 11 good Baaan tomorrow night at Ciuff Hail. Salt Lake, a fife and drum band wa an excellent medicine for soldi, coughs men and trae, end we predict that aboud and hoarseness. 8o doee everyone who Bah! bah! bah! About 16,000 sheep hurriedly formed, which took tha lead, gives It a trial. Sold by John Boydea end a number of filled they get i bance, they will come hack with tarnagia have patand through town tbu sack, A8one.- at the end of faithful aerviee with livprominent citizen followed to have a bend 26c. for From the Ballroom to btato Mine loepector Goiaer Thomas last haadahake with the boya before ing i colore, with honor to themaelvea left yeaterdey for Scofield and Castle they entered the service of Cncle Sam. Hell, to J. M. Shew, Coalville, Utah. and a pride to their town end people. There ware no dry eje among tha laGat oo official bu.tneea. A torpid liver roba yon of ambition Coalville ha probably never witneit dies, but they all wished tb departing and ruin your health. DeWitta Lttile Mraare. Beaton and Osweil, the sheep adaucha gathering at that which ildters Godspeed and a rife return. At Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure conto their camp on Poulb Et ho growers, the volunteer! lunched, and tb stipation and aU etomarh and liver It Wmlnead night etfih Brick Fork aithweol.Op tbia I supplies morning. people of Echo gave three warty chfer troubles. John Boyden 4 Sons. acboolheeae in and forth atfii confined for Coalville a the tiaii pulled out W. W. Cluff dent Iran is purpoae of biddtf them good bye and LAM) OFFIC- EplTEDsTimApnl to hia bed with lagrtype. tie passed a and our boya waved tbeir farewell from Ths fT' tha rear platform to the iune of TL Godapee.ySlats ot InltsdatssturveAorAjsnsrslIorth w- bad night, ut ia aomewb & bytter lolloping coo Red a that pi Whit end Blue. Jfotattfiatanding only Plat. r)C'tliJoal ) namely Tovnsaip day, Tosump 1 South, of hour notice waa given the building a Tosnitup 1 Iown,lp Freddie Edgmgton ia seriously ill with 4 North, Kanc Township Rinf( wee crowded, many having to atand up is East. The sufferclub met Wednesday, May 4lh, hersbygiven that, oa an4 arjaipela. The little fellow has May ia isss thta offlsa will raoelrs appli-nft- Tha muddy treat! did not keep the ed severely the past week, but is much at the ifsideiKe of Mr Thackeray, who after rations lor tha smd townships 5 V N. McOsaw, Register, better y Jadiea wy, either, and (heir enthusiasm topped tn the midst of hon Saoaoa 4 Shits, Receiver abe might pleasantly foiertala tha waa as great a that of tb man. Tb Carl Allison has gone to the Ogden that club. LEGAL NOTICES. audience was a representative one, near Hot Spring to try hot bath in these A letter das lead from tbe chairmen If all the prominent eitiaena being pres water for the touch of rheumatism that of tbe State Educational Committee, NOTICE of forfeiture ba haa beau suffering from recently. ant. Hon. Alma Eldredge wa chosen educational comfor work ASP MRS I tbe .r.S0RTI?C0TT outlining I JtOHhcou, vottf heirs o4 sigos YouLIBSA are Mr. John Bond, formerly of Uenefer, mittee of tbe 8. B. L. chairmen, and dated the object of the hereby tiotifisg tbsi the utidersigued here lbor Uw fnnu required w by now Tbe of conwas review upoo of CoalRoman history Blaokfoot, Idaho, ea in meeting,. Patriotic and encouraging ' ville yeaterdey. wa called from tinued, to which interesting incident tie StuSS.rVl . rniulug ulalms, Btimholdt were made on the . apeeche every band, ALMA ELDREDGE. Manager. in rummlt Idauh to Heueler by the aertuut illness were added by Mre. Thackeray, Mra. County, Itah, situated on what Is commonly ladiee reaponding to tha call for re- -' of bis known as Bsar Cieek; the aawnnt ol money and Hosmer Mrs. and Wheadon. Bond. father, Win. labor so expeuded upon said claims is Avs d mark to a manner that abowed thair (tuo) dollars. Your portion of the tinouut Mra. Qoamer read a very interesting would be. You, R F Nonhoott, the suut of one A number of our cluseui anticipate review of Mrs. Cady Stantoni new work, hundred aud Uilrtfdbree aud loyalty and interest to be eeoend to &) in to Salt Lake when our soldier eunusl labor for ao(im none. More enthueiaem waa never going "Eighty Year and More. jUiin each of clemiir hoys leave there, to give them a parting lot auJ At the request of vbe president Mra. - witnessed ia a town the siae of Ceai villa salute Thackeray 'read from The Revtew an and Jt did her and her eitiaena credit. Tha Relation Boused that if yoa or either of Tb meeting of the teacher last Sal ably written artioleoa you fair fa Ty The volunteer also mad brief remarki urday in Coal villa wae well attended of the Womans Club to Civic Life. the above amouut, toaether with tha coeia of adverUsin, wiihln ninety (SO) Tbe report given in The Review of the iha wptatloB f this notice, your ESeSta and they were cheered to the echo. Bo and the program aa published last week cUlm wlllba forfeited to Educational Committee meeting of the uaby fawP waa carried out. doubt waa loft in tha minda of any ai fully I SALMON. JAMES MORBY. U. F. W. C. wae then read by Mre. to the answer that would go back ahould ted January A, lata. Pa Vt . are Informed that quite a cayein Wheadon, after, which Mre. Thackeray out nation call for aid to carry Old Gloty occurred ia the Grasa Creek None OF FORFEITURE. mines oa aang the beautiful tong Only Me, - to MARX. A B CBAMRERLAIS ASP OP Ilorb-rvietery. There would be no heeitat Wedneeday night. Bo oua waa hart, whlcb. WRS highly apprecistid. Mre,. TOEeoos , your hmrs and aseiut -- You are but considerable it work to CalhJJ requett, played Snsrrb into, notified that ths enderrned hsve requited lag; every citteen, encouraged by the Performed the annual labor required bv lew f which national ai had ckeera and aupport of them iv;ie-ter- t dean up. "Poe the -- Lest Bop - nuoln claimT,r in Summit Countr. Ctsh. member The an present exprestti A farewell party wae given to Elder the sum of ope hundred and daughter, if need be, would dolfar. earnest desire to shew the admiration lion of the above smouottiis twsotr 8vs YoajrW dol-- '' further notified(r) Ab,4 ya. go willingly to the front. Actional aira George Buff Monday evening just pre which the 6. B. L feels for the patriot fast if you or either of you fail to pay tha sbovu amount, vious to bre. departure for Salt Lake. Yon will see displayed a 'very beautiful were sang and tha antira audience Joinlam of our Coalvilla volunteer, and it oyether with the costs of adveruttn. wlthm aad rtisti Mr. Buff lea vet tha letter city dsTi from tha oiplratmn et this eoMc Une of Hat and Trimmings; also a line waa decided to give a little party to ruueiy ed ia the chorua with a will. ,4eUuof Partem on hie miaeion to Groat Britain. Hat from the latest Paris designs. This is the them and their relative, for which the 1 A SALMON. Jt was such a damonatratiea as haa plaee Dated January for ready-mad- e l. wA Waists, Skirts and Wrappers. It ia a lata cuitom for a girl to lnvilt president, Mra. Eldredge, generoualy made our gallant volunteer! fee) proud friends to her birthday party offered her house. af their town $ one that ahould maka our i many Tbe club adjourned full of patuotie aa she ia years old, and an Atchison girl, tMwwwwp puiwupwu, vo vauw eitiaena feel proud of themeelvee ; one who will bo 27 next enthusiasm to make preparation for trator of said will Tuesday, that our boy w ill remember through it by inviting seventeen girls to the party in honor of the volunteer, which waa to ba given that evening aftea. Ex. life; one that haa shown tb real epirit ter tbe cituena meeting at the Volunand arntlcuent of tha people, The weather this week haa been ex o rods, thanee aorta teer were to leave next morning. tods, tksaca asst ooa aod lourteen tbenoa south la addition to the threw volunteers ceedingly chilly, and. on Wednesday The next meeting of the 8. B. L. will forty-tw-knodred rods to toe pfara tod, et kealnninf, above mentioned, there waa another, night ice formed on eull water. Early be at the residence of Mra. J. T, Hod-so- n. tweotynlas acre and one Hundred and me et land mors or levs tvsni;ell Th hnn forth ratum et said tola has C. H. 0. Jones, brothei of our tow nsmen, garden track undoubtedly coffered to a bsen for set considerable extent. Considerable enow Tuesday, the loth dev o UM, et lOo elork e m , ei the Court house Mey, G- - L. and la Joseph Jones, who eliated at fell, also, the for part of the week. It ia a great leap from tha aummtt County. Utah, at which time and pstlUtni ot said administrator for the e toned doaeaof Brigham, but went in from her with aauaeous place the of and Anal and account diacharn hi; approval (rots Mra. T. L. Beech, while engaged in trust will ba heard. our boy. He waa also an honored goeet physics to tha pleasant little pills known fallI direct that tbe above notice be eubllshed In huUsecleanlng last Friday, fell from a a DeWitt'a Little Ta Risers. Coattoix Ttxrs for three sucMire weeklr They Early of the evening, and like tha rest, w ill table on which aha wee wear made to measure fisted this juth day of April A. 1L. lato taus and suit! standing cure constipation, sick .headache and L. J which Borns. fit the form and rive a himself. distinguish truck ou a chair. One rib wae fractur- biliousness. John Bovden Clerk of th Third District Court oi Summit it Sons, subtle style that pleases County Utah. ed end her side severely bruised A fitting cloee to tha program waa tb She every Americans till are moat suffers the inventive considerable THE peoDISTRICT IN COURT Invitation to the volunteer! and frieneg OF SUMMIT pain, though eje. 1 Coeuty, Start of Itah on ia To issued earth. ihe slowly improving. ple them have been va Tha A. O C w Heli AtoecfartXa pfaintll. ror by the ladies of the S.B.L, to the hoe 00. K C Cbtmbt. Jm JobQ L nearly 600,000 patents, or more than ftWbr. Jobs ) KMraft, Agues Irr. home of ifceir president, Mra. Alma Oormui, J A. Tb City Council and Road Super one third of all tbe J C HetciLititrComptQy, teor patents issued in the F. w dfudwu -- To Eldredge, where a farewell banquet bad visor Johnson are to be congratulated world. No discovery of modern year portion, whom it jnd ioay concern Notice is hereby rir.a Ca world on made to been prepared. C Here Mr. Eldredge re- forth thorough manner In which they haa been of greater benefit to mankind to all persons holdiny or clMnAn to hold a lien WU tha property oi The A Q C W. Hall Auoci measure have had the etrveta end ditthea In the than Chamberlain ciothinr. Careful Colic. Cholera and tloo (0 corporotionyot Park City, fcimmit rr&tJIAAKEA ceived them with appropriate remark, Utah to be and appear before tbe Third dressers should see city 'cleaned up. Boihing looks better Diarrhoea Remedy or bee done more to Seupty, hand- District Court Judicial my fcrseid Baminit eounty and alter a ehort musical program tLe than clean atreela In a city, and noth, reliwy pam ai:d njiTerins. J W, Vangn on Tuesday, tb lOih dsy of Mat. A D lie some l0n and patterns order suits which- woub seia delicious refreshment were served. reyuisr term r,said Court Ing, ia tbe bud ia more profitable. We of Oakton, ht , I have used Will b held)ay end to exhibit than end there th tbem say: fit. Pv perfect lieu, or to he forever barred If Yesterday the boya were driven to hope the city officers will continue in Chaajberlamv Colic, Cholera and Diar- proof of their saidMas. M K you want the most stylish shirt waists in silk, lawns or percale DtedAprll rhoea in kiv family for several tha work. bfa Attorney PPR, It good Hi.'it By Bataux, a after tad aweet Echo, where, bat partthe neatest patterns, the lowest prices, see my veara and find it to be the beat medicine samples Alai Two year ago R. J. Wa rren, a drug I ever ured lor cram pa in the Itomach Ladies4 stylish tailor made suits, jackets, ing with relative and friends, they skirts capes, si and bowels. For sale by John Boyden Pleaaaat Brook, B Y., bought a journeyed on to their poet of duty. May gistat serges, linen crash, duck and white pique; misses and children 4 Sons mall supply of Chamberlain Cough dresses God bless them end bring them eafely percales, ginghams, ete., at less than you can buv th The farmer the mechanic aud the biHe turn np the result as folRemedy. material. NO EXPRESS CHARGES TO PAY. back when that duty haa been nobly lows: are rider liable cycle to unexpected cuts Jtt that time the good were and bruises Witch Haul DAitis a : Chamber-lailection to n this performed. in day halve iv the best thing to keep on hand. "Cough Remedy is a household It heal quickly aud 12 a well known cure Mra. A, la veen, residing at 207 Henry word for It ia tbe same in hundred of piles. John Bovden 4 Son. St., Alton, 111,, suffered with eciatic communities. Woerever the good qualAdvertise Letter List, rheumatism lorover eight months, oh ities of Chamberlains Cough Remedies The following letters now in th poet doctored for it nearly the whole of tbia oecome khow o tbe people will have other at Coalville, Summit county, time, using various remedies recom- nothing alee. For tale by John Boyden Utah, ti not called for before May 1, mended by friends, and wa treated by 4 Son. ill be sent to tbedead letter office at the physicians, but received e relief. D. C. : Washington, owner ; are notified one a and Property half bottlea of She then used hereby Chamberlain! Fain Balm, which effect- to have their premise cleaned op and Mis J E Jones, box 14 Harry Hodge A M. Bender. ed n complete care. Tbit is published ready for inspection by tb Board of V r- In celling for the shove Health : before Coalville the plsaie of letter, ltuh 1898. eh ; ae want simUtah other nt heriequeit, day Mav, late thtit (bey are adverti-ed- . Oa that date the Beard of Health will know afflicted whit to cured her. ilarly J. J Joxxe, P. M. The 25 and 50 cent tire for tale by J oho impact ell premises end alrictly enforce JAMES E. HOSMER, M. D.; law. A little hoy asked for tbe J. E. Uoaxxx. A Son. bottle ol "get Beydan Fkyslclaa aal Smrgeoa, up in the morning e fast as you ea. City Physician. Thousands of sufferer from grippe The druggist recognised a heuaehold OFFICE AT RESIDES 3 E. Children like it; it eeye tbeir live; have Ien restored te health by One for DeWitta Little Coalvitl. Early Riaert Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures W mean On Minute Cough Care, the g of Offic from hour h.lm II a. m. ko 2 1 tbt" k000' Infallible remedy for cough. colda,,Tu . v gougha, colds, lironcbUis, pneumonia, T p. m. aad j suV.0,1 !? We. Tv, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung croup, bronchitis, grippe, nn J all throat aQ wboeaa ahould oboanra tkoao houra and lung trouble. John Boyden 4 cease 1. John Hoyden 4 Son. FomBoyder 4 p0m ' aa fiforaa poaaiblo. , ? AGENTS FOR r - theiintr, I? 1 kuuvg1 hi. y BICYCLES. to-da- tier-ai- f Peoples Mercantile Co. huu-dre- u dol-lar- t, one-thir- d Millinery .Opening, April 15th. -- bedA-aove- ruifela Maggie Salmon. sk ssassr'fe asrtfcrss ob-ser- C6 orty-tw- o g Coel-toll- s, Well DressedfJen old-faa- h blue-mas- m - pit-ab- le Ui. Wanamaker 4 Brown '' ftBRSM k I. M. SHAW, Paper -- and Hanjjer W. J. WRIGHT, Agent. Calciminer, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Rl YOUNG, W AN SHIP. r: Cr T Scalers in General Merchandise I -- T, V I |