Show ULkKll Ilk I 51100 it n r s Wk it iv I I le I llutlMW liei been wall Inn the gwiter part of the iMil week and the election Cr 1 llftltd Uiflf It i > when 1Iat < ni I Whether wen aw rithl or wrong In n pwlliig huller thlnfi the fail that they eipret dot lend lo mole Ihliqp beltor 1 Tim 4 larger volnme of trade inght be anllclMle l allhongh no political aienle iwnaller IheilMof 1 lIe cern imp nor I lash lie ilnuanil for wheat or nil Ion rloxr 1 to tie Klppl Neither ran hito ilixtloli irlniin slIer be lailir abd If OilY Io1 i idiutry ii I alffrtrl by II favorably i or nnl turably Ihe illuallnn I ca thy itue POlio Ni It Mm before thus niple I ieaI 1 at Iruel t Sue tmn thaw In ciime I lIullll Ii Mr In Infer that further moll Amlloni uf I the lirllfara randvrv1 Irn I probable by the election I of TiMwIa > I IIII Ike uernUllvn inaiketn lliwr liai Win nmrrely any nratement cot I antI Ing favurable 10 hodleri What Ii2 I cells higher but wllli reechlOe nI yule 38151X12 UiiheU against 11678 4H the lIne week lash ear lIons Its little Luutuescuf Ixiauio ilorka III tliiht am far beoml I all pietloin rererdt AtUnllc eiporli have Inrn nnly I OMan butliehi fur Iho wrrk egalnit DI7M1 hush lrar nnd Hie lines IMP adranenl 1 wul bull II roul bill lliere U I irativly city ronllileiice that prevent prlrei luw ai they ate 1111 maintained Ulin hat lallin about 2 cute nitwllhitand Ing Ihe fact that vieilein le < i > lil I IH were achy aUmt IUirutKI tallied again I llgll east lyHI cml Allanllrnpnili only I 727K butheli a alnit til1lh fast lute for latltlcliuo Illlleetrett wlim the lupply In I liellervl lo fo 1 pta far ihorl Cotton hew ilrcllne l an u elxhlli I loftS I cells which la I again Ihe lowwt lobe dir rerardeil ami appraieto mean a didnlto decrMie In proiluellen litre ller ai In mot ol the foulbrrn Hlalei Ito lInens now renllteil are not rrnin athe 1orlhe pietrnt the itocki hire and 1 ubnud are large enough to kill any iiwulallon I The treaiury linorle again olllUiut half a million In III gold reiee for tho meck tot hte eiulonn ami Intriniltf crlpln ore very low nml for Ihe month of No cci for Ihll fur the e > > KMidlurti hnt escoeilol Iho rmlpli nl int VJ lu cr cent Forulgii Intporli at New York fur two weeks bate I Iou a cult of only 2tler trill while In the elluorla of tIc tuu lIe pnnluin from Sew Yntk llierg rrOllrIAiilf IJnnwliffnrilielaiiie weeks nrt7 1 iwrceut Tho bout and sIne mannlartiirii hai I been usIng rvlalltely well ai uiilnl though Ihe ita on Ii I about iitrr and Ihierdera running Into lIt future are aihltherln almoilesrluiltely for gouhe 1 I nlthecwiper grade 1 The ihlpmenti from lloilot arrnrdlng lo him Shne A Luther Ite > orle were 7BUOU cameo for the week agalnit IIICM I for hIm Irk n I-rk bet year No i liange In trIes line Uen nolnl allhougli manufacturer Hill complain that pri nt pilcei 1 of butte aul 1 ihorearn not runiuncralUo with current prlrei orlralhir In the Icsllle Imluttrlve hero Ii I rate more lioillallon Ihau apwaiinl a weak 55t Irlntclolhi ore lower hay lig ilccllneil to yK I cenle nml pMiie ol lIe oolton mllli have illicnnlinuwl pro uctlon becanra thin dcinand la uiiMtli hacley the ihrlnkagn In Ihe weilcrn end touthrrn demand Ixlng umcrally attributed the low lilt ol wheat and POllun and to the short chit of I corn I Scarcely anything la I doing In woolen lOOt for 111111 dellrrry and tie he I uwnil for fall and winter goodi l Its nearly Jliappearcil In general II Ii I brlleteil that the iptlng 01 ten thui far aril not more than half tie usual nuantly The oaf Uit 1 u if 1 wool itt lIe three chief lumkeUul Ike I cull laos bon only 35751 W K > iindt agalnit 80I70Q host year andoYJIoOOO In IBJ for the corroipomllng week There lao la-o sPeculative buying and manufae ureri aie piirihailng only for their Im vdlalo nenli sna hid lie pilcethoiiili eniilng alxiuta quarlir of a tent ower than a month ago show 110 ten oItllC at yet to linprotu Uporli ol alluilM are oir the w hole icoiiruttlng In comparlioii wIll In sear mid et the volume of llubllltlei i larger for the iea 001 than In anv tar 01 rdlnary pruipultr The aggregato hut I VN weeks ending Nub I hai loan l UU771UI3 of chief 0330075 mien 01 manufacliirlng and UDcflUW < trading cunicrni The falturi tiring tie host meek hnte bren lilt In Iliu United Utalii galnit 1WH Un jear and 1 02 I I In Canada galnit 17 bit year lIars been u leo f lillurcn of oon wUtncu during his week but noun of tenilvt Inlliienc |