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Show 4 TtlOOPS TO BE WITMDnAWN. Ir.lfr. Imo.,1 awl .li"H" Kl,llr ItMk la JUrtH. n ?h Unlteil Htalea gofernmenl Tuee. lay took the drat ati toward the redemption re-demption of Ita prmolte made to the tlotelaii goteriiment Augutt latt, by eablegram Intlruellng (leneral ChalTmi to redoee the American foreca In China to the pruporllone of n legn-tlon legn-tlon guard. Thetratof the order I" Oeneral t.'hafTee It aa followt: 'ending negotiations fur a tettle-menl, tettle-menl, the aeeretary of war dlrcett that a legation guard of a regiment of Infantry, In-fantry, four troopt of caralry, with rapid tire glint and light batterr "I"' complete rqulptncnlnnd re terra tupply of ammunition adrquale for any emergency, be relalnel In 1'ekln under your command, and that you aend the remalndrr of your force In China u Manila to report to MacArlhnr. The guard tliould be amply prorltloned, etc., until navigation open next aprlnr Itetaln tuch oflleeM for ttaff duly at you deem necenary. All lotei. trantpprtatlon and matrrlalt ot required fur the legation guard aend to Manila l'laca yourtelf luc:me relatlona with our mlnltler, acting with him on the line that "111 bett MiUerro our Intereata, keeping thlt department fully adrlted. It It Important Im-portant that you hate the confidence of the general ot other power flen-rral flen-rral Wlltun with hit aldet will remain In IVkln for tho prrtent. Nk-cII In-atructlon In-atructlon may be tent him. Cable MacArtliur concerning requlrcmentt to carry tliete Initructloni Into effect. Inform general commanding fnrcet of other Nwer of our Intention to withdraw with-draw part ot our furcra. Hhow thl to Conger. |