Show I Th Uuk a nd nuehea or lock Tiriieallh of uolirtho queen and 1 tho 1rlnco of Wales lends additional Interest In-terest to Ibo now now lUscrcetly circulated cir-culated In Mayfntr to Ibo effect that the Duchess of York la onto again to become be-come a mother U I tll bellowed some time In June Bho li compelled lo take great care of herself and Is I looking both wan sod pinched erj unlike tho I smiling Princes Mny of pte nuptial days Tho Prince of Wales Is I really I far more seriously Indisposed 1 than hat I I been allowed to become known and when he left tondon for the Hit era was so run down partly from tho effects ef-fects of prlp and partly from tho aftermath after-math of the terrible fatigues ho underwent under-went In Hustla In connection with oho tiresome obsequies of his brotherlu law the czar that ho Will scarce able to mlle his voice above a whisper More over ho has bail a recurrence of hula old trouble varicose vein In bit legs which had to be bandaged seicral times I I a day nod prevent him from moving I about with his usual activity |