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Show atalt lu.itill erkaol. The writer received a letter Irom Supt. E. JI. Alliionol the State Indui-trial Indui-trial Ircbool. In which be iaa that In a few yean, by cluie atlenlimi, thay will hate a beautiful place. Over 00 fruit tree 1 bit e been planted tbil ipring. acd In a few yean will )teld n ahuudance of fruit. He ia) 1 they have a (arm of thirty acret, all under cullitalloa.well watered, a fine properly, with plenty ol ihade and ornamental Ireei, a well at lujall (rull treei. In additlou lo Irrigation water, Ihey have a plpa Hoe (rom the canal ;i00 ft. In length, with roiervolre, with luffl-dent luffl-dent (orce 10 throw water over 'be bulldlngt. They alio have a good tewer tyilem and drain plpei, ablch keep the bulldingedry. Tbere are ti boyi and S glrlt In tbe ichool, under an excellent teacher, and ihey are all doing well, Regular beuia (or libool, recreation tnd otk are observed ob-served 1 tbey are all wlllloij to work aod Mr- Allitoo lay tbey will compare favorably fav-orably with hoyt throughout tha country. Tbe ichool ii In good conditloo, tnd everything ie running tmoothly and yttematlcally. |