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Show r. VWW V W W W W WWV ? TEMPLE AND TABERNACLE. J tVtSSVSVtVSWAVSVItSVW Al the conference of Salt take slake I real lent (ieorgu W Cannon explained tho necessity for the youug men going to Mbertn In work on the canal saj Ing that while they would lo laid for their work ho could not say I ow much they mini I receive mil lo wished them lo go Just as If they had been called on a mission I ccausu tho work referred lo was Ixlng douo for the good of I in an I lit r teoplc At the Nail I ake stake conference l'ri'ol lent -inow annountid that lo thought It unneeeMwrv to make any apology for c ntlnulng a discussion of ononfthe mysterle of tho kingdom mi 1 he prnved that the brethren and sisters might I o t Itated by tho spirit of tho l.ord In order that they might tin lerstan I what was meant by the paying of tithing 1 rest lent (leort,o Q Cannon followed regarding tho duty of lllhu laylug nn 1 said Wo fin 1 In our luldst mm nn I women who art constantly striving to bring them selves Into an entire subjection to tho celestial law, just as III tho days when ' Ood revealed unto us tho laws uf plu ral marriage At that time there were a number of men who were real oustoobty that law notwlthstan ling tl o dinicultles thai lay In their way that were serious to overcome ou could find women nlso I ringing them selves Into entire subjection to Hint law which Ood revealed concerning that state, and they sacrifice 1 them sclvis on 1 their desires an 1 Incllna tlons an I their worldly tastes they sacrificed them nil in onler that they might obey that law Hundreds of women have dlsplaycl the greatest obcllcuco nn 1 willingness to make any sacrlllce that shoul I be required of them living In ence, living In love, living In union mil determining nl whatever cost thnl they woul 1 submit to the, law of God lie said ho apoke of the trials of tho nomrn because they hal been peculiarly severe and that they had shown a willingness lo obey an I submit that was most a Imlr able 1 resident I aunonwil 1 he doubt ed If there were ninny nun nn 1 women present who ill 1 not believe, In tho law of tithing but some liavo doubt ns to lioiv the tithing is used, some feel that tho money Is mlsapprni rlated and licuco nro loth to pay their full tithes. The duty to ny tithing was as nppar tnt as thu necicslty was great nnd it should not bo neglected Clinton ward Davl count, has de cided to build a now meeting house, One of tho most successful entertain menu ever licl I lu W sync county wus given at Calnevlllu for the old folks. At 10 a. m nil met al the schoolhoiisc, which was very np roprlately decora ted for the occasion All the old folks from 40 upwards were, given balges designating their ngis. A splendid program was given which continued until nuon, when a substantial repast was served One hundred and fifty persons partook of tho bounties of life, after which outdoor sports wcro enjoyed bamucl II Hardy, of Kt George, a lonecr and stalwart veteran passed away and was laid to rest bcplcmbcr 11 at the ago of 1)3 lie was born in Massachusetts Joined the Church at in early day, and tamo to Utah in 1820 He was a major In the Nauvoo Legion He was called south In 1801, and located In lrgln City He went to St, George In 1807, and was a mem ber of bt (Icargo atako thirty -eight jcars. lie had received every ordl-nance ordl-nance possible to receive and was well thought of by all who knew him ISccly ward, Oneida county, Idaho, ha no post ofllce. because no ono can tie found who will act. It is near American I alls and has fifteen or twentr families The ward Is reached from Dockland by a roundabout road over a roughy hill desert Tho ward was organized by 1 resident I orenxo Snow in 188" lllshop illlam ISeely was ordained bishop and yet presides over this thriving people The handsome new stone meeting house for llurton ward at Indepen dence, Kreemont county, Idaho, la Bearing completion It Is built of dark atone and trimmed with a beau tlful white stone 1 ho arch for tho tower I an espei tally attractive piece of work At a citizens' meeting at south Hooper, Davis county, Utah It waa decided de-cided that steps should at once be taken to have a new meeting house erected Accordingly a committee, consisting of Alexander 1 atteraon, John W Singleton, Thomaa Iloss, David Chrlatenaen and Vi Jacob I ark-er, ark-er, was appointed to take tho matter lu hand, wltol a stto for tho structure and attend to the financial part of the undertaking |