Show BOLD A certain scientific Interest attaches to the evolution of the tho bribery ely ery scandal and the early stages al already already ready r ady present an almost humorous reproduction r of political conditions In San Francisco at the beginning of or the time exposures says the Call For tor Forthe Forthe the present the Pittsburg have not emerged from the tho familiar I I stage of or bluff So wo we find Hn Council Councilman man alan Klein of or that city pushing to the front with Ute time customary plea or of orall orall all politics poll tics It Is a wicked plot to 10 o Injure his political future 1 I tell you OU it is a serious charge chargo to bring against a man on the eve ee of or orthe the primaries and so close to election I he lie said It ll scarcely will vIll give him tune time to square himself with his con Its Ils all bosh and Im go goIng goIng Ing lag to stay In tho the fight One seems i ito to remember some somo very stiff talk from Mayor lla or of like lIko character in the early stages of the proceed proceedings proceedIngs proceedIngs ings He Ho had come como back to fight a conspiracy to railroad him I 1 Ito I Ito to prison and he lie would neither give nor nOl take quarter There Is not miot so much noise of that character In San Francisco now but will vill get Its full fu share be he before fore the next stage where whore the tho men who are now bluffing will come como to 10 beg for Cor mercy more II Another phase or feature of oC the present lr sent situation In Pittsburg Is thus characterized In the Chicago Record Herald The Tho Insolent boastfulness of o ring ringleaders ringleaders ringleaders leaders among the alleged grafters and ami their cynical Is Isto to reformers are fire the time characteristics of Jr the gray wolf wherever he lie Is found Reformer however Is la not a title that honest men are fire ashamed to wear weal The Tho mills of reform will go on grinding for honest and for bettor bellor public service It Is to be bo hoped that Pittsburg will do Its part purt well we by punishing those found guilty of wrong doing doluE not only I I for Its own sake salte but for Co l the nation nationwide nationwide nationwide I wide cause cam e of civic decency The Tho ho rs and here and there thero and everywhere may mayas as well we understand that this Is a ann na national movement with the tho backing of the th whole people under the tho leader leadership h leadership adel ship of men mon like Roosevelt Foli 1011 Heney Hene and other strong stron men man who are arc 1 to make municipal govern government government government ment cleans clean and neither wealth nor Influence will savo save the guilty from rom |