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Show hmaf 1 have lost two end have another sick. They will not eat Their droppings are green, n real grans green. The ones that are sick, nr MAIDS FOR ITEMS OF INTEREST have about Rosecomb Leghorn AND MATRONS. sixty hens in all. eight Leghorns, nnd the net different kinds. 1 feed about 44 M M FraMJ six quarts of ground oats, shorts and Fasklaas af Rots Prevailing 20 ter cent. lead. 40 cents iter unit and SMELTING CHARGES. oil meal. Now they are moulting. A . Wardrobe for Util OlrlUlkt $2 for treatment; over 20 to 25 Sometimes I feed corn meal," table Colored Oo as Fsrored far A tree khtdnl ef RtB Adopted Intended to lead. 42 cents jier unit and $ I for scraps, beef scraps, making about six 30 25 over to cent, Stop All Catting. lead, Went Caltnarv Uinta, treatment; jier quarts In nil In the morning. Do yon no minfor 43 cents per unit and The keenest Inteft'et Is taken by charge think that right! At night I give them ers all over the state In the agreement treatment; oer 30 to 35 jier cent, lead, whole oata, buckwheat, about one-ha- lf on smelting rates entered Into between T5 cents ier unit and uo charge for When Von and 1 Wera Tnaag, Magg the smelters and mill men at their re- treatment; over 33 to 40 iter cent lead, pint of corn, and, thin makes about six to WANDERED rent meeting In this e)ty, sas the 47 cents per unit ami uo charge for quarts In all. Is oil meal as good as to tha hUL day Denver Republican. Some parts of treatment; over 40 to 45 per cent, lead, linseed meal! 1 am told at the store Maggie. tha watch To these rates have been published In the 50 cents per unit and uo charge for where I trade that It Is and n great scene below; localities affected, but all efforts to ob- treatment; over 50 to 55 per cent lead, deal cheaper. If .you should answer the ahd creek no for The and unit charge tain a complete copy from the smelters 55 cents per I d this letter In your paper piease omlt tv at for creaking lie $19 paid treatment; gold is have failed, notwithstanding the mill. Maggie, name." or .05 made that it Is Impossible jier ounce If the ore contains to As we uaed One quart of food to a dozen hena tor to keep secret a schedule, copies of over; silver at 95 per cent, of the New long ago. on the basis of have one lead la York all over day, of grain. Is considered liberal, quotation; of scattered grove are which The green parts tha but In summer even less Is needed If gone from the state, for the use of ore buyers and $4 per 100 pounds; no charge Is made hill. Maggie, up to 6 jier cent, of the hens are confined, with no food at samplers. There are no special efforts for zinc or sulphur the Where first made by the ore buyers to maintain each, but when In excess of 5 per cent., all If they are on a range. Oil meal and dalutea sprung; each iier cent secrecy, as they must give the rates to 50 cents Is chargedzincforand linseed meal are the same. In every IsThe creaking old mill la at 111, Maggta. 25 cents for of excess the miners who demand it, and there- of such Since you and 1 were young. sue we have articles on excessive feedsulexcess of such fore, while the Republican has been each per cent, of ing, yet over nnd over again we cauAnd now we are aged and gray. Maggie, put to considerable expense and trou- phur. ores tion readers on that point, but they go And the trials of life are neaily done; On carrying more than $8 and ble, it has succeeded In securing what us sing of the days that are gone, on with heavy allowance, destroy Is substantially a correct copy of the up to $20 Inclusive, all values, there Is Maggie. their flocks, get no eggs and then wonrates paid in the different camps of a reduction of 50 cents iier ton from When ou were I and young. treatment of schedule ' above the der at the result Take our advice and the state. llscretlon, judgment nnd intelligence. follow this rule of four words "No The smelters claim that the new charges; on ores running over $20 and A city ao silent and lone, Maggie, the schedule charge Street Ceitiats These qualities wlH go a long ways In Where the young and the gay and the rates vary but little from those which up to $35 Inclusive, lie cratch, no food." beat. made; on all ores a be will in vogue for a long time, fer treatment will Light popustreet have securing success ini any business, but gowns In Magbe will of white $1 stone, In polished mansions value, rs specially necessary In the dairy lar feature during the coming season. and that the schedule is more of an carrying over $35 4 Cklckfit Cklm gie. to the schedule charge for treatA one. girl puts It, a very light gown because of the complex nature of the Have equalization In accordance with vary- added each fatal contagof la rest, found an a This exceedingly place For all excess of iron over silica la built where ing coudltions tliau an advance In the ment. the birds used to play mty be worn under a long coat to dairy processes; the main point, how- ious disease, which Is widely distribeach for 15 cents of allowance per an Maggie. scale. They also absolutely deny that in the dairy business 1 th cost uted over this of country, and cause And Join In the songs that were Aung; tlieiter or opera, and then when the ever, there has been any Idea of the forma- cent, of such excess; for all excess of ths product. It Is not the quantity 15 cents we sang as gay a a they. Maggie. For coat Is of is owner a over iron removed enormous annual its silica always losses, especially ta charge tion of a trust for any purpose whatWhen you and I were young. excess. Ores well dressed. Yet many light gowns made so much as the material used in the central and southern sections. Th ever, all the smelters lieing absolutely for each jiereeut. of such 5 per cent lead making It. One dairyman may receive first symptoms of the disease are, a independent, and each smelter being containing less than say I am feeble with age, Maggie, will be worn with short coats, also. 1,600 for his seasons mlllf, while his cent, iron are They the majority of cases, a yellow coloraMy steps are less sprightly than then. Light gray and light tan are favorite allowed. In the I'advllle district, to and mere than 30 per No near-b- y allowance ores. as classed iron face of Is neighbor will only get one-ha- lf tion of that part of th excrement My a contracts own worn its Maggie, make A charming gown regardless page, by colorings. But time alpne wee the pen. of this sum as fh proceeds of his the schedule when competing with the shall lie made for the lead contained New York girl is of pale gray cash-mer- e. which Is usually white, quickly folore They say we are aged and gray, Maggie, a and the latter no doubt Is com lowed dairy, Bimetallic smelter, which Is not repre- - in oxidized iron ores unless such fits The Ae and Is skirt by violent diarrhea and rise of sprays by the white breakers flung plain carry 2 per cent, or more lead. sented in the combination plaining that there Is no profit In the But to me you're as fair as you were, un Other common accomtemperature. silieious Oxidized ores, carrying In Gilpin and Clear Creek counties business, while the other Is enjoying Maggie, a value 5 dor lead and cent, per panying symptoms are drooping of th When you and I were young. life and luxury. haying the rates In force are practically unwings, stupor, lessened appetite and St. John. For dry and copper ores the! f $1- - and under, $i The question then nrlses, to whnt Is excessive following are theVates flxd. Gold is j f 12 to $20 Inclusive. $8 treatment; oyejr thirst Since th disease ta the cause of this difference. And in cent, of 95 ier $9 $20, treatment; ounce of a the to rate due at $19.50 per specific germ, it can only b paid for Ran and Bars Floors, It the whole problem of prof $19 per when the ore contains J95 of an ounce York quotation for silver; Introduced Into a flock by direct Im.05 Women have long been tastructed Itable agriculture Is raised nnd setor more in gold; for silver 95 per cent, ounce for gold, if the ore contains of this germ, generally by portation that rugs and bare floors are sanitary tled. First, the successful dairyman fowls of the New York quotation Is paid : or over. tnfected from 5 premises. As soon per lead Silieious In ores, containing found In essentials one While keeps only good cows. If housekeeping. copiier, dry, Is paid for at $1 per unit ; cent, of lead and over the rates for disease are of the as the symptoms disthis statement is undoubtedly true In treatment charge, Denver delivery, wanting when It Is tested, it la be separated until ahould the served fowls are ores the carbonate charged carded from the herd nnd replaced with many eases. It still admits of qualifl $720 fier ton; no extra charge Is made treatment and given reas as much charge reaches the rates cations. In houses whose rooms have possible feedIts for silica when the ore contains no turn" able to another that is which may he where they stricted quarters, more than 40 per cent., the excess upon dry silieious ores, after will be e hardwood floors the aring into profit Second, the land is can for-a- t the latter treatment changes disinfectant where above 40 per cent, being charged cultivated on the same principle, nnd observed and rangement proves satisfactory, though soon aa the peculiar Aa the rate of 10 cents for each per made. used. be one to freely two made acres support every Dry sulphide ores of the value of $12 all women admit that It Increases th of th cent., and an allowance of 5 cents for and good cow, where four acre was re- diarrhea ta noticed with any under, $9 treatment; over $12 to household work. Good floors, however, each per cent, below 40 per cent, be- 30 ounces lot should be of that bird feed. fowl name th the to before $10 ton silver iueluslve, quired are produce still per the exception more than the ing made up to a maximum treatment treatment; over 30 ounces to 50 ounces Then each one returns nn Income changed to fresh ground and th sick charge of $9.50 per ton for ores not inclusive, $10.50 treatment; over 50 rule. When a housekeeper attempts to double of whnt It was before tor the ones killed. Th infected eicrement tain and oil margins that are made exceeding $25 per ton gross value and ounces, $11.50 treatment; dry copiier, and feeding of cows alone, not mentioning should be carefully scraped up value: exeeedbie ores $25 gross $11 for boards, made for of uneven, It which In no extra lncloaur $1 per unit; charge from and th derived burned 5 the other It exceed m3 to V not products ores containing 10 per cent., 50 cents she finds that she has undertaken to zinc with disinfected up the of 30 cultivation Good cents cows, good has been thoroughly per cent., no extraviarge and for each per cent In excess considerable burden. Such floors al land), nnd excellence of product are the a one-ha- lf extra charge for each per cent, of zinc charged per cent eolation of carbolic 15 per cent., and most never look well. They need the to 10 cent, fft up iier of the main three aliove 5 per cent. which dairyman. may be applied with an orpoint acid, for each per cent, above 15 most constant care to be even of tol as I.end ores are paid for as follows: 30cnts and made is The these, by profit dinary watering pot Burn dead bird. cent, of the New York erable appearance. Wiping over once perWnt,; 95 are taken Gold, when orea contain .05 of an quotation forper come the nearest to perfection, In Th germe of the die they ounce and $19 silver per a day by no means keeps them in eon ounce or more, $19.50 per ounce; silver, mouth, th nearest the same It the by ratio the an profit of only .05 Into th carries system for gold if the ore 95 per cent of the New York quota- ounce ditlon, particularly if, as la probable, When these nr at and for thta reason th watering over. ton or highest point per 100 tion; lend on the basis of $4 per be tmlned there U no need to bother th All Lendvllle charges based on Lead-vlll- e the house in general be poorly built, troughs and feeding places mustfrewith dust to rise from the cellar and pounds; no charge for zinc np to 10 per Is nothon cars. details. There mind them with from other by free delivery cent., and 50 cents for each per cent, enter through the windows by many smoothly across the top, In front To ing difficult. In gaining then three kept thoroughly disinfection with on of th soin excess of 10 per cent. Lead concracks and corners. More seen the fit It is not Mid In darts, points. In each one, quality Is to be quent mentioned. Treatment of alck Mad. Miners Are tained In the ores Is settled for as follutions than one housekeeper testifies that un- but la slashed, each slash being fitted considered nnd not mere number. It Is ta not to be recommended under The correspondent of the lows: For 5 to 10 per cent., 40 cents der sueh conditions they have gone with a narrow white passementerie. better to pay $80 for n good cow than blrda 10 treatment News at and Mountain unit Th malady runs $11 Cripple charge; per drcumstancea any jack to fitted carpets. These, it may Xhe bodice is bloused and laid In hori- $40 for one .half ns good, because n It course, as a rule, In one, two or to 15 per cent., 40 cents per unit and writes: The more the miners learn of the be added, can be hygienlcalfy cared for zontal tucks. Over each tuck'W'lald avlhf U maa1n'tn $9.50 treatment charge; 15 to 20 per cnir three days, kHff TTCaa Wly cent., 40 cents per unit and $7,50 for t agreement that has been entered into by following the approved method of n additional tuck of whit chiffon, mnfiner. It Is better to lay out twice with great difficulty. a treatment; 20 to 25 per cent, 40 cents by the reduction work whereby $19 sweeping them. This is to brush the headed with a row of braid. In collar the money on on acre to gain th per unit and $5.50 for treatment; 25 per ounce la paid for goffi, the madder dust from the corners and use a car- and waistband a touch of color la in- produce of two, for th reason thet ta on of the most dreaded of Roup to 30 per cent, 45 cents per unit and they are getting. A few have gone pet sweeper to take it from the mala troduced they are of coral allk. With labor la saved by growing large crops, dlseaaea It ta eometlmes spoken of aa $5 for treatment; 30 to 35 per cent, about trying to get a lot of the big proafterward of the wiping the gown a small hat of coral allk and so on, and as regards high quality the winter disease. Th symptoms are carpet, ducers to quit work for thirty days, space 45 cents per nnlt and $3.50 for treata not over clean with It wet, and roses Is worn. Another gown, of product. It Is better to give double boars breathing, swelled eye, disdamp, men mill to centa 45 40 to the which would 35 ment; compel per per cent., for Another the equally effective, waa of light fawn tho csro and thought to the work nnd charge at the nostril, and eometlmes a cloth. retaliatof urged to 45 40 point also nnlt and $2 for treatment; per suspend, but this way fanot cloth, embroidered here and there with management, because the labor is fetid breath. Treatment ta not generdoes which Is not looked upon with much rug system, experience cent., 47 cents per unit and $1 for ing bear out. Is Its economy Few maids spiders of chenille and bronze beads. scarcely If any greater. Tim Is re- ally satisfactory. Th affected blrda treatment; 45 to 50 per cent, 50 cents vor. per nnlt and $1 for treatment; over 50 A manager of one of the big proper-- can adequately clean the heavy rugs The bodice opened- In front over n vest quired to effect all these Improvements, should be removed, the hone cleansed that with which many apartments are of but ths sooner they nr commenced the and disinfected. Damp, foul air and per cent., 55 cents per unit and $1 for ties proposed a scheme green silk, with revers of tan cloth sooner All - treatment charges might work. His Idea Is to send all ore strewn. treatment. they will be reached. demand service cold draft In th poultry house ahould outside They and A I lined with gold braid. green over $40 to the ton to the V. M. COUCH. Denver delivery. running does be carefully avoided whenever fowl as fitted as the frequently gold hat completed the costume. The Gold, I smelters. This would not leave suflt- - about Tailings and concentrates: woman who ocare subject to roup. A decrease In th York A New carpet In and an ounce or his j dent supplies for the mills, Latest when ores contain .05 of F rtroa for Dairy Fradaota. of corn and an Increase In handsome a cupied apartment more, $19 per ounce; silver, 95 per cent, opinion they would quickly get back A good deal of discussion haa lately proportion the a week proportion of meat food In the dally throughout of the New York quotation; lead In to the old prtee for gold, $20 per ounce, paid two dollars been going on In the agricultural press A R lido's Farswsll Soag. ta held by some to be highly ration concentrates and tailings upon a $4 ba- which Is the same as the smelters pay. the year to have her rugs properly to prices of dairy products, beneficial In warding off thta disease. AauL fiber wants to Itnow it there relative sis, 40 cents per unit if ore contains 5 The entire trouble, however Jles In the cleaned every Friday morning. It will says Texas 8tock and Farm Journal of th comper cent, or more; 10 per cent of silica camp's production. It Is getting big- be the wise housekeeper who will study la an tong published what would he Ths markets have steadily grown more In general, th treatment of fowls ta not so satisdiseases mon allowed without extra charge, 10 centa ger every day, and the works in tbs tbs limitations of her residence before appropriate for a girl to sing on her unsatisfactory, and It la said that In the measures. Nocharged for each per cent above 10; district and at Florence and Colorado she decides in favor of bare floors. wedding day. It must be a sort of New England states butter and milk factory as preventive cannot care extake of It. In the 5 per cent, of zinc allowed without City possibly more thaa poultry busiwhere friends. and farewell to parents, family will not bring what It costs to produce ness does that old Ore bins were filled to overflowing Evening Post tra charge, 30 cents charged for each apply, "An adagt Alstf'a nightingale song of a girl and them. The extensive use of butter subis worth a pound per cent, in excess of 5; treatment long ago and the mineral at the plants of ounce prevention is There Answer: her soldier lover. Ward rob. of a Midcat. stitutes has had much to do with the of cure. Agricultural charge $3.50 per ton in carload lota, la scattered over the ground in endless Department Denver delivery. profusion, which entails a loss. One more voice an old nnd pathetic song called "The low price of butter, although legisla- Bulletin. children have Each ' year some Bride's Farewell." The Gilpin and Clear Cmk schedule of the heaviest haulers In the camp to has Perhaps attempted tion In tome states In the selection of their wearing ap y diformed to carload words. that can your correspondent lots, shipped only give the Ledger readers prevent their competition In an unfair Daliy Kvolattaa ta Dsaaserk. t he feared treatment charges might rectly from the mines. Almost all such old songs are out of way with butter. To a great extent be his raised. a In new Denmark farmers found grain When In the Aspen district the 'following, again opinion found be sometimes not to availed protect and stock print 'They may legislation haa of 500 tons schedule waa mader For silver, 95 per mill having growing unprofitable by reaIn old collections, or the words may be butter makers from dishonest compecent, of the New York quotation; lead, daily should be put np at once. son of competition, they did not foreign tition. A large consumption is In the preserved in scrap books. 55 centa per nnlt upon the basis of $4 but they began to experifarming, quit restauboarding houses, hotels and and fruit and vegeper 100, when the ores contain 3 per In ment dairying Arlsoaa Copper. rants of the country and the propriecent or over; treatment charge $4 per for th English marFa table Dallctoaa Fasts, production The only native copper discovered in tor of theee are not prohibited from ton, delivery at Pueblo or Denver; for Western Agriculturist Twenty-fket, says Take half a cap each of butter and excess of silica over Iron a charge of southern Arizona comes from the Buspalming off any fraud upon their cus- ive or ago but little year thirty ter Bradford mountains. in mine, The this Into of lard four and ex10 centa for each per cent, of such cupa chop tomers. Yet it ta believed that the waa known of scientific dairying, hut is taken from native the copper ground cess; for excess of Iron over silica an prepared flour (flour Into which four dairy Interest of the country will Imleaf-lik- e to Improve their sheets, allowance of 10 centa for each per In solid nuggets and small teaspoons of baking powder havs prove with lUJther Industries. In driven by necessity to six achieved auc-cefrom Inches latter the four have they products, dairy cent of such excess; an allowance of from six to fourteen Inches In wide, been lifted). Add half a saltspoonful this connection the Farming World in of any other country. length advance in 10 cents for each per cent, of lime; a and mix with enough milk to roll admitting that the conditions that from the thickness of a knife-blad- e Young men, and young women, too. becharge of 20 cents for each per centl and Inch. These leafan of to dough out easily. Do not have the caused advance In other products may came expert, and assisted in teaching 30 of a seats for of Bulphur; charge seams not exist In connection with the proddough hard. Handle aa little as each cent, of zinc in excess of 5 like layers run In uveins through all the farmers, and the finest quality ,n he natDre th ' ore' ,!rik ucts of the dairy very reasonably says; of butter Is made to suit the English percent! "jutrontrt forTsn orea and a of a vein, crops deposit up a do or not "But whether they general market, and It ta marketed to perfec-tlo- n to lie made directly with the mines. top of the mountain. A tunnel drivThe prices of Red Cliff, Belden and on Increase In the business of ths counFaahloa Note and realises the highest price. on side the mountain 350 en of the feet to more Gilman ores are to be governed by also send frozen milk to London. are produced by th try that gives employment below the apex struck the ledge, and It They effects Fanciful deand all new made, the increase agreements already people ehould certainly is from this tunnel that the richest have Improved their cows to th They and Introduction into to in be for passementerie the arranged shipments mand for butter and cheese because come. Another tnnnel wilt specimens production and use the heat highest nnd of steel are The also Creede similar trimmings fnture. jewels, shipments there will be more who can afford to lie run lu 700 feet lower down, and If The lesson which machinery. dairy to be determined by the general agree- the the finest crystals. Passementerie with use these articleg of food. Another deposit Is struck at that point Denmark has learned from experience ment governing the renewal of con- smelter are liked flat nnd gal The ore run will drop trimmings reason why better prices should be ex ta Just what we have urged upon our tracts. loon Is among the most popular garni flf;y to eighty per cent, copper. pected for both butter and cLeese is grain and cattle-growifarmers, that The Cripple Creek schedule Is as fol-- - from Mesa Free Press, tures. the protection those products have re- when grain and cotton become too lowst-F- or milling ores carrying two M la the delight The velvet blouse ceived the past and this year In way ounces per ton or tinder, $19 per ounce cheap for our profitable production by Is paid for the gold and 95 per cent, of the young womans heart, and the vv of legislation that ta unfavorable to reason of 'competition of India, AusMining Notes, the New York quotation for silver; If A movement is on foot to establish bogus butter and filled cheese. Such tralia and South America, where land riety.in which It Is turned out Is i two ounces or under, $8 per ton; .75 to to costumer tries has displaced or stopped the and labor ta so much cheaper than In legislation Every prising. In Denver. 1 bunce per ton, $9; 1 to 1.25 ounces n manufactory of fuse vise a new etyle. and the result la tha! manufacture of imitation dairy prod America, we have always urged that should this Conditions natural Under per ton, $10; 1.25 to 1.50 ounces per be a good there Is a medley In these garments nets to a great extent and thus made our farmers raise more stock and go point for such a manufacton, $11; 1.50 to 2 ounces per ton, $12. Is that sometimes renders a selection places for the genuine ones. There Is more Into dairy and poultry producthe western The mining region more tory. On smelting ores, carrying another important feature and one that tion and diversified agriculture. Amer"consumer of fuse In the somewhat difficult than two ounces per ton in gold, $20 principaland can be made a factor In giving the pro- ican farmers can produce stock tor the Is a commercial Denver Is suitof world, costume on A garfits Is novelty a little ounce miss 95 for the and gold, paid rovelty per parel Many so It for the center ducers of dairy products a profit It world's markets If we will produce the West, and mining Is of each The thi York of skirt New the quotation ing nnd velvet per cent, seem as If this were a good ment upon garment, criticising , U suiting. waist hai a cloth back la an Improvement In quality. Good Improved breeds required. The "for silver. If the ore contains one would for her auit to until one, something its manufacture. the top prices. Then ounce or more per ton; treatment point found. In the meantime her mother with velvet yoke. In front are velvet products bring conru Low Prices Enjoined. Th Mr. Caleb IL Johhson. manager Of again the more good butter and cheese charge, $10 per ton, Denver or Pueblo sections from the bodice point to Its quietly by .offering comments merefine quality produced the have enjoined the South Dakota railreally the Geyser, at Silver Cliff, died In this delivery. ly regarding quality of the material line where the yoke should cross th more there will be of both consumed. road commissioners from enforcing No change was made In the Brecken-ridg- e city Snnday morning last Mr. JohnFrom this point their order to reduce freight rates In and Park county districts. son took hold of this property, begin- - and regarding lit. Such a little miss front of the waist back from a very turn winter the section her was other the selecting day the state, because "the roads cannot af.The lendvllle car !onate schedule. Is nlnghls at. shaft - f With KIIIIb rnA ford to do business on such terms. as follows: On all ores up to and In- the surface, and sinking it to a depth wardrobe in one of the large New York elaborate chemisette arrangement that Twelve quarts of food a day. In sumfill In the entire front from collar to The first gown i do not the courts enjoin buyNow, cluding $8 in value, gold, silver and of over 2,400 feet, making It the deep- establishments. or a to hens, quart a day for ers qf why cent, lead, no al-- 1 est shaft In the atf.te. It has the lected waa for general school wear. It waist line. This front Is crossed with mer, sixty farm lead from 0 to 5 prodijcts from paying small velvet ribbon five hena. Is ths allowance given by a prices, "because farmers cannot afford Iowa nee for lead, $6250 per ton for largest hoisting jVn In the state. He was dark blue, with a band of red trellis bars of Inch-wid- e and at Maas., th Stoneham, hena Ex. treatment; 5 to 10 per eentfiead, 35 knew good mining and bow to do it, cloth about the bottom. Above this In box plaltlngs. The velvet sleeves lady to do business on such terms? They cents per jinlt, $6 for treatment; over and was the leading fplrlt In this ven- band waa a row of black braid, laid re shirred from tbs wrists to tbs not laying, saysshePoultry Keeper. writes aa follows: are dying, and . W put storm doors on our houses, 10 to 15 per cent, lead, 35 cents per ture, It wlU be difficult to replace in scallops. The same braid formed shoulders and there are overhanging "Can yon tell me what tq do with why not on our barns! unit and $4 fur treatment; over 15 to him. shoulders. the the from velvet of down from waist two frogs puffs the FOR WOilEX'ANU HOME piping Departpiept. p, HHHW4 HIIMI H--H-- per-cent- front bloBae , .he skirt. The waist was DAIR? AND POULTRY. and simply trimmed with a stock ind tie of plaid silk and g crush belt et the same plaid. The second NTEREST1NQ CHAPTERS FOR Sown alerted will be worn by the lit OUR RURAL READERS, He maid at dancing school. It was a S'topli. round skirt, with no trimming are a dtep hem. The waist Is bloused Bow Samassfal Farsa.rs Oparata This ith low netk and short sleeves, and Dopartataal of tha Faros A Fsw ShU as a tha Car. at Ur. Stack Aill be worn with a whltesUk gulmpe. act Paaltry, forgot to say the material of th Eown proper is soft white cashmere, nd that it is trimmed about the low II. try lag. necg with deep revers of plaid velvet. not the Is In the brightest of amount of product shades, and about the short sleeves with twists and tiny , made which makes hows of the same. ths profit, hut the An evening gown fame n xt difference between It was of pale blue mus--n. the cost and the tery full, with an overdress of hite a; k muslin, very sheer and very value of what is oft. The gome of this feature gown produced. striking was the full bow at the back of tbs dairymen low netk, from which long ends start-i-d. been complaining These ends were, again caught up bitterly of the poor t the bottom of the skirt In another pay they receive how on the hem. The little lady also 'or their work, and the difficulty chose a winter Jacket of cardinal cloth if the ends meet In making whh a loose fitting back that was belt.heir business, and at the tame time ed In and a double breasted box front, Jthera are congratulating themselvea n the satisfactory returns gained from adorned with large mother of pearl .heir industry. The profits of dairying buttons The Latest. iepends upon the proper exercise of my s.1 I lt U-e- well-writt- well-mad- loosely-put-togeth- er -- - up-to- ' , rs sa - one-quart- er pos-Bibl- e. . nt -- jr |