Show THE COUNTY NEWS I GATHERED BY OUR ALERT COM neSPONDBNTS II I I I Th rn t h 110 Fe I Er T0b In mnlt t U 10 1111 Nro II fliuxl In lStir11 1 i Tim liMnor cnrrnpoiKlrnlt nrr lornreth rr > tiH tnl to get their letter In tin olliie nut later than Diumln lot iiiKdlpnih 1 Hiik HI ill U I a great Hit nvenieiiir and minitime an tin poiil l ility to handle matter thai nrrlTrf later llniti 1 1hit dnlel u 1 11111 1 It 1triglt of I Cab lie 1011 in town list I Nrrk ton batlne bent I I lu Mjvnill went to Salt I1kc I lily m Ii I Im and from w hat It I brand imtl solo I < mat < xieii to hair II II I at ii pitniiing iipSifaln under avii mpan I and 1 mumigeiliriit before I try Ion Tin iiiillnn who item trloned hit link no Ulng ill are now on HIP mend Arthur Maxwell lint ivrrhnl lib iommliion n O fonttnbl of thii prrolnf The > vote for I jiitllre ol the pwtco I lorI lor-I Vim pew loft Itlll a tie brlswn tin too candidntrt aryl nothing hm feels bpnnl id the rtwiill of Hie net Ion ol the cum mlilon HI In the lie undone the rut dilute beta awfully Iml and susptclnua over the umtlir 1 olilh the other tell Lock and Jiift liuvln home arucf 1P ipinion that the riult of I the tie w 11I1 I too justices Intead of one but that w would > laotblcknt Sneaki aid alter be bad put ainfoetlda on the role of lilt fart to keep the itoUviattar and which only earned them to rather In larger nuiahcn > A bund nl young hoodlum who hate no arcntt or If they have take no In Itrt In their welfare arc out friquenlly ol night and up lo all manner ol ml cliicl ro language they nil would 1 put tiny Ieellt tout to the blush A few nljlil ago come of the young rut flam npenvd doori and talleil the In moles of the bmlte the vilest at nature 1 + TM i thould Ile I put I a Hop to or It will lent il lo dire illmtter to aunt of Iheni It U no early lo say they urn n Uiip the old bra k A trnnilrnt 1 K btler bun opened 111 Mi gondi in tea l torn few dnyi Apiln wu soy Itrolll home indulrv I agriwwllh your correnjomlDiit nt Iliiiefer lhat It It l tliiin eotnitblni not Hrled up In tile employment to tbo tiMtig wen of lithe town there i not a day PM but what a large number mar In found touting In the tore tu llnlligiut of duent jnoplg Who 110 hers to iranmet bunnr TItlol low will sib on the iltnlraml Mftilr lobiieeo Juice orr 1111 t flow to the griitt t niinovnm > of tir ladlvn 1 and In > amt eoN in 11w dmrlnuiil of their i uthlnn while the mrk from lliu Ill not I ilgartle It uli kening to them Vi mull fiom < lit lnkiM 1 Tuimln MiiHinenilt them wit a kick ebact iiI ° lion iirrlrnl of HIP paper + Who In Ii I blame for thi being thinly T A llrownnf thnxalt Uk UrmM 1 uu in Iinii l on hutiucHH this week there n quilts squabble for tliu heat l lion of road aiipfrvltor for tbli pr ln lund l-und probably a dark bone will have to Iw I rolight I In to settle She quMtlon Ill I tin nieiintlnie wtltloiil are being clrcn loud fur tigmiturea 117 I the mndliUle If tin i on n it court will appoint at tin umtlir will 1 hr lettleil with tatiifnction loom pn > at lout Like tb ° eilllar oft rlnna Kicker we are not Mtek Inir its potiilon hut thould it Iw Ihrnit tlwn ii why whoiould Hllbttind the high honor 11 It K I Vim 1Ilon Mi Iblllp reiiltid n telephone trag lui Monday Intliu that her I iUiirhtn > JMU tool tr > sick at 1aik lilt Mr ml a IMr 1 Ihllhp tnutencil to Ih I Turk and llonnIII mMag to he con t llnyurrited > hoots on Tuen ilm Mitt IIIM Noiifliwd I to hr bad It i Lapel that she limy noon Ioe l out U > OII M Curl Ibllliplol Turk City IIi AimingI II-i W Krazler I I Mi l I I clcin0 valkii t into tb < l i i t bl r oili ii n Totsbu inornllig und I uav blniMll up Hi III taken IM I I i loitiu < Unei and guvu bond to j tin n Ufa 1 Uonoi thooonrt f 111 II Moint U I tMvllig the brlt tIll t-Ill I the troiiitd preparatory is hail 1 i if u hoiiwi ii foolll < nl the mill I l W rraiir h i I > Inn N Ill tie t nr I SOC I rnt1 I flu luniral eu i t Mm 1 Vniie i rntm tin larf U u > n it I t Elders u ladle of B 1t I I I rll r lit I Km > I Ik i 1 j u wore present quittanumbiT from i Vwltllle Kenm and herb Oil and Inlmnl1l1l1l11s IlOtnl The nailing on Fnnduy Jurnnry lib aw5 adilrr tnl by Ian ° 11nll nhitlin 01 Knini On Kmionv lat ndrew IVleiMin nl U nn hlp mldrerred llivmerl i tig Mrt Kiln llheaddl l Coaklllr met with the young Udlitol lloekpurton Saturday evening at the residence ol Mrs Jindn Malin In n rnclil tapacity Oft Hllen llnirdof Clttlllllrhouomd I lug w 1 + w doe nllli hrr I rniidnifttlicr L ire VeriwMi Mr 1 SCInn Homer pent ictcmhh hire I but 1ytk vGUnW I with I4tIltI ahQ frllI1 iiiiirioiii it I I Mr O cw CrtlUnJen ionimenr d 1 bit lalir IU n litarher + Monday mornliif w ilh over the Poallllle KhooU I Mr Albert Mllli > hippd the 1 Hrt car bMd 1 of pig from tll plait ixi TiiowU 1 I ii lIh lske I ffo I A ttnueenlvrprtrr I Hint Allirrt and hi I bnithir hntv nil tunl 1 Into whih I mm Im I uIlen I sbhIf worked In lliu right our lly utiurlng nn Inrvrn and latlening nn w 11 heat al IS month or when the lilts hnw done pro < i hug good 1 reeull will Le iibtalneil A Mr Noble of Hilt place commltled Milcble last wrek In culling Id throat Hut later It tinted to la Noble the liorrvfmnnl by Mr John llruwn wlwi I bad tllmlHil n lilBhKmrdffiice reaching fur a hajilack ncnr by nnd hud tllppiil 111111 rot hit owTT throat on thv Imardr mid lint I found by the owner bleeding tlowly to death Thii li llm cond valuable bone Mr llrown hat had the inliforlune to lose by accident UAIKATCM A II Uheadon ol Wabtatch Utah hit been appointed inaimgrr of the Fry Mucnntlle Company ol Morgan Utah to tuccttd Ulcbard Try Sr Mr Wlira don bni been employed by the Union Iaclllc Itallwu CVtupany for tbe put eighteen year ni ngcnt operator and 1 illtpalcbrr and hit friend are legion The lanai wit let of very ont goer with him In hi I new t nturo and wn predict a big Inereate bushes far tho firm m AI is I very fiopulnr 1 with the boy CW nutsrvt11 On bumbiy lat About eighty head o bevu wire wilghcd on Mr T II Slephi scales hire rbv cattle K lunge1 tort 1 iramii A bun RIII wrreln lriitilt lolhciailcrii tuurkitf Mn Thomat Htchlnt loon gall a rick dining the vtuck but It I now ro portiil better Mitt Uuliila Ikadh of CMltrlll bat Uvn 1 hire vltltlng rvlatltei and frlenlt for the halt wnk Mlllnni IM rho cub thllwn frrm aIm a-Im m ho white riding over the Mtinni n i the IIIh l Kortunately IIP win nth ierniifli nt-h 111 1 toltradtndsdorrto I i cut jilt I h It noil lint I Mr J wplilMginorlh Them wm ilnuiv here on the Itli given under the nuiploi ol the Y tooor 11 I forms liemm Mr Jaroet K llenneferclaim In huve hail n One ilrakoiind two cliuktm tiuleii tb other night The iiple i nee1 in l o illllfhint In hunting our the tnkihl If we hare > one BiKl I yxjKHlng him M In thottld be 111 are haring nn open winter color Hatcely two Iaye auks Vo ray ex licit unongb wow In come yet for all I ordinary purpo s MIIIIIIXN Joseph lisle Jr Inught u nluabli tunni of trotter In Hall Luke tact week and brought them to Morgan Till young People i of Morran have given up round dunduy Thoinai ralMti has been appointed butler Ur Co 1 A flnt das hotly hontekaeper cnn hail iwrmmient nniplopumnl by apply liltitu I Iarkliikon A clinng in hn li > cit hat cnurvil n dlipnle ni to who h I the larleu man In town b I M rinnro and J L I llntdon of Coal llle wen In Morgan hint Tuesday billing the illy for H h aiipirune of the tvmlvllln Uiainan ionii > nt in II I hi laiory dirl nvit katunlay iveiiing Thn rlnr hire highly recommend by the l oihllli hoopla and w < hope the peipln 1 ol Morgan will give them a good I reunitlun Ih nun 1 thi tilli11 hat Uin I tlianrl from W ibirto Morgan lot on form tilt the mime of thelH Tin I lllt1 L i hum 111111 In n tin t JKU olgreitnnni ann nnd the ilningi will I IK I apln r1trt I Icy I all I Then nameainu held in hunurllI Hall Lt I i + t aturlit vmiing f for the pur poeor > rfii imtin V o I W lodge I IIIIIII mitt 1 The IIIPI ting vanadlrpiM1 I lit some t I nith ht I rph triton f gds and rI ln < u u f Morgan The object and alma ol tbo order wore I very idoiicnly et forth by Ih l gentle1 r mmi ami iuiten tiumlier of lien IInll1r tu re milled in till lltl Ue hope mum lot teethe protect materially and that It will IN I one of the tlroitgett lt > ftdV itii Iluli I Mt 0 M I Johnnonofloiilillle tlht i Ut l runbi In Morgan with lnr I i daughter Mn William llntellon Mrr I WhMdan of l UnhMlcli ami 1 I Murray of Ktantton wen > in 1 town last I Mnmln Ml niillng Ilia meeting of l lliu 1ry M rcintlloCininv I A mote went It on foot In Morgtn count to I resell tl n Halt Lay Trltsutes I roll OIII9IIC1 election IUIIII I tnlinr Irandi had Iba inWorluip to Imp u ell dollar bill out of hit INK kel and liovrl It Into a eaek 5r > ot t1 bid 1on1I1 w car for liirfc City last I Monday I I 1 II I PhunllrT ol OIn ntilwl I I In Ulu ill l t Wnlnewbi morning fur n few dnv tilt M tbe annual meet ing of Ib U Try Miiinlllp C > mpnn > held In hit city Ui I Mnndai 1 Mr V II I Wliendon I + it leclvil 1ielilont and manager I Ihe nmiMiiy tic 1 It IM r > lgntsl lr1 1 Wheailun afiitncd i barge hart Tttridny I morning > 1 on that date Hum tens II lolkbiiloii of Hie fry Mercantile Comiwny and IheTiunirrt Itlcnd 1IIIItr the name of till former The tmllitij countenance nl Snlnl 1eter wlil now b + fouti I itltli the Try Mercantile Mercan-tile Company The lien mniitui nirnt linjm tiy conrtiou trialment and Mr ilealinp lo hold tin ir old bolo nod gain aOllllt new 1Inh We regret very much tho retirement of both 1 Mr try IIr nod Jr but wish the new inanngomenl thtlrilnrucil i > ro > tllr nnd patronage Tu AhIIlhr II 111 KlllTOII Tines 011 the till I went to Morgan Ingoing In-going there soil return werrou the tall N0y track twenty time There an two crossing by lloblninui place In tin cnnyn which could be don away with ftO Inn at the public li I concerned br keeping on the fouth ill ol the track Instead of the north If the road 1 wai made The river la I covered entirely w itli Ir for a lung dlitanc b > t Ne iii Itic tiiuiuN A jear En i thero rrat tire e fwlof I now In the canyon but nov there It I hardly inou U for 110011 tlrlehing 1 met Ufteen tennis IRIUIII for lie coal mine Wu go our thc divide nnd 1 through Croydin whlrli It I air tenet out of our way h campireil with going through lhi > narrnnn nboiit two mile belon llfiieler If liters wat H road 1 mnde Our Into road tur Iwr Oeri < Itolwrta ettainatp1 I It I would coil about I f1U0toiotwplelelit I Job I fart tpring the IxMI creek high I watnr r larrled aro nv thn rutdi bndi I It 1 hat lion rrplartd by n new one lbl Is tall and II It I a rvllI to the rnnnty awl pnn Irortor nnd l Io mush itiprwlnled bv thv I public on I Th halt llirrir Mnlle Mont Jan 10 It It I now nil i I main Hint the number of laoost s killed by lat night terrible oxploiion I of giant power In I ° hlty Nearly tlfty a ro I utrMilv known to hUll been killed r1 roe city liln mourning nml nil fIu ore III I half matt The relief nnntlni rolled bv j lhs iiiavor wa lamely alltmlnl and 1 l conimltt appointed 1 the eollecllooa cr money for the relief ol thn nllllclfd 1 fautilhw The people are rctpondlng lllicrally nnd roillclint mount lore 1 lime dlitrcM la I already turantwd Al I iiiiniUror tin to1l1It afro mnnalnl hi yon11 1 nil rttonltloll and inner will bo bitch Ihboul I oc Slalom I lip Tribune Information coinejedl by the Aamolatml lieu dlptilclKM that the Weilern llnr bad rtnnh il in 1 ounce enL OIl18nlevr rat nn recchexl willi Mllifarllon by the local uniclnl Their cnmplaeenev however will fionlly I lie 1 shown by the public fur paMengrr retie are to be ont up like a sky l roilitt to very near the murk tint prevailed before the Mnrldn ralrrauledmtalu be1 I inn Ior elghlien inonih the ioali have been ureilllnc with the retorn tlon problum nnd now Iwllcti thev I hare plnml the > rooms jut aliottl when they ought to ln I > The anilrrlilll Wlllum K an 1rbtlt wiled the 17th on the Tenlonlr for UverM > nl Ito for he left an amicable arrangement had Iwer e pale bv which Mn Vamlir bill I llltrur < i n divorce I nllhout ran let The salt it I non pending This nrrniippimintii et Mrt Vnmlrrlillt 2IWiOo year fir till and the tm of the Tifth mien and Newmrt honors during tin nut irltj of their ijilldren IHII riiMu Iron oiintt Ititoid Talk alxait Miuthern Ilah cllmnte durlni tin rai et horn on Newcore day B number of the pnrtli ipanti raced lure fooled While therp hat len tlpehlng In then the-n rthern port of HIP territory tll r n mood or morn IIr hit until girlr too had tu furcgu thin pltuiure no far Mini winter |