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Show Lake Marslilpa May llMtfthe Atlantic Mllwnukeo, WIs,,Marni -t aptaln A 8. Davit, command) rot tin rorenuo cutter drcihaui, reiolvaW a dlapatch from Waahlngtou ordenng him to ship a complement of 7(1 men and pro-leed pro-leed to Cleveland at aoorffaa powlble Captain Davit was nlsoTiUed In tho dispatch If ho thought T5 possible If ' 'he Orialiom could Sn the St. I.awrencd , rapids, thuaKvildlno; tho locka, to past which iroaD ocl. itnto shortonlnif her Ca,iinrIU s is In-estlgatln;r In-estlgatln;r tho aubJeLt I if |