Show ltfl ml ILY HOY i i t tab Oct 2U ISM HIIITIIII 7lutsa s Thoinni lllhhton In Killing ups homo of two rooll1 Mn A Stunt went lo ark Oily to ittend n wedding reception I nm Informed lint binding A Co will ntovu their Ktnmlll from Hlkhurn out near 11 UrUg A wolf rninei dottn Wednesday night amid filtered nt MM Sown llolwong by leaving feutlien only ol threu of har turkuys The Itrpubliiun party held A rally done on Monday night A Hatch II 8 Tow nicml Henry Wulih und Win Archllmld I weru Iho ipenkcri und weru iiultnfair In their argument A dmicu wiwlield hereon Irldayiittn log which was II elllIlReou 1100 town U wan n Uliellt ilancu for the Kumlay school but theme beIng no floor man ngimcnt thu hogs hid n limo 01 their own Five or six between the ages ol 12 I end 13 had tailed alcohol no freely Ihnt they lieuimo I hflpleti loud lot lo bo Illtwl lllIlo IIPOIl With thin mixture und n foe older out but llttlu hotter It I mndeatlnncu that would Jill unit nn Indian c W |