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Show y rm css. By Our Special Correspondents . AtttnifyMlU "EVANS & EVANS , jAtr Telephones! -- r '4Cs:s;44:s&c;d iMececucxtMteCA'fecettcrcettececec S If HOCK, im crr. Eell 20G4K. HENEFER. t FRANK EVANS 4. HENEFER, Dec. Mr. '.'ECHO. .., v i I-- nd. No. 1; COiUnUI, UTAH. Office at New County Court House. ) mons, Pres. W. W. Cl off, Robert Siddoway. John Williams, Moses WTaylor, T. L. Allen and James Vernon. The deceased leaves a wife, ten children and a large number of friends and rela2 tives to mourn his death. His remaini were interred in the COUNTY NEWS.; . 41hinTUt r' 1 --. JW -- . - The friends mrJjr.,9jrX9M9M9JA ECHO, Dec. 5; -- Mrs Joba Jones rptnrned home from gan, Tuesday, wh?re ; she had been called on account of the serious illness of her . mother. SheTefrter feeling some better. Miss Martha Chaussid' spent - Umatemant te Brights Disease Cow-JU- Bw bo Ticlou arowth la Africa or th world." write a trr-elm- . to compare with the detestable and thing popularly called cow-itc- h kaowa to botasl8ta.aa-.-thmucus beaa. Thia li a plant haring sqiall eed pod covered with a close array 0. fine, llky hair, which, when taken loose, fasten in myrlada upon the unconscious wayfarer, and, reaching til parts of the skin, set up aa irritation ahlch words are literally a to describe. A man attacked by this abominable pest glees way for the time to abeolute frenzy. , li a precipice were at hand he might almost be forglren for Jumping orer it, so wholly unendurable Is that burning, pricking, clinging itch." And Diabetes- - a We dealt to place In the hands of those afflicted with Bnebts Disease and Diabetes a M-- Pf pamphlet that la savins human litres. His not an ordinary pamphlet, aaeb aa ts commonly naed to adeertUo medicines, hut is principally made up of report of adentlfleally conducted teeta in a lar arlety of eases, ihowln ; per eent of reeorerfe in the hitherto incurable , pow-tiles- diseases. The apedfles employed in these testa are known aa (he Fulton Compound and the reanlta obtained psora eoaclnsfrely that these dreaded diseases so lone fatal ftha deaths from S rights DUeaa aloe are appalling, ever 100.MS a year. Urting aa kidney trouble; hare at laat yielded tamed!.: selene. The pamphlet is free. Writ te A.e Pulton C., tO, Washington street, flan rtandaeo, CaL , Whea te suspect Bright Disease: Puty , Pan Insula sf Arabia. saklea or hand) Weakness without apparent Ths peninsula of Arabia haa an area eanas; kidney trouble after third of som 1,100,000 squars miles, with s gneat tuinatioe, (saay mow sedissentmonth; ee cloudy population estimated at from ,000,000 on standing); falling vision; day fmrrsinrm of these. to IS, 000, 000. The Turkish province deceased extend their sympathy towards . . the bereaved family, , Office Phone ! o IS 2 ring. Mrs. David E. Seamons, Mr, Residence Thone No. 6. Robert Sutherland, Miss GeorgWilde. ina Sutherland and Miss Lizzie The district schooHprogram Sutherland of Park City wire W ' given by dur district schools for visitort-iRock port Sunday laat ATTORlfEY AT-DAThanksgiving did them much her Thanksgivangrvacation at Mrs. Geo. 'Milliner Mr. and home. - She returned to J school credit I of Caldwell, xIdaho, came to t Tsinan is ' most populous and la The pipe line for the water- Sunday on Noi ninel to attend the funeral of Rockport fertile Aden commands a tohighly to be aa a-s- The Mjsses Evn Richins, Ellen of her works here, seems .cent it William Cossey. tal export and, import trade of soma Warrantv Deeds t t brother, - Tooaer... Dora - Malt by, Sophia Ip sured fact. 130,000,00a lg llllio Estray Notices A yery good time was given Chatssfe and Dollie Robinson; In Praleo rcteamtefinlp'a Oeab Messers Joe Toone, 'Remedy. Grover Qffiet Thont No 8. One ring here on Thanksgiving under the medicine RiR R is no other Harrison There and all Maltby, at Keyes, auspices of the Relief Society J iTifTF myterMteaTiwg lif rin'g i the hall at Coalville last manufactured that has received tended A Association. Akftmter Ladies Young so mnch praise and so many ex fine dancing and pic Thursday night. as of gratitude Mias Maud Carruth was visit pressions Cil EE IHSTAIEH tic. program, to title the O Often (M belierM Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. --W. F. Cromar, our merchant, ing friends in Ech Sunday. tend lacteal, but ie teisUke., Mr.and Mrs. G. 6. Toone re It is effective, ond prompt relief is in Ogden and Salt Cztzmina Ttt!a to Lend, viaiting up-to-da- te Lake, waking purchases for the turned yesterday from quite ,an follows its use. Grateful parents 'ell access te public and hare t extendnd visit, Mrr Toone everywhere do not hesitate to holiday. noorti in 8uma.it Count?. ,f 10,ftC9 le Dr UmC f A good program was given at was at Preston, Idaho, and Mrs. testify to its merits forthe bene COST f f ABSTRACT Contutt m fit of others. It is a certain cure of the Toone was in Ogden, " 7- j conjoint- session co for out to loio croup and prevent the attack Conferenci was held at the Mutual last Sunday night. The school house in the , afternoon, if given at the first appearence louse .was crowded. P. NBELY, of the disease. It is especially In a few Jays we are to have Sunday, The speakers .were OfiitS Vlaick wiAe we f.'Co Wills, Ub. adapted to children as it is plea a wedding, the contracting parties Bro. Youug and Rhcad. Mrs. Ltnsley, mother of Mrs. sant to talce and contains nothDenitet Graham, of icing Mr. John Mr. E. A. HumpKaysville, and Miss Eliza Lake Henry, has been visiting "her; ing injurious. u. nsici ClUtlf not. known resident D of Henefer. The yonng couple also her sister and a friend, took hreys, a well at Mrs. and clerk in the store a Mr, E. lave a host of friends who wish Thanksgiving dinner " Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony, them much jov, long life and Linsley's home. I have South Africa, " says: . Mr. Phene, Toone has gone to used Chamberlain's Cough lappiness. and complete line Nevada to continue work witk Remedy to ward off croup: and OFFICE next to the jewelry the block gang. . coHsin my family1 1 found rit Score. r Mr.1 ' and Mrs, Sommers and tone very v satisfactory, and it t ' , . V me pleasure to recommend hand on a of CTOne oi always family ate, turkey , dinner 6n gives di . For aale Jno. Boyden by city, r , . Thanksgiving, witbj. W, Rail ttl and wifc.T . s, C. r 111 ping lecaiion notices, 25c per dos. Mrs. shop-din-g went . Emily Joone atthli office, in Morgan, Tuesday, ' DEI7TX5T Jane Judd left here on the 5th fort JCemerer JVyo., to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ada C.TuCalUs, - 1 n W Isa bi Cct fi. ., '..S5c per doc 25c per dos I haveJust received an tl3 . Elegant assortment of dress hats. - ft tetn ; r ttmt M, E. Rhodes. Milliner. - H. n J LARGEST t Dentists, most of, HOLI-- - DAV GOODS ever displayed in t the 1 fX Dr. F. Oscood, ?4r - John Boyden f v! f; ts JDK5 locatotfln Wow Hodhe Court i a O. 7 FRENCH, 1 M- - steitenflteteteiniigiiWtetetetetetetetetetetetew 'vLrvL3 " y Ad vrrtise ycttroMS TnTTHE I . TIMES. L A D. ,, Dec. Mr. 5. am Fra Crept i tiCi 1 - r , Edward Sorenson, cuncmMiiiml W iwwwut.1 y ybi ToMusrms WHO Chester CsnbCte. , son y -- 1 Arithmstie' 8honbnd,0omtprcil tv , .'w " Train- -t u Technical Department Civil Eogioserisg, Mechanical Engineering, KiainffEogineerisg, Ilectri-c-al Engineering, Mecbtekal Drawing,' Barveying . ' ; - - - r.-- W Mail Tsscbert Preparatory coorso.Trsinlnf coorssfor Pfimsry Teachers, Grad Teacher log eoarss for Grammar . a r c Normal Department e JC1TSS, 1 w 4 Commercial Department!! Law, Commercial Bookkesplag, , ' s IJJI Corraaipdeaos was srgaaiasd te kIp those who arg wlllia M work te got it ; thos who sehool too oarl, ond aov rsgrot it; thoss who by rooaoa of prsaenteircowsUae tea sot alts ad a rsgaterfehsot, hat are ambitions lor advsacsmsal. Oai cosms iadadsa !! t FC3 Mitchell and Miss Crissie Soren19191X9 Frs Trial. returned home from Salt UP Surest and ftaicksst Ours for all AOea boon from I to 4p. m. Lake about tea days ago, where THROAT and 2.27220 TROT7B 1 nedlrtue tbaas boon All wheeaa should observe they have been working for ZJES, or XOVXT BACK. w war u possibly some time. MART ANN B. CLARE, Jt . - V - a Mr. Mitchell made gamytr Joseph jut the Shoemaker's.) business trip to Sair Lake last Siiramit .County Directory la tbs Aleut for Summit week. Cwawty far Cemmlmteaee Jobs Paakett, Henefer; W1U. a number of our citizens lam Archibald, Snydervine-JohOndiMtff ( ihs TitrMtlml Cbwh Quite 1,HoyUtamaa hb oaiffim tmkaol, cnt attended the funeral of Miss Clark ; Walla Caldarwoad J . - Jamaaaa Treaaarur....... Mitchell at Kamas, last Satur COUITTY SURVEYOR. lawruaua- Xldsd Eeneflar.... day. , ' 7 TT... ' Sbarlff C.W.Xaly Send fill 4 me can orders I your , . Sutmrj d Coneojonetr. . ........... Mrs. Ameuaer... .z Edward Lewis Pw MattlS returned 1 them for you. ....Praak Xvaaa ETAB oahiSe, t'" ' XLXS. . Utah. to her home last Snnday after Attorney . ,..1. A. Joaat Swreywr , tchss! ,Yhte2kow A Sons, Druggist. Education rciLLTHxQOUCKf) Daniel.- - Lewis ar., is still vfcry sick. He has been confined to his bed for nearly three weeks. C.tlTcrPiriir D-3 Ryaalteiw bynca at atsuxacf MARION, l ,3 XT V & I V e . 1 The rsqalrsmeats for admission art Rsadipf , Writing sad Ambition. ' Scad for oar booklet, , - PROOF. . spending the past three months ahaal Suyarlateadaal...: ...Valter M Beydea with her mother, Mrs. Mary BARBER KllOP i s r PREraiCT. OFFICERS. of Rockport. vckery, THE MODERN BARBER SBC?. OPTICAL Y JEIAECER CO., Miss Ida Pace of .Woodland msa" 0 a ... Cou stab I Preeiact Justlcw Clean and Artec block, Smooth, Quick spent las week visiting Miss UM. Syurry .. . Park City...... ..A. P.Martia a ' y Work. Mamie Sorenson ot this place. D. H. Keddoa cr;4 S .Parleys Park ,. . ..S. W. Haat mi LVIMassage sod uii J. A. Kaight Shampooing - a r Ot m ft pteftiwcl? tM cclv A- Mrs. Solcn Sorenson and son ..C. W. XeCamick specialty. ' We cater to the ladies A. t. Part cm t. its bted it ten Ute cr - Ocdw wbteb bac 1 Nynwilt as well as the men. Y Georsre,and two little danghters, P. tin w tbc mi ,.Oaklay......W.P, spent Sunday at Woodland, the Ui H. Paaa . ........X. X Wright t H. haa Hart A. S. Mr, AtesuAci VlC MOtlyns I teaks guests of Mrs. Mary Pace. Xoekylrt.,A.,.tW, D. Biwwa H Siddoway teeter tripe to (teulvilte swd cdjoiciut Fourth door north of Telephone Brown h, Saxrtwwsw 242 School of Correspondence, . South West Temple St ,, Salt Lake City, Utah w bso-l-2- 32 uu 'i -- ., Robinsonv - office. about every tour Vm, - T. A. Smith W.H.WUUO - -t- e 4 4arl wii a 1 ROCKPORT.! ;. I . !tl fwxwiwsmwiukteriMtwimimitsuMWM 1 1 HATS OR SHOES in Boys. ? Youths or Mens StylesY If go, coll ana inspect OurT Lino , which has Just arrived and is full I f j ;; and cornel pie. j We mafcorTallor-Mad- o' Clothing aa WILL and Guarantee Specialty, CALL SBB SAMPLBS. Fii jfi4, s. t. P JF m. w te 2 M te Wts . COALVILLE UTAH1 ALMA ELDREDGE, Mgr 4 Mr ROCKPORT, Dee. William Cossey died 'of aente peritonitis, Nov. 27th, . a 5. .. Wausbty .... T.HoytuvCl .Caalvlll A. Boehaosa a Haa net., D, Haora M, Ittehl S.Pewbue a. I'...-- ! home-o- i , .for sale on" easy T 10 year paymfcnt plan by 7 7 ,Jt CrlWiaflis P'iSCEF'IC XH.Xhaw kite .mJLUrnrnm .mLiWfin.cFfico,PV I w r. Va TtfcT s SHEEPMENi? ,your to purchase- largr or small tracts of go6d?; grazing land' on . time last-chanc- e - : contract,- - eas,-terms.- ' from 75 Pjrice . 9 It cents to $1.50 per acre. For particulars write, or call on. J: W1ELS, Agent, U. P R; R.; Co 'Lands 5i;W. ' 2nd South St. Salt Lake City, Utah. M A I I 4 Of, . . ' w .ir.i'.ir.tPioahCiwI his sister-in-laMayor..,. Prank Rlppaa .... Mrs: Mamie Workman, ot Park kAordig. ........ ...... Wiish ...Alexander Trvaauiw. City ' His remains were brought Harahal,.... toW. Walker to Rockport, Tuesday, The Coundlmaa ... . J B latmoa " O. O. Beddaa funeral over the remains of Mr, .. r 6o. Beard William Cossey was held Dec. '. Y...W. Clark . 3rd! A very large gathering .l.W.t. Haases front all ; parts of ? the J county Atteraey. ....Praak Evans Archibald Buohaaaa Sex tow to to their gathered pay y respects David Prihy the departed one. .The speakers Watormartur .... ..... ....Hyrvm Bala krl arflaar.t.. . at the funeral were Henry Sea-- W. Hlayteite PnteaaefPaa the nd Wyoming piBrimi Cytoa . ......C. Cartl Hock .... 7 . W. O. Keba. - rf :.H. Ctaii W |