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Show I The Coalville Times! H PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ', HB SUllfeUltiTlOV I'ltlCK-lneliKllnj iwtage In tli Unlte.1 Statm, H Cnnatlannil Mnlco, per year ... M H Six months . . " H Three mouths ... ... 0 H Hltigte ropy 06 H A 1 Ml'.STS nlmiil.l lir ma lr by Clieek, Money Order, or lle,jlitrre.l I ctter l payable to 1 lie Oul villi '1 Imn, Coalville City, (Jluli H OISI'LAY One dollar per Inch per month Liberal tilsoounU on yearly con- R tract of SO or more Inches H LOCALS Ten cent per line Oral Insertion Seven cenU per line Uiero.ifter H LrOALS Ten cenU wr line flnt Insertion Kir ceuta per line thereafter H .UHCrH.LANrOUSCliiiKU Notices, Fair. Benefit. Obituaries, Curds of fH Thanks, lletulullom, etc , at five wentt per line each Intertloti H rnterrtl at the Mttofflc6 In Coalville, Vt tit, May 7, '91, as seoon l-olast matter. |