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Show knslhs,jA and a the follow uig dev l,y teafti iri A probably proceed to Greenland la aingtug uiul plating iiAruionn-akilled hie wife end her paramour, to their j the finantJtt'dc were making thsm 'lolm Tlii was quite a treat for ua homes and place of liujinasa. j velvet se v e town of Ortis. The tew day. All aboard are well. A fTe correspond an. I we liojm they will not trail until three had difference for eome time end theotal w 179, and ing week of yicaragntn made a euccesafut tnva- I PTOt Plumh-- r Ituy to. foie that speed u . to Ortls arned a I nns57T,"foi xtf'diiuiftKinci-dhunband of Moequitia. slon li4 thi Robert Knight and two. tf hi dnugL- -, , ,i anoihri evening in lika inannet. r crisis, the like week attention to hie wife. Early paying A car at Lima, O., woa wrecked pay Mitse ten, ' Moley and Nellie, of ?alt 2 thi morning Arellano awoka and found for the purpose of robbery. lnr lots were badly beaten at aggregate 24thm-Uptetheir LaeOtty spent The DsbiI Bright and Hews; Votes h) I not in the room. licit on Saturday wif w (flour iuclnded), The Dali; List of Crimes, Casaaltles, tbit hi the guests of Mrs. Jaiub llufiuiaQ. 'Warl regarded a certain to break fact that the err- discovered the Search and Canada, both coast eveif omtie vurredbore light Gathered la between China and Japan. eat and Other levs Edward .laud, J r.? of Mountain Dell ere again i J nly 24 h ing people were in an adjoining bedJtwecn one of qur citizens took Kansas Penitentiary officials terraria on. at tliejcelebration forced door Arellano the room. Upton open, week befngr, and untiakley man which marred the the 24th. who prefer charge witnesses 'f MO .bushel against shot be wife ia the breast, killing her lat week, pared with,! pleasure ot their fanithe and ftiends -them, Mr. Mclhjdeof Gnuiteville wa once shot OrtU then Third of week and twice, July, instantly, among 6,077,000 Mr and Mrs. Atkina of Tooele were Twe big railway wrecks take piece, tire dancers t Lpton on th 24th. ., -in the Ilk week FROI ALL PARTS 0P THE WORLD. in the breast and once in the knee. 1893, 2,718 P bfubel B! OUR ALERT CORRESFOKDEHTS. muoiig the t isitois here on lie 24lh4 loss of life, fifteen mile from Cinwith his blow with a Ortli in struck bushel the Arsllano Clark dipping corral is now com- of 1892, W W. llortin and wife of Oakley cinnati. killed Forgo Wen order wa the cane. him that. wbich the before revolver instantly. and year for enready plete correspond use, bating been epeut Pioneer Day with us. barrel so severe was blow that the Tbs article extended forest fire are increasing Minnesota , Bradstr tirely remodeled and made more h number of our young people was bent. He then sur- In numbers And threaten the distraction ot Quits th revolver of Week current She of A.II. out foi ItraU UU rage Impnrtaal dipping and making a great point Itniatr; f All the Nwa and (Events In speii4llVj24th authorities. of Crop and buildings of th farmers. rendered himself to th fithe tu of the wheat - CksSumS Prw the Latest Midway at the pleas. eating of labor. For term of dipdug eitiinate Ivniall and Morgan Couiitl During urc rci ii . ot Hon. J. Kestor ehould was Onli a State nephsw in' At the A drunkep negro paasenger ehot and DtspsKliM. ' ilia Past Wank. yield apply cyral. Mias Aniie 'Vernon t ut home once Ortiz, the wealthiest Mexican in the killed the conductor on th Brunswick pon, to export fully Me are pleased to announce through enable, u, if . more after having spent some time in Tat, Tmt5 the ' next twelve county. A Westsm Railroad at BrunwickfGa. that the family of Mrs. Wil- et much CosK die. in as months pMt year. Tha negro escaped. Jaljr liam Vfeavtr, who lire now locap? un Suaaj Vrteay. JwljT eetk. The stock t iyt 1 feverish and dell L. O. R.indell and w ife ot Oakley wete their ram.li on iiutf 811ver, 62f culs; lead, 3.10. 6 tJi cent ; lead, 13.10. Silver, cieekr L'pton, are in the WeOmjwlay. Jwif lOA . unsettl conation of the tariff t lsilors In Uurkpoi t ou J lily 24th. ' fast rcuncrii (rum their lujtg spell of The etrik in California Is declared off. 62 cent ; lead, 13.10. suffers from a big fire. A. J. Pendleton of Halt Lake Silver, Minneapolis in bill. Intereit nd ixtivity center of Thyinfl, Albiy and George Gibbons, steknss-- . th on hare bout. conare China Boise and at verge district in murder in A sulocn row end Japan Maryland Democrat the stilt considering that the with their bundle irom Quklcyt and In hor.ur f Die pipnerr of July 24. sugar, war. A large part of profile ft mu other vention denounce G Orman. ie measure depends on Jin Turner Is tbs victim. of fate whole Mr and Mis. Ucrum Homer were heie 1847, tin- people of Upton celebrated the the schedule oluiies on that article. Debs and his associate are again in Leonard of Boise prove placet took tu the 24th at Peoa. A strong point I scored sgainst Debs on the 24tJi, the guest of Mr, harsh event in l The earnest. morning dieted. Lake M. West Mr ElUalieth ot al rsiivd in indusirial lines to be a defaulter. No the hearing In Chicago. at genet Gibbons. opened beautiful! t nie mount-tinsth i Shoe soon. ot ia visiting w it h her rvlftmes and friends oft. is is asaanlted expected reprisals festival musical repotted thinking The great Yfagner by KoGermany Jspaiie troop ore an the biros of the air Mr. Nathaniel htaker of Oakley a ialle ' oail-ent-s. seeming factories are ruwl gon liero this week. tariff. goods Senate their defeat proposed at against rean guard. They opened Bayreuth, to sing song in h nior of the brave pioheie on the ?4tli. nd capacity, which and at leas Two births during the past week , one The Hous Committee report on a plan The Onion Pacific receiver are anxneers of 1817. Tlieexcrcin of the day on leather. xercise u Buflueme U ANbillP to the wtfa of G. V . Bockstrad. and the branch I to fund th Pacific railroad debt, iou to get rid of wen- - larions. loiisiaiiiig-ef-Striking miner kill two deputies and appropriate Woolt-- mill utjsUll runnirg onfall Othar to the wife of George Milliner. Sunday sort ices on the ISiliwercad-drest-e- d speeclie", songs an, 1 i eciiwtions death A th cf ends iem. Arkansas the la feud In j foully wound a third near Birmingham, by the hi The young men w bo took the part of Tirher of Coalville Sunday School childieu, whose faces fabrics, and wiUNiay exhibit ng spring Ala. killed two j of a pareon who took part in th fray, are ard miners badly Three until mouth, gtoik of Indian on the 24th drerted and acted and William Wilson of iln fertile. bore t lie picture of- - good health. The samples in colliery disaster etWtlUeme- Santa F discovered Hill rise in the Senate to defend that injured ,M jt d accuutubrown cotton ate and blendit ' their part of the program true lo life. The Twenty-secon- d a Quorum of beven-ti- n exercises were very approbate for the j better and acore Gorman and hie make Cleveland to were P. flnsnee Juggled nt;n, Actlvilh i noticeable only town, held their quarlely conference here occasion. Notable was the song liy Min M. Thighum, Colo. U. 8. 1 that associates. Indian r Senate Approp-The report, of cotton pastes among retallet jitiit Jobbers and a large on Sunday, th 22nd. The following Marilm Judd; title: The Writing on , uei Exam, Isaac) Clayton been nominated firemen lose their live and a hunwool riations bill with the Amendment op- - j Six ha . for white ueutand Improved good. - J jor a fir party of ladlea and gentlemen passed Seventies addressed the meeting: C. the Wall at the Feast of Belshazzar. within a week b the reauft of lowest ing the Uncempabgr reservation, Congreat by th Fifth district Repub-IInndr- dred horae are barced to death by through Peoa on Wednesday evening for Jensen of Oakley, EH Pearson and At 4 p. m, the bajl game between nine prices on the cljp. of trminemea will be thrown j Ucane of Illinois, Washington. in Weber canyon. The parly ia out on Mark Elaxard of Ieos, and Roliert Me- -' sheep hearder and th Upton boys took The same reports of dullness, no new out of employment In Colorado on ao--1 QTangier, July 22. It ie reported that Report from London state that th Michealof ffovOiille. resulted in favor of the place, wlii-'I pleasure bent. bee of early ot the Wellman polar expediof dull baeinesi, partially th count members and the featnre, Minister, Foreign gid Carnet, ' J. M Malin of Bockport wa in town Mr. Curtis Dunford of Evanston it slieiP Ini. In tlie evening a grand I have probably perished. and office from replaced coiac from Boston, Pcovb suit of the strike. tion been dismissed w her visiting with fiirnds. bail) a held in the school house. 00 legal butinea on Wednesday. tdchre, Philadelphia, tUUiiaont, PittsThe Santa Fe depot at La Junta, Colo-ad- o Damaging testimony iaintrodneed at j by his secretary. Mist Maggie Tu lor of halt Lake ia are Woodlands, Cal., connecting the Caere- Philip Walker hat been arretted for And Buffalo. Exception burgh wo destroyed by fire lost night. The Constantinople London, July 22.' UeSAVEK. eeeualtand battery upon the pereou of spending a fw day among her relathat Baltimore Vporta a (light increase men to A. R. U, with th wrek la which I of the Standard telegraphs eoldier wot killed near Butte by a W. correspondent A Park G. and write of Cottonwood in soutbern ordera for Mia. L. O. Bamadcll. Ttie trial taka tives. fabric i; fire persons lost their Id light at tbe attempts train. It i thought he woe aelaep on that, notwithstanding are visiting their friends at Reliefer. place on next Monday iiefore Justice F. Mrs. Wilkins of Provo is stopping Pittsburgh, thairou and steel arc sellie clearly established tha track. it concealment, . Flunk Rurnjcr of Park City spent the ing 6(V. W. Merchant, talar ay, 4lT with her daughter, Mrs. W. K. Hunn, cheaper for future delivery than that over a thousand person lost their 24th at Hi ncfei. Agusta Kock of St. Louis, 71 year old, Pioneer ' Day was appropriately cele- for a fow davs. Vest icored the TVesidant. lor spot, and B.ifTalii that (Tie price of live during the recent earthquake. herself in a coal oil, eatureted wrapped i n.v !. i and her Mis. brated in Peon. Thecltixena were awakcoal is downward. .n, Rughuni, William Ciooksteam urn away on ihe Silver, 2t, cent; lead, 3.10, to the sheet 22 A London. diapatch a July ihroud, and setting fire- - jU . uened at daybreak by the firing of anvil ; 23rd with a wagon nltuched to them. an-Foiithem cities wbkli lutv ivdt tl.s viMtjiig Mi- -, i uw lef'4 the Time from Quito, Ecuador, ay Con perished. Gray and Smith grow defiant. mothi-- r d Janies Tow li i , well known to effect c the u tow etare and tha on the at blockade tepmt ripe ndaing After running around for tome time railway fur conihr reach ceniifd Butt. first train The grass pabinet of South Enid, O. T.,-ayMoor the ),,),! jn tins county. Ills motile shipments Mayor Park and the butinea honae. The ut iking regularly they finally lirpugiit up at home, eyeiy cealing budget excesee. Th Finance demand their Investigation of th a after men Ft Sant used to reside thorough wage. heie. of the day commenced by a train and an is estimable crop prosped, g.qjerallv lauTrable, Th Renat hae thing sale and sound, and no dinuige Minister hat resigned. of Enid Corporal Claayee, at I.idv mid well respected by all. ehebting circle one of of covered wegoua going iutocaiup on the done hut a broken seat. the feeling in Senators threaten to pas n tariff bill. filling approved the upenion of th Intereit he la satisfied the eoldier w shot in a Tide were fire Tha Ired'-ruthis Mr. Park. from , wagon corraled, nochang btepbene of Salt Lake DirminghamMIa., suffer from a big a the foreign debt. Pioneer Day was celebrated' here in fr lai Memphii, Nashvillo, i quarrejwilh a comrade, and to protect lighted and every preparation for n noon good style. A fire: wa held in t lie City was out on a visit during the wreck. is eported General A meeting 22, Washington, themselves the eoldier told the officer July in done aa the ( and by Birmingham. l.ailoion, vavmnali pioneer camp made, tootle a uunibcr of th young fotk of Soldiers and a mob fight at South Enid, waid house at 10 o'clock, a. m., where American of th president Warner, the were attacked by citizen of Enid. fall trade it open I O. T. Atlanta early day. While the teamster were speeches, th foi etc., were rendered. Ooydeu spent the 24lh here. ha song, Bimetallic League, and fnal Instantly Wiled thi m inifctnrr eie j fcalisfurtoril'c Four men making preparing camp, getting iog T imiArgvfok Militia guard primary election at J i,wirs address; The country ha now afternoon Attorney Daniel Harrington of Salt lake 4... . I ,Now i a gooil time for parties ititer- - hffV : Uhs-'- . elevator in by the falling of an tfeii i nTom MAMbMMssiM vT,uTirtrf,i?titrTtt ZU(iOU4 wagon, a band of fifteen young men on was Smith, Tony era Louie Baer, noting th mint pf Indie and th atop- very ably handled. The afternoon to subscribe, and also a suitable period l7.l,U'Vd, aiul wi lb i horseback and dressed like Indians made reC9l,t mere Farrell. Henry llomUen, and William was (pent in various yuuursinants ; foot for those now t&king the p.merfuJmlp. hvmvnntb i p 1 awoop down upon t lie camp, when an E. E inert was fatally injured. Th ami lints races, and a baseball it along by tUii,g foi the a.: me. ii since railroad traffic Cugllaii, Sarrlinia. in exciting fight tockjdace. The whoop of between ttie first uine anil the gamep Th runs. ,f hand on manlfsat every ar picked-uThe rnor on hsturdav lust is '11 'l,ero from the heat are perience the Indian and the crack of the firearms gatnc I proslretioua Many greatly , nine which resulted in iaior of the the bueineea depreealon of therr. ' here between Jleuefcr and Morgan was has end hand to hand fight was exciting and top of th meti,"'wbw- fci I foA materials, favorable reported in the Eaat. nine. I tliirk it mutt have been won in atrikea sod in general diaoontentthat low. first the latter. called many remark of praise by hunby demand for I s I rtfghout I'uisana on account of the new suit the bote Lohengrin l presented at Bayreuth every w h ere pre v il. Congress w ill eoon ' dred of spectators. After the attack on Between lend 2 oclock thi morning The 24th was celebrated to some ex- crop feeling. Galves-mor- e with Mme. Nordic a Elea, iex,rfo wore. The days (ports ended within complete iti work and the general in all order the wagon train, the citizen gathered at CoffeyviU experienced a subterranean tent not as but uedtl we celeto here, y ceon-trA ingxauuuluu ball in Young and the propect before the Social Hall jn The Northern Pernio and tha 0. R. r resembling an earthn and the bowery where a program of much in- grand strongly There were no vxerciees having ton jrdiliers brate. good dry the evening which was well attended, traffic agreement. then be futly discloeed. Some explosion will N. arrange citizen for miles terest waagone through with. In th a tendency to impiee upon the minds line-- , partii u quake, wbich terrified named to report on 8ttt election, Involving th election it Daniel Harrington ot Salt Lake is out of master A much damage. special caused, end Afternoon there were races, game and a around oui voung people the great contra-- t tom. of United State Senator, have already for a few days. He i be' ween the th proposed divorcement of branches of town li aitaafod artroug north V data for the children. The festivities here rusticating tune when Just the Among pioneers ' been entered Upon end th campaign of of the day wound up with a dance in th the gueBt George W. Young, entered Fait Lake Valley and Ihe condi- tiail rt'ina,dqf Except that due to from Unian Pacific ayatem. natural g welL About the well eeveral for the election of th members of th In Woodland Fred of Larson vert Mr. and Mrs. tireenwail tion at the present time. Tlifre was a material cl fi 1 Th evidence exploelone, rapidly f"wing DKfiic) are ditiinct evening. Nothing transpired to mer the for th Fifty fourth Codgree for lion on another, awoke conenjoyment and all voted the celebration of Park City were down and pentthe game of baseball and a dance for the resumption ,of uokee Minneapolis, fit. etreng sgsinet tbe men arreated these of view In near Sacramento, by will eoon begin." 34th with oat of v i Children ami a ball m the evening for ( foveland, a grand success. b luth. Cincinnati and wracking tbe train the executive committee of th who jumped dition, loat. were five live 8volume which in . E. moults which were well attended. Mr, rt tool gain Young and Mr. and Mrs. A. the Paul and Th wsateer is delightful and just th have brightly lilutp' Bimetallic League Colorado American of Etrtl in Richms and wife, while driving Louisville r on the part Peterson were down from the Tark to General the Tarsney tr tendency' kind w want for growing crops. call Adjutant f thought it adviaabl to from Coalville last Friday night, met of trade, w t ! move to the country attend the celebration. I ' declines tn go to Colorado Springs to aid of tboe who belie v that no B. R. E. Vixx. with puite an accident. While driving of currenc ibber find order for fall in tndsmifying ths men who tarred and condition-count- ry HOTTIVULK. Improvement fa tha K OAELir. h Stevens below Echo, Kansas Cn & as loti, Bumereus, and at Omaha foathersd hi throq lane, for be can hoped Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crittenden left the Everything was very quiet hereon Ivrsea became badly frightened and de'ivary h, liant are ordering more et earner Sterlitenik has ia pi Russian The standard policy gold present for Evanston by cart Sunday morning to ran iilto the a wera hurlea high in- the 24th. The town was almost detotal volume of trade at been unk and 100 peraona drowned Both occupants of country tm fent. favor th who and those crashed into and populated, the peopls all going to Peoa the bedside .of their sick daughter, the btggv were thrown out. The tongue freely. Tf withstanding rumption to daoMndlng. air, U I in .tandard bemetaUc et restoration th Wash Adkina wa hanged at Fayetta-vill1 of the to e th Indian krxilicltthat took Mary, who i laid up with inflammatory of the butfgy dropped and ooe end of the Chicago, that in the tisighbothood the is cottage affic, relatively light, W, Va., yesterday for tbe murder tha United State, with the free coinage rheumatism. ful y thirty rock On weighing neObyok wa forced into the breast of of rail w aj 16 rttioof at being most active; price ot Ik Bedford foet November. th eilver of both gold and build-- i Th program for the lloytsville 24th one of the horsetf, fell through the mo! ot a bouse Charley Owens of hsbraska passed killing it, Mr. and for grocer lc moralized, and some to 1, to be held at Washington Thareday 1 powd. into broke the men armed jell abandoned wa celebration Thirty miseed the LccupanU. carried out in e most Mrs. Ricjd.ua escaped with afrw bruises. leather ar ttre temporarily uni barely through this place with 20,OOQ fin considerWoodville. Tex., seized William Grif- Auguet 18, 1894, to take into at Bel disturbance. that tbe manner, labor which satisfactory were Utah. excepting bought in mutton, ing projci asTIIK ftTATfi or TRiDE. favorable report eome fith hanged and hot him. Griffith II. M. Meecham ia abeut to make Oakley Red Belt failed, foretome unowing t oust decide upon the policy to be pursued to a little gbrb known cause, to show up; so tbe boy m here general trade ia saulted acre around the well th earth A ftiiHinary ut (p4Ul T!rgrBrn to tively tbe uia, about the change in th monetary thirty snTangeinente with bait Lake company bring Hag wheie with and their home first nine. At emuch improved, from St. waatornnpaa if by a volcano. Joaeph Walwitz was hanged at Tren Rrdtrcels. to put a quarts mill up the canyon where played policy of the Government necessary to boalders several hole, Dorn while bow dance Mr. Jetnl me Crittenden the of of for favorable murder about, lay crop the N. reports ton, J., yesterday Th diaapyiearance of the great rail- said to b he ha a fin gold prospect. restore prosperity to th people. feet deep, g took the prize given the oldest female territory atitnulate aa many of them fifteen to thirty Keeper Jama B. Lippin Deputy Prl-oway efrike-o- f 194, the revival of regular Dequeue House bed Ii Is reported that there will be s partner. ceme. whence and ' showed effect they other, his jobber JrW. te while among escape, ( colt Mondsr, Jalv trying freight schedules, and the Customary (r,ibutar and railroad com op the Provo river to Full-me- n other handlers been shattered, barn toppled over, Th third annual family union of th Two hundred Denver Coxeyite iraprie- movement of produce ami meichandn-- e proved h ahippera and Deb aski the. public to boycott before Weber croe to the then and where op Kern, messes of earth appeared C. II. J. West family was held at the by w ater and rail, have done murh'to Ft. Lou nd produce are, nqverthelese, onej tt g,dney Neb., ar threatened ears. it t the gold field. It is thought the the ground wa ieveL The etrange and of tvphoid, caused by perishable an tending C. H. of with on iving fruit ia latest West, epidemic the tsvUle, Ifoj restore something like tbe preceding In steam carriage! unaccoantahle. cere will be running soon as the sur- nephew, phenomena are Pioneer Day. There were present thirty volume of trade. Tbe most anticipated. At Fort-e.- , poor and unanfficieut food and filthy fadRacing freely not Pc in Pari. encouraging veyor are expected every day. has crowded troue Into , nsMSsr-us- o Improved, eurroonding. They are of tit visiting member and ConnecX ' general statement is merely that genera! busi- goods.; A bimetallic conference i celled to San 3.10. their for half at fishing ia very poor as there are too tion of the family. A nice bowery wa ness is lead, is a ; 62 cent mafkedfecovery enough not , large Silver, building land, on August 18th. only approaching th usual volume is still number end ar obliged to eleep on the meet in Washington many after them and two much powdsr erected in the abnde of the tryes near The return to and th 4,altfomb tna Butte etriker ere arrested. Orithe In proporUo, of the E plague used. The ravage tbebouse, under which tbe family spent work of potters at Trenton and WfiecP Frauf the normal." The engagement bare floor. Debaa case goes over until th Septement are very serious. sseTtoloadlumheFat Puget Sound Ui happy lmurs of the day singing; OCMPOBT. placard declaring that lawe agalnil ing, employes at Pullman, tube maker lit loy term of court. ber beout War is almost certain to break xandria, Egypt, the first instance liberty having been passed by Parliament Pioneer Day wo celebrated hero in a reciting end givisg reminiscences of at McKeesport, Pa., a further return of of a' wrangle th a well Deputies engage to French and China ie Japan. on the kind, reported, anarchist mort use all meant for th tween in the Gonnellsvtlle coke operatives successful and appropriate manner. At the post, and compliment . lead to duel. from San which of export A may wheat raiee In to .the at ption of the rumpua appeared big evening, commencing bourgeois, annihilation Senator promise 10 o'clock the people met at the hall. region and of coal miners in Western ar of oSn Idaho United McConnell Kingdom. to tbe meetcisco 8 Governor over Cleveland letter. on walls of Peri yesterdav. At . states, together with Th program woe aomewbat lengthy. about o'clock, tbe follewibg program and Southern of for the of apprehension reward a th concert we for carried 15,000 which leader out, Socialist evening labor Thursday The exercise were, without exception, A echem U planned by nearly all retenlly striking railway ing of leader called upon the people to organ to control the varioua State and national Kneebonea murderers, ec illation in wool makee price well rendered and appropriate for tbe closed at 12 oclock ; A tong by C. H. employees, w 111 furnish more industrial West ; recitation by Eliza and M. A. employment within a Wisconsin, Iowa end Illinoie, in their Ie firmer without any Change in iz for aociel revolution, fortnight than at day. The hall woe nicely 'decorated J. guard. 21. A. M. State Convention, d?noauc taliona a yet, and th dispoaltiou to Colo,, July to Republican divert Creek, Italian with flag and flower. All present West ; harmonica solo by C. J, West; any previous date since April I. Cripple emigraCrispi hope and come ent d back woo! in lb interior i more Livingston, agent of th Midland Ter- tion now directed to America to th colo- Demecratie miarule, eastern business center report eeemed to have an enjoyable time. A comic song, J. J, Bowen ; A circumLarger committed miile are for Henprotection. by at inounced. A song, Gillette, stance, Rail war Georgemany geod Draper a f minal and wholestrongly Africa. other dance for th? children in feeling joblieie nic the in among given suicide Iving in advance of present requir-enlby blowing out bit 11braiDi Florence Cenway, a chambermaid, afternoon from 2 nntil 4 oclock. Tbe pecked Club. by J, C. West; song, Mrs. sale bouses favorably to a revival ia trade men were cent to th hospital Three or wool book Hie of Mrs. Elizaright Jessie West; revolver. eome and by purchased recitation, euicid at Cbeyeun,. Jearinf soon with as a tariff large we cmBtnit in have shall and atoUon legislation to other avening toeing epent and a like nember the police which show that Perry Bijfkford, arrive are reported at Philadelphia, in and why he should hev token hi life ia a stockyards row at Chicago over field sport. A ball ggine between tbe beth Leaker; duet, by Mr. Carrie been definitely settled. Dealer w est, ltera of Wyoming, Wa bar art from the interior and hi part from is not know. Hie mother I living et can of beer. Surveyor-Gener4 wo nine of Bockport resulted in vic- Wright and daughter, Mercy ; bsrinonica northwest and southwest at larger , ' W, W. J. by eong, lover. Wright; center - announce .urope. The actual scarcity of good, llamoifrevllle, O. that tory for the juniors. A dance for the th. Tweeday, laly of many mill,, 21 -Tb at the closing cyclone y are running with adult in the evening concluded the West; recitation, by C. H. West; a country merchant July preventing Boise, Ida., f TBICAIfLIMAKItT quiet recitation by Mr. Eliza West ; a very small rirkks thaf lhey continue to r uas mad The constnnption greater than Elk City appear RThav been chiefly Silver, 82 cent; lead, 83.10. ; days exerciser. w three at theeale aid Lillie Weet ; buy only for actual wants insight. Th waa anticipated, Omaha Markate, par Paaa, Lift WtlfhW The strike la declared off al Butt. remarkable for iuf violence. There Air. Joseph A taker and Alim Eflle But- - duet, by Mercy Wrigbt and u. than u year ago, no lo of life- - The regoin is sparsely ' Mra M. A. West; eong, effects of the chief market era rsnukt hy contrtkover th Da via estate The for of Batlerville, Mr. A. Goodwin of recitation, by rectqjt widespread big Dressed beef, corn fed . . . 84 2034 25 in Lizzie Weet; eong, by David unknown are against pound by S,8S7,r6 and andtvcloue only though transimrUtioJ settled industrial et lAlte. renewed ia e arid Mis Evaline Belt Lake City Western Steer, per cwt . ...13 00 J4 00 7-E Wright; circles are now making' themselves felt 2.292,850 last yearjard 8,145,700 in 1892. outhern Idaho, and it i seldom that of Coalville ere guest of Mr. and Bowsnj aonr, by Carrie Rosebud mill at Cripple Creek Sheep, Westerns, per cwt .. 82 25 r2 78' The far tbe ia thua kind experienced .. 84.90 .st 6.0 For the month of u'y recitation, by George Draper; long, by in bank clearings return) the aggregate anything of the Hogs, per cwt Mr. W. A. Stakar. has been burned. .. 82.761' . 8, 032. ...... C. H. J. West and other; eong, by T. thi week being whereKia northero-aectio- n, against sales been have 13,345,183 h! cwt.,,. more Cows, per the only 1827,000,000, a eerer over- Bulls, Cleveland ... give Mr, Carrie Williamson' of Norib C. Weat j reading, by C, H. Wert ; eong Gorman whila-pin1892, cwt.... ia per ,850 400 last year, and 50,131 Ranchvhranffertd, dropna compared with the. preceding Kama ha returned borne fter baying by Mr E. Dun Review. UterallyrawegthW large hauling in th Senate. Leaker; eong, by C. W week of about 3 per cent., and a ivm , timber Tbe Blade he good pent about three weeks here visiting Wright; eong, by full company, Good Dr. Cooki lrctij, expedition ha re ' tiacts. Five inch of LaiL fotl during pared with tbe third week in July 189 i that friends. Mre. Williamson ia an old resiimproper That by It something atoamer John-the N. F., turned to 8t Night. Th company whs made up in ef 15.5 per cent. There are 21ffbusiuei mines 30 the atorm. stant of this place. methods in the Fenn'-ri'an- i been damaged in the evening to about forty-fiv- e Miranda having Caeimiro with future reported iu the United fetat1 21. I Antomto, Col- o- July to 40 per cent of the anthracite coal wee A number pf our young men were out fi lends invited lb. All bad a with an Iceberg. The Miranda good time thi w esV, sgainst 229 last week, a eof ig ' Arli89 of twlj tbli ffiomlog bot tad lost. . on the night o( the 23rd serenading the and on long to be remembered with formerly w itb 527 tn the correspond J pared people. They went from bouse to bout pleasure. Meat el lb family returtid wek cb year ago, when tb effect I j I fhvatea ii con-lenie- nt "frn thl'nitd TtlsnM d IS. lafi-hin- g , 1 d tli-ef- noa-psyin- g . Juph ixt t-- a L Qg, ni-pvs- m ' 1 advi-eqjh- ' ha nro-.i)n- - at & s jd lud wr Be-na- rd f yAd U-c- H elt'tue' fri. e, hwJ3d -- hav-'-e-tt- ' , f I'1? p r u. r I e, u'brissr 0?. f Ira-lin- n ' J e. J s. y I eolOf-byC- z- sm hg g Eld-redg- 1 . e col-Usi- '"'I'iL CO. : vs |