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Show N r j V i v r HN ECHO, IBMIMaHI GENERAL MERGE! AND I SEO 1DEALER IN I Am A:fter And in order to get ! AA it our cC I Have Marked Prices Down to Bedrock ! The Following Goods! offer you BELOW COST, in order to convince you that I Mean Business. ' a READ THIS: . Ivoolt tit rDIES, Drawers, YARNS, UNDERWEAR, ETC, . ... Corset Covers, Etc., I am closing out at look Come and Cost. at these goods and be convinced. Below away Do not wait for "Winter before buying your Babies Hoods, Childrens Jackets, etc. Buy now, while they are cheap, and before the season sets in, when you will be obliged to pay double. Come and see my line. . ........ . - WOOLEN SHEETS, SHOES, CLOTHING, ETC Night Gowns, Chemise, Proto Varus, high colors, per pound, f .60 .80 German Knitting Worsted, black and white, per pound German Kuitting Worsted, colored, per pouud A. ,yo , Wool Hatting, per pound. .40 . Canton Flannel Undershirts, job lot, each 450. and .60 i.uo Califofnia'Flannel Undershirts, red and blue, job lot, each in own 6f odds and at in lot ends Underwear price, Job jour order to make room for our large stock oftall goods. A No. 1 Black Corsets, sizes from 25 up, regular price, .75 f 1. 25, we are now selling at . - . A -- full line of Indian Tan Buckskin Gloves at duplidOe them in this section,. $1 per pair. You cannot Why wait for winter to buy your woolen sheets, when you can buy them at half price now? I have a fine line of these goods, which I will sell jou NOW at only f I per pair. I have just received a fine line of Ladies and Gents Dancing Pumps. Call and see them. An Elegant Line of Gents' and Childrens Clothing Just Received. For a few days I will sell Boys Knee Pants, tbrre pairs for 50c. Au elegant Line of Winter Dress Goods Marked Down Below Cost. Remnant Calicos at Almost Nothing. 1 will have a Genuine Clearance Sale and the 'counters will be loaded with bargains. JOHtW Full and Complete Line ot Groceries and General Merchandise Always in Stock. David Moore, Iifelew at Hkewea'a, undertaking etab half hy weight, proved to he far superior the last day, to-- it : Kaluutny, Kenteiu-- : bailment, while the whersahouts of j to either wheat, corn or bailey mixed ber29th, for the purpose. of attending to G , Modesto Siclier, bis slayer, are tin-- ; ami fat in the same manner, both ai to Alt matters relating to the revision of Alvin 1rows of Oak City, Millard known, the latter having apparently rapid gain and to the amount required the bats not previously completed, ami for ons otiiid of gain. of IV, The compensation lor such sercqunty, received a kick in the atopmeh realized the euormitv his crime will not in any rase excee I three 2. tecotid. The and wheat mixture route vice. so far success, a determined. tram was Lorre made he a last week tending and died in nine hours, lie .uttered in ful attempt to elude the officers sf the with corn and barley following hi the (3) dollars per day for the time actually Sad dr.lei In all kinds of and necessarily employed In doing the tans, agony, but retained conocionsnees law. The particulars that led up to the order named. The 3. pea mixture gave a gain of work, last. Kalina Press. to the killing are briefly related a follows: as V. All accounts fur services should LIVE-STO- CK. About two years ago, Modesto Sicher, nearly 200 pound, more than the wheat ' Tbs sealed verdict of the jury in the located 225 what is now known as the mixture; pound more than the corn be rendered a lien the work ha been Erickssn adnltry case was opened a hep Remember I am still selling Roe mine, about a mite and a mixture and 259 pound more than the coinpleteil and the books prepared for tester-da- y Black from came Ogden Sipilh Judge and for the judges ami county cattle.on commission ami will Par in mixture. water tanka the liarley alaivc half posting city id 4 ban afternoon at oclsck.'It 4. While the pigs averaged the same clerks, and should be carefully prepared meet auy competition. defendant guilty with recommendation levs canyon. A small cabin wail erects! U .89 of a to avoid delays. who table is Siclier an Austrian IV') (see weight Do not be misled bj patties there. speaks required Provo of mercy. Enquirer, The commission calls attention to professing to understand the pound more of tile wheat mixture, 1.41 English indifferently but Italian-verA shipment of air ton of nice carbonwell, Mura no secured a half interest pounds more of the corn mixture, and every dutad as laid down in the instruc- business. I have the experiate ora was sent in from the Agnes mine in claim by furnishing Siclier grttb 1.4.1 pound, more of the barley mixture tions and statutes, and ask that all the and ence have of what I one the recently, and James Larson, and loolrtu develop the mine with. A to produce i iHiiind of gain. III in of the registration officers see to U that thews can do. Othersproven wtll bparators, tells ns that he is taking out shaft lias sunk to the get this prov boons aredaTtliTuTly carried out. depth of twenty-tw- o pea mixture. ... ora again, and will have another nice at experience your expense. 5. lie exPeas and wheat proved to feet but the returns were very small The people quickly recognise merit, let ready for shipmant by the first of the' and Mnran took Figltulo up cellent feed, fed mixed with bran in the and yesterday tins is the reason the sties of flood's Bulletin. coming ynonth. Bingham there as stated ti,$xaiiiiiie the mine manner described. are continually increasing, Sarsaparilla makof are the Spy mine Tha leasers 6. Reckoning, poik at 4 cents per f final's is on top." and secure essay samples to ascertain a. iiTMisnr. ing another ahipaient of ore. They w helher he would tie justified in going pound, live weight, after- - deducting thw la II. have four leainJ at work lianling from to Strictly af af cost bran the who is 'wheat further fttl ton, per expense. Sicher, any 95. CORDOVAN, n Tbe Chicago, Cuion I'acihc and the roiue to Silver City. They have said to lie of a very suspicious and vin- fed in this exjierhiieiit brought 89.4 rstNCHA ENAKELLEC tALT Line offers the down to V FWC CALF AKUSAUCt shot ben obliged temporarily dictive nature, took offense at his wnt per bu.het, or $1.49 er cw t ; pea to the traveling public eiiMiite to POLICE. J Sous. threwot-- in the mine, at the ore Inn. 3.U 1.79 corn $1,27 per cwt.. and Cliicotfo. Th rmigti trains, fast time, perrwt.; partner's comae, wilh the result that are all full and until this shipment is he came from bis cabin and suddenly barley 11.23 er cat. uiagtiifitelit sleeping cars, elegant dinsleepers, reclining r hair completed have no place to a tore their confronted him w itli the avowed object 6. On tlie above laud peas should lie ing curs, colonial 2.Ly8ovcv5fm. cars and handsome dav coaches. The Spy is now a steady producer o( eret worth i percent more than .heat) .News. . 1E3 kinil)g of a good grade of shipping ore and the j while corn slMinld tie worth 11 pur cent ThkTiwfs job printing farihtian ar DOHSOLi Iirst-claleasers are making a good thing out of and wi guaianlt-- s good Et LI KTIW no. St lew. amt Mi ley I? percent le."1 CXTMiieVI Work. it. Tintic Miner.- Tin jogs were pnre-brt- d Berkshire.; k BROCKTON, MASS. . Our i ami timU . Another mining excitement has Woken It. tall Vilu of I'arnl. for lh. F reSue. the gain, were only moderately Vm eaa saet by MKkulM W. 1 ef Park.' tlss s. Bkmt Tlirtingb Galina passenger 1I...I.S through trams, excc-jivYet not it is thought out in siuf canyon. Tbii time the we I.ryeat aiaaaf.at.rer. of Bacaats, sr. Bull. tin .No. 31 of (be Utah Pxieri-- j trams, quick tiinn via tlretlii-cago- , tdv.rtiKd ia tbe world, aad that the general row of pig. in the ler-- I freightUnion .boe. scene of the trouble is but (nnr uiileg Pontic and Northweatein th. lo by euwpla tb a.nw sad price aa men! Station diwnsws a subject of! from Batina. Nobody seems, to know nt.irv would not lo to well. Linn to the arim ipal cities east ti the th. bottom whK. protect, yo. .(.Hut hih much importance to the farmers A Utah Oarsho. Miaaonn Kiver. price, sad the suddtem..1. prohts, fiiM the nature of toe Bad, although ills at the .d J equal re.un work Wta sty!, may sold tune. Those who are present everythem of tremendous Issd rumored that a wc.rtof qaattllee INSTKI ( TIOXS TO BKUIKTKAltS laxly call where .1 lower price for thew.lu. five, thsa as the need If hi are a to hat ofMegsl blank., ditcueripg question you ..batiun. If your ore, rich in silver, has lieen nncovsred. with their wheat Will be any othce m.ke T.k. as we Tint Tiais ottice. ru. bold by dealer c.BBOt tupply you, very much k.llaillB W.MtdMltMr Ktk I rein, at Locations have I weir made by R. E. a study of this bulletin. The tactual. by profited Ball, Jesve Htaele, tieorg 8. Smith and of the bulletin is the Relative Tb. fallowuig supidsuicntal iastrnc-(ion- s 1 -- others, Sjid a surveyor hat been at work subject JAMES E.HfOSMERALJG of Wheat, tVas,CVn and EarTey to rcgi.t rars ha ve 1 leeTTissned by Value this week hasting' boundaries. The Product mw of : tiie a It is the Itsli Coiiiinisaioii in pork. Pres, would take little interest in the record of a FRESH FRUITS, In order to secnr feeiling experiment with Bbyslelaa and Surgesu, uniformity of ? matter were it not I list Mr. Boll is conBoikshir. alt of winter on Iiug. the lion of th. during rrgigti.timi patf of man nected with the work, lleisa 1S93-9Tlteie were four sets of lug officers, and prevent any mi.under-.Undid- g VEGETABLES. sound Judgment and a prospector with a Oty aad tyaaraatlae Fkjsleiaai n was fed one wheat the bran in fed; elector., the ixiuimis-sinby amj world hf 'experience., We hoie a one pewe-anissue by (he projKirtioiis equal following, weight; H supplemental Full Stock of Confectionery, in sight. Salina Press,, , luan ; another corn and bran and a instruction : Coalville. Sunday last J. 1, Hunter, a fourth barley and hraiv. In other re1. That portion of the statutes lelat-'pj'J- ''' and in i, ttii e. at sll Iniura except when away year a of age, and an , SjL,otchiuaa1T5 spect. the conditions were equal. The ing lathe time for a revision of Prices m Coalville, pf the county infirmary, left that on bu.tne., Uffi e on Main street. striking resnft of the trial is thegieat registry lists (p. 241, a. 3, pgJl9, vol. institution with the expressed int.iumn superiority of pea over tbs grains. The I, 4 law of 1888, and rule HI of compiled of attending the TaWrnacle service in exerinient extended from December A, In.lriicliont) ia conatrne.1 liy the com-- 1 the afternoon, as wss bis regular rus-to- 1893, to May IS, 1894. During this time mission to mean, thutrach registrar I lit lia. live n iuvariablv in the the pigs in the ser which were fed peas shaj) at any time during the week com 1 habit Of bouse of his sou calling at tlis made a gain of 1 .09 pounds per pig per iiHMiciiig Monday, Meptemlier 24th, enter: r oj the way, tint lat Sunday omitted to day. Those fed w heat gained ,69 pounds on liis registry list the name of any voter t pay his usual visit, and lias not been per day ; those fed corn .63 ; those fed that tway have been omitted, on such' From Tho sitfoe'ieen or beai d of herealiout. The liarley .56; or, during the whole period, Voter j appearing and. complying with , Rich! Delicious! , old gentisuisn Las while hair and whisk the three pige fed p4aa g lined D28 w heu he last left and wore . glaea, ert, pound, and those fed on wheat 333 the infirmary wn wealing twocuats, potiml.. Wheat ranted next to pta. in j H. Tha Genuine when in Patent only Original Ah supplied lagi.trars or their deputies f one black the other hrewn. Any infor- making growth. j in Ihevitiexof Salt l.ake, laigan, I'aik tight Canisters bearing grower's name: W W ill gladly . It will lie noticed (bat a lanhel of mation concerning hitu City and I'rovu, should hr in theirnltices , v ed by rn-e- i Miperintendent Joel F. wheat in this rare prodiued-ahni- it HO for tha transaiiion of liiiainen. during f Allen, at the county infirmary. Iteseret cents worth of pork, Tlioaa interested each day of tha revision week from 9 ta j Thesa delicious Teas are used in almost every houm News. in feeding wheat to hog will la able to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. nt 7 p. m. No. i is unanimously 3 the Old Country. Lipton's front this experimeut Just Ilf. In ail other precinct in th , There was a aioet eaiMtnmary tragedy figure ant lared to be The Finest Tea 1 he World Can Produce. how t much they n.aks out af leniiorr enacted In Parley' al.ive iiLnned) anvjt ye.terd.y about f Sunday the registrar or deputies IhuIi1 I flscHiEfn j .aftei no.111. Asa result the their wheat by i (hung. It is sg as follow ; . tfi.ir office, or usual place of coiidin tjng body of tsuiseeppi Murano, aw Italian Stun cutWr of thu city, lief cold and eiitusii. hsif saj i rgiratu.(. work durig it,. hoh. f Wholesale and Retail Agen,ts,' PARK CITY. UTAH. i, BRIEF TERRITORIAL ITEMS. RutcheR '"t k co COAL COAL W.L.Douclas co eunp . HAND. wv vnUuiMu,iiiiit S'mlh-wester- s him.-Des- I I fl I ierr A.T WASATCH MINE. t. he to-d- o 1 Jos.Hartley. " L THE i LAj.2.00 Vf 1 is d l.CSO ?''! at 1 DUinii yrms Direct Fragrant! tea: I Tea Cardens, v Lid Pnvl I Deli cH.c.e. UPTON, TEA PLANTER, CEYLOrii. (exi-ep'- d iws.iij - l9 the - Si pi: s. ' i iheegshtile mmi PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY |