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Show UTAItTLir.O SUOORaTION. flrrt l (ape l- I M.I' Mr lttk Our AaUtle .Mlron. Yahlntn, April . Tba naral ofDelHlt hate nntlcnl with Mine dlf luletmle tlw fuel that the Hpanlth Heel al Cie da Vanle, bafnra Inuring under order of the I'ortngH-jw goremment, mada haney purehoofiippllt there They nera of a Tmrled daaerlptloii. aueli at medlclna and iiilaevllaneoa giHxl. for whleli In ordinary time tha lleet eon Id a antlly liam waited until It reaiheil ft Hwnlli purl therefore It I Miepected that the purrhanea thow n purixtte on tha wrl of the Spanltli nl-inlral nl-inlral tutUirtoiin longerulM A rather startling tuggealloii made In till connection con-nection I that the Hpanlth lleet may make directly for the rhllllpplnea, by nay fifth Capo of IIimhI Iln, to attack at-tack oinmodore Dewvy't Atlatle Miiadron, which It would fill exceed In atrriigth ThuHut lenunl lieliigoliMed, under iii'utrullly tnwt. lo waralilpt of I l-rlllgereiil. there would lie nothing to do III thl cnte but tend tonic of Admiral Ad-miral Hampton' ahlpt oil n long, atern chaeufter Ilia Hinnltli Heel, or lo Instruct In-struct Admiral Dowry to repair to home water. |